30 October 2015

Published October 28, 2015 by rochellewisoff

Thoreau NZ birds

Ellehcor Banner FF


Thanks to all of your who responded to my message last week. Your words of affirmation renewed my Friday Fictioneers resolve for another year. It was also interesting to learn that others share my pet peeves and added a few of their own. 

The most often mentioned pet peeve, aside from serials and multiple prompt stories, was that of certain blogs that make it difficult to leave a comment. I personally made the switch from Blogspot to WordPress three years ago and have no regrets. 


The next photo is the PHOTO PROMPT. There is only one prompt per week on which to base your story. However, it is perfectly all right to add other photos to go along with your story, just not to replace the prompt. Our rules are simple and few, this one is non-negotiable. Please remember to credit the photographer. It’s not just a nice thing to do it is PROPER ETIQUETTE!

PHOTO PROMPT - © Dale Rogerson

PHOTO PROMPT – © Dale Rogerson


get the InLinkz code

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100


                                                                                                              April 20, 1931

Dearest Brother.

            Thank you for the sugar and the ham. I wish you could be here to share my strudel as I am quite alone in the world.  

            Remember when you came to visit me in Vienna and we went shopping? It was as if a brother dropped from heaven. I still have the dear brooch you bought for me.

            How unfair of the insurance company to terminate me because of you. One day these insignificant beings will realize their mistake when your name shines and blazes over Deutschland.

                        Happy birthday,

                                    Your loving sister,

                                                Paula (Hitler) Wolff




Paula HitlerFor more click here.

118 comments on “30 October 2015

  • This was an interesting story, Rochelle. Thanks for the link you always leave for stories with a connection to history. It seems the love Hitler’s sister had for him wouldn’t let her admit the horror of the wartime acts he committed. Well written as always. — Suzanne


  • Yet again another interesting and informative take on the prompt. It’s hard to see how a sister could continue to love such a sibling, but then there’s a lot that’s hard to understand about that particular period of history. Well done for continuing to remind us. Good take.


  • So, the sense of human beings being insignificant beings is a shared family perception.

    And a shared family illness. A shared family demented perversion, obsession and compulsion to act out against those insignificant others with wholesale, retaliatory, heinous and genocidal plotted campaigns of destruction.

    I’ll pay for her insurance – if it would change anything.

    Very good and very upsetting story – obviously.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Randy,

      Anyone not upset by this worries me. I’ve only borrowed a few words from a letter Ms. Hitler posted in 1957. She couldn’t see that her brother did anything wrong. Appalling, dismaying, frightful, confounding and nauseating.

      Thank you.




  • Crisply and elegantly written, as always, and what a thought-provoking story. The mundane makes the monstrous even more frightening. They can pretend to be like the rest, but it’s what they think that isn’t. Her reference to the insignifant beings, and the horrible attitude in the wiki infor gives the truth away. If this mindset only had died with them…


    • Dear GAH,

      With Halloween on the horizon, writing about monsters seemed the proper theme. As for the mindset, it’s ancient history and, at the same time, current events.

      Thank you for your kind comment re my writing and story.




  • Once again, your words are source of historical information. I’ll echo everyone else in that even monsters have family who love them…proof that blood is thicker than water, I guess!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dale,

      I love it when I can shed light on obscure bits of history. They’re out there if a person looks for them. If we’d had the internet when I was in school I might have passed history. 😉 (maybe).
      Thank you for your words and your wonderful photo. I think Friday Fictioneers has ruined all of us for snapshots.



      Liked by 1 person

  • You did a wonderful job in such a small amount of words. The start is comfy to include the brother’s kindness with gifts, but the ending shifts mood to show the sister’s bared teeth: “insignificant beings” and blazing name. A very well written story.


  • Rochelle, your lovely prose reminds me of those people related to or who live next to a serial killer (as Hitler was) or some other monster, who say, “But s/he was such a nice person.” Worse if it’s someone in your family who attains this sort of notoriety, but perhaps if you knew them when they were normal (or as normal as they might ever be), you’d still retain that love. How very difficult and terrible!



    • Dear Janet,

      I’m currently reading a book about Hitler by his boyhood friend. It doesn’t look like he was ever ‘normal’. No doubt, though, a lonely younger sister probably didn’t see that.

      Thank you for reading and commenting.




  • Rochelle — I’m very late to the party, having missed this post last week while crunched at work, but I wanted to chime in and add my congratulations for three years of tireless work! I’ve only been doing this for a few months now, and only just discovered the very idea of flash fiction then, but it’s had a huge impact on my writing. And I’ve gotten such wonderful comments and felt so welcomed by other “passengers on this bus”, it’s really helped me during times when I wondered if this blogging thing was going to work or not. Your comments in particular, Rochelle, are always so kind and thoughtful, and I appreciate them very much. Thank you for being such a wonderful fairy blogmother!


    • Dear Joy,

      This is a very welcoming community. I love the cultural diversity. I’m pleased to know that you’ve gotten help with your writing. I feel the same way. We’re always growing and learning. Glad you bought your ticket and came aboard.




  • There is a special place in the afterlife for men like Hitler – and it isn’t at all pleasant, I’m sure of it. Another look into history from a great writer. Thanks, Rochelle.

    (P.S. Sadly, I’ve learned to avoid FF entries that are too difficult to leave replies and I feel bad about it. I used to read some, loved the writing but got frustrated with all the hoops I needed to jump through to leave a comment.)


    • Dear Alicia,

      I’d like to think that Hitler is the constant subject of experiments and that he’s had his penis removed without anesthetic and shoved down his throat…over and over. (No anger here)

      Not only have I scaled back on commenting on blogs that are difficult to comment on but have also scaled back on the non-reciprocals. It gets old…even for she who gets many comments. 😉

      Thank you for your kind words re my writing.




  • Wow, Rochelle, another crystal clear insight into something I didn’t know about. Maybe the other week I could replaced the dog line with “Hitler was nice to his sister”.
    I had forgotten bout blogspot comment difficulties but I’m with you on that one too. Thank you for joining us on wordpress!


    • Dear Jen,

      I love wow at the beginning of a comment. 😉 I didn’t know about Paula either until I Googled ‘famous secretaries.’

      I’ve never regretted the move to WordPress. So much simpler and user friendly.

      Thank you.




  • Your stories always, always teach me something! I had never heard of Paula Wolff-nee-Hitler. I went an read the article, and her account of her life, and was somewhat dumbstruck by it all. Thank you for adding to my store of knowledge about this part of history!
    And your story was, as always, wonderful, thought-provoking, and … oddly moving, considering it was about a monster’s sister!


  • A very interesting take on the prompt! However, as informative as it was, I found it difficult as a standalone story and without the extra information.

    Perhaps this is your ploy to educate us all. 😉


    • Dear Lily,

      I’ll admit that it’s hard for me to think of ‘Hitler’ and ‘human’ in the same context. But it does stand to reason that a sister would be loyal to her brother.

      Thank you.




  • That is what one would definitely call unconditional love, despite the obvious horrors. A very interesting post and the reading attached is fascinating.


  • Rochelle,
    you have an amazing gift of making history come alive, and history that I never knew as well. I’m sure in the 150+ stories of yours I’ve read, I’ve learned quite a bit. Thank you for the background. It really made the story that much more vivid.


  • Crumbs! I wasn’t expecting that. For some reason I’ve never considered that Hitler even had a family. I Googled her and found she died in 1960, and it also said that it was probable she shared his beliefs.

    I love flash fiction portrayed as a diary or letter.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dave,

      Most definitely the Hitlers put the D in dysfunctional. Alois Hitler, Papa Hitler wasn’t wrapped too tightly himself.

      My family has a few ‘interesting’ folks as well. Heck, I might very well be one of them. 😉

      Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.




  • It’s been a long time since I ventured out online. Been a long time without a computer, too. Found I couldn’t find my cheat book with my blog and passwords for my old page here on wordpress. So, I finally bit the virtual bullet and started from scratch. Glad to see you’re all still here and going strong. 🙂


  • Someone said it so well here. Even monsters are loved by someone, although in this case, it’s hard to believe. I guess that’s living in denial. Interesting history, Rochelle, and a very well told and executed story!


  • Dear Betty Crock(er),

    For some reason, I expected Paula to have a small mustache (she must have shaved for the photo). Did she throw the chair in the office cesspool, or was it her former employer? I guess they didn’t want a chair that a stinking Nazi had sat in. It wouldn’t even make good soup.

    See you at the underwear factory. Don’t be late!
    Rip Skinflint

    Liked by 1 person

  • Paula Hitler does produce a shudder doesn’t it.
    The letter format works well – says it all and some without needing comment.
    On a trip to Munich we passed the innocuous looking beer hall where Hitler first stirred up trouble. Odd experience.
    You might enjoy an amazing book (Life after Life by the wonderful Kate Atkinson). Since the heroine just happens to live again and again and so knows the future and the past (it does work I assure you and it doesn’t turn into Sci Fi or fantasy because of this odd fact) she sets out during one of her lives to kill Hitler. It sounds very weird and somewhat trite putting it like this – there is a lot more to this serious very readable book than that, but it plays an interesting part.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Miranda,

      That sounds like a book to set the mind racing. What would the world have been like if someone had killed Hitler, say, during the Beer Hall Putsch?

      Thank you for reading and commenting. 😀




  • Fascinating story and link. Obviously his sister shared his worldview – along with the thousands of others who followed him. That’s what puzzles me. How can so many seemingly normal people be so blind to evil?


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