22 August 2014

Published August 20, 2014 by rochellewisoff

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The following photo is the PHOTO PROMPT. Does it speak to you? Do you see only a vehicle? Tell me in one hundred words or less. 😉

PHOTO PROMPT -Copyright-Roger Bultot

PHOTO PROMPT -Copyright-Roger Bultot

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Genre: Realistic Fiction

Word count: 100


            “You’re unbelievable, Trisha,” said Joe. “We’re stuck in the middle of nowhere and you’re reading poetry?”

            “The tow truck’s on its way. Nothing we can do but wait.” She grinned at him from the passenger seat, her feet propped on the dashboard.  “Relax. Enjoy the breeze.”

            “The repair bill’s gonna be astronomical.”

            “Could just be the battery.”

            “Or the transmission.”

            Joe’s mind raced from one awful conclusion to another as he paced back and forth in front of the stalled minivan.

            Trisha giggled.

            “What’s so funny?”   

            “Listen.” She read, “‘O someone should start laughing! Someone should start wildly laughing. Now!’”

To read over Trisha’s shoulder click here. 

91 comments on “22 August 2014

    • Dear Björn,

      A dear friend of mine gave me the book “The Gift” by Hafiz. He had a great way of looking at things, didn’t he? Somehow, I don’t think Joe’s gong to get it and I’m sure he won’t laugh. 😉

      Thank you.




  • This is a wonderful piece Rochelle – more so because you dared to venture out of your comfort zone. The beauty, apart from this alone, is that it works as a wonderful little story.

    Too often we are so overwhelmed by the sudden misadventures that befall us – if we knew enough to step back and see the “bigger” picture in the moment, we’d be far less stressed and I dare say, much healthier and happier.

    Hafiz is brilliant. Ranks up there with Rumi and such.

    Have a wonderful day Rochelle 🙂



    • Dear Pat,

      I’ve only recently been introduced to Hafiz. His poetry has a way of turning things around and making us look at things from a different angle, doesn’t it?

      I’m so pleased that this piece worked for you and I appreciate your affirming words.

      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

      • I think it’s wonderful that you’ve met Hafiz. 🙂 I’m sure you will come to appreciate his works — they do turn things around — and often, they offer such a simple, clean and clear perspective that leaves one marveling. I hope you enjoy his works as you get better acquainted.

        And once again, well done with the piece 🙂


  • Good, light hearted story Rochelle. Very much Joe and Trisha’s enjoyed the conversation. One question though. Are you missing a word from “Relax, Enjoy Breeze” as it doesn’t quite fit in with Joe’s speech later in the story


  • Rochelle, Even though it was different from your usual type of story, it was good and well written as usual. The poet and Trisha seem to both have a better sense of humor than Joe. From the look of the undergrowth, he should be glad they’re both okay. Well done as always. 🙂 —Susan


    • Dear David,

      Your comment means a lot to me. I tried something a little different for me this week and wasn’t sure how it would be received. Doug recently introduced me to Hafiz. I’d never heard of him either. It’s amazing to me how ‘current’ his words are…or at least..,the translations. 😉

      Sometimes you have to laugh because it does no good to cry.

      Thank you.




  • Rochelle, I truly enjoyed this one. I actually love to watch couples when one is boiling over and the other calm. I have found myself in this very predicament but without the wonderful poetry to read. Thanks for sharing that too. Dana


  • Dear Rochelle,
    This is a lesson I need desperately learn. When nothing can be done about a situation, its a good time to prop up your feet and read a book. My guess is that Trisha is a far healthier human being than Joe. I hope she can teach him to relax.
    All my best,
    Marie Gail


  • Wonderful!
    I have been on this little “Zen” kick lately where things that don’t matter – simply just do not matter. If it is out of my control – i must let it be. Your story is a lovely reflection of this. Reminded me of my Husband & I. (Haha) 🙂


    • Dear Jen,

      The older I get the more I realize some things don’t matter and getting tied up in knots helps nothing. I’m not going to say that I’m always calm and laid back. Those who know me best can attest to that.

      Thank you.




  • Wonderful story, different but beautiful. I can relate ,once we were stuck in the same position on our car drive and I had to keep my husband in good spirit it was tough but ‘..someone should start laughing…’ so true. Lovely poem and thanks for the link. You really teach me something new every time thanks..


    • Dear Randy,

      I have a thousand brilliant lies for you.

      A friend recently introduced me to Hafiz. Wonderful poet. Ahead of his time…or maybe just tapped into human emotion that is timeless.

      Thank you.




  • Really liked your story Rochelle, really enjoyed the humor, the sense of fun, even in the midst of stress and misery. I really liked Trisha’s attitude, her positivity and her sense of fun. I’d definitely be more like Joe, 100,000,000%. Guess more of us should have Trisha’s attitude and humor and fun and view of the world, the world would be a better place, more fun and less animosity. Really fun, pleasant, enjoyable story Rochelle, really liked this one. They just learn to accept the inevitable: they can’t do anything about it, there’s nothing that can be done so we might as well laugh at the absurdity of the whole thing… 🙂 I’m too much of a pessimist and a cynic to ever do this myself I think. 🙂


    • Dear Clara,

      I can’t say that I always am like Trisha, but I do try to find the humor in a situation. Laughter often beats crying. I’m pleased that my little snippet resonated with you. .

      Thank you.




  • Dear Violet Haze,
    I loved the poem and thank you for posting the name of my blog in the middle of your story. I wonder how many folks will catch that. In closing let me say, your writing flows like water down a tater row.
    sincerely – Big Johnston


    • Dear BJ,

      Posting the name of your blog might have been unintentional, but on the other hand I don’t mind giving you a little publicity. 😉

      I’m glad you liked the poem…hope that includes my story in the like part. After reading your story I’m not sure if I’ve been complimented or not….water down a tater row.


      Violet Haze


  • Hee-hee-hee-HEEEEE!!! “Old Joe” — you sneaked him in there GOOD. Now I know why there are no Jewish truck drivers.

    Are there …?

    Good story. (“Good pretzels! War and whiskey don’t mix. General Grant kept throwin’ up on his bugler.”)


  • Such a wonderful story and Hafiz is so right … in situations like that … it’s better to laugh than build up all that anxiety with “what ifs” … 🙂 Thanks Rochelle!


    • Dear Dawn,

      It seems we both took a different path this week. 😉 Glad it worked. From the comments I see that most of us can relate to the scenario. Hafiz is the icing on the cake.

      Thank you.

      Shalom v’sh’vua tov,



  • Hah! This was pretty much my husband and I last month, when our minivan up and quit on us on our way home. At least it was only a mile’s walk home!

    Well done. Quite a nice contrast between the two personalities.


  • Dear Rochelle, Funny and different! I love it that my husband and I have been there before – well once on vacation with the kids in Yellowstone our fuel pump went out and we were stuck there for 3 days before the park automobile service could fix it. What a nightmare – and on the third day, I was laughing – not so funny – but hysterical. Your story is great – Thanks for the entertainment! Nan


    • Dear Nan,

      Sometimes laughing is better than crying, particularly when you can’t do anything but wait. I can’t say I was quite so humored when my car died this past winter and I had to wait for the tow truck in the freezing cold. However, it is funny in retrospect. If you can just find the humor…

      Thank you.




  • Poor Joe. I don’t think he’s the laughing type. Great character portraits and thanks to Trisha (and you) for introducing me to Hafiz – I’ve been clicking through more and more of his poems via the link.


    • Dear Sarah,

      I can tell you from personal experience that Joe lacks a sense of humor in certain situations. As for Hafiz, I’m pleased to share. A good friend introduced me to him a couple of months ago and then gave me a volume. He was an amazing poet.

      Thank you.




  • I love this. Life’s situations often pan out in this way. This is a bit spooky, since I just posted a blog including a quote from Rumi and found the Poet Seers web site in the process. And I’d just opened a book and what I read was very apt, as in your story. Anyway, unusual twist on the photo prompt. 🙂


  • I really like how aptly you weave in the poem to conclude your story. I read some Hafiz ages ago but had forgotten what he’s like; so much so, that when I read the quotation I thought it sounded more like something from Ginsberg. It’s made me want to read more Hafiz again 🙂


  • Catching up – slowly. I like the juxtaposition of these two characters; I like to think I’m more like her than him, but it depends on the situation more than I care to admit. The poetry is new to me, but I’m glad I clicked through; even without it, though, your story leaves me thinking, and that’s a great thing.


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