30 September 2022

Published September 28, 2022 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Genre: Hysterical Fiction (Wow, what a rush!)
Word Count: 100

If this is phto and story’s deja vu for you, it’s true. This is a rerun of a rerun. I wrote it in 2013 and posted it again in 2016 for the same reason I’m posting it this week. It has been an incredibly busy week and my muse is flat comatose. Since the high holidays are upon us, I take liberty…because I can.

If you’ve posted a story for this photo before, feel free to give yourself a break and post it again. Hey. It’s been 6 years. 😉 Who’s going to remember it? Right? Of course, right!


             Rhoda cast furtive glances in all directions, inhaled throat-burning smoke, held it, and then exhaled, handing the joint to Marcus.

            “Don’t be so paranoid.” His bloodshot eyes glittered.

            Candles illuminated the corners of his darkened bedroom. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida blared from the stereo and patchouli incense tickled her nose.

            After they’d downed an entire bag of chips, Marcus plopped his yarmulke on his head.

            “So much for fasting. Let’s get back before they miss us.”

            Side-by-side they sneaked into the synagogue and giggled through repentance prayers.

            Every year afterward, when Rhoda dutifully attended services, she chuckled as she recalled the “High” Holiday.

The Ashamnu  is a traditional prayer of repentance  recited on Yom Kippur, the Jewish highest of holy days or day of atonement. The word “ah-SHAM-nu” means we are guilty or we have sinned. 

46 comments on “30 September 2022

  • At least they accept they have sinned.
    There are many who wouldn’t acknowledge this reality 🙂

    Of course you can take liberty, Rochelle!
    Am participating for the first time for this picture. Interesting one 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  • Oddly, I can picture this scene all too well! According to the calendar and what I was told, I was born on Yom Kippur… always begged the question of was it because I was the sin or the atonement. Love the picture of you silly faced. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  • Oh my, Rochelle,

    There is nothing like a flat muse. Since I’m a relative newbie, I’d not seen any of this before. Love that pic!

    So many times as a child I would look at someone and start laughing, unable to control it and getting into trouble. I remember the times most fondly, forgetting whatever consequences there may have been.



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    • Dear Bill,

      Some folks elicit laughter, don’t they? I’m glad my…um…er “fiction” was new to you. I count on that when I post a rerun. Some of us have been doing this FF thing for years. In fact this month marks my 10th year as facilitator. I just can’t seem to quit. Thank you for joining and being such an entertaining part of it.



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  • Speak to me so I know someone's reading me. (Your comments brighten my day.)

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