15 January 2016

Published January 13, 2016 by rochellewisoff

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Genre: Realistic Fiction

Word Count: 100


            What began with a chance meeting on the walking trail grew into a fairytale romance. Enan’s soulful brown eyes captivated me. I pledged my eternal love. I felt safe with him.

             One day, after our daily hike, Enan led me to a windowless cabin in the woods.

            “Behold our romantic hideaway.” His hot breath in my ear rendered me helpless as he tied my hands behind my back. “You’re mine, princess—forever and always.”

            A year passed before I saw the sun again.


            I watch the police take Prince Not-So-Charming away in handcuffs.

            God forgive me. I love him still.          

109 comments on “15 January 2016

    • Dear Loré,

      Hard to imagine, isn’t it? To fall in love with such a beast? There is a very real ‘disorder’ called NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) N’s make up the Jim Jone’s and Hitlers of this word.

      Thank you. Your chills make me smile.



      Liked by 2 people

  • It’s almost impossible to believe that the victim could continue to feel this way, but it happens so often that it must be true. I’d swear I wouldn’t be this kind of person, but who knows how each of us would react in such circumstances? You captured the creepiness, despair and at the end, the hopelessness of the relationship. Well done, Rochelle.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sandra,

      Sometimes those kinds of people can blindside an otherwise savvy and intelligent person. How else would whole nations and religious groups be duped into following maniacs like Hitler and Jim Jones?
      As always, thank you for being in my corner.




    • Dear Björn,

      Thank you for the bit of history. I’m glad you caught the title. I guess I didn’t remember that the term was coined that recently. I’ve always found it fascinating and creepy that a hostage could fall in love with her captor. However I’ve been in a situation or two (not kidnapped) that have made me understand.

      Thank you for swinging by.




  • Ooohhh… so well done! Every time I read a story of a captive falling for her captor, I shake my head and wonder how? I’m assuming he has brown eyes? Brings your word count up to 100! 😉


  • The last line delivers the punch that pulls the entire story together in the twist. It conjures up thoughts of what she might have gone through. I think that love and dependence sometimes have a way of confusion for the hostage in these types of situations. One becoming the other. Nice play and twist on this story.


  • Dear Rochelle

    Unfortunately there are many victims who still love their abusers, still stay with them hoping that things will change, when history shows us they almost never do. A chilling reminder that love doesn’t always conquer all. Well written, as always.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dee,

      There are different kinds of captivity in a relationship. A raft of battered wives are testimony to that fact. Love definitely does not conquer all.

      Thank you for reading and commenting.




  • Great story, Rochelle. I’ve read about where captives are in love with their captors. They both had problems, but his were “much” worse. She should get help also, though. That would be the day when I’d be in love with someone who tied my hands behind my back. Pigs would be flying overhead. That was creepy. Well-written as always. — Suzanne


  • Such powerful stuff here, Rochelle. I like how you twist it round on us with that last line. Makes me wonder how she was ever found. Very real and frightening.

    One bit of critique is I’m not sure about the title. It seemed to me to give away a bit too much of the story early and at the same time, I think Stockholm Syndrome is traditionally used to mean a change in the feelings of prisoners owards their captors, whereas in this case your victim is ‘in love’ before the kidnap takes place. Anyway, just my thoughts.


    • Dear Jennifer,

      Honestly, I did think a moment about the title as perhaps giving it away. Although it’s a bit of a reverse Stockholm syndrome of sorts. Anne, the next commentor down pretty much put it into words for me.

      At any rate I’m glad you liked the story. I have some thoughts on how she might have been found but ran out of words. 😉

      Thank you,



      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for the reference, I read Anne’s comment and I know mine is contradictory – how can it give things away and also be misleading at the same time? I think I just didn’t want to know he’d hold her captive right from the off. As you (or you-through-Anne!) say, it works as part of her musings. And it definitely didn’t spoil the story for me.


  • Rochelle,
    Another powerful story which resonated with me as part cautionary tale and part enticing fantasy.
    I happened to glance at the comment above mine and I have to be honest, that I loved the title mostly because it didn’t give anything away to me because it’s different but the same but different, kind of the hitch in a bad love relationship – all of the guilt and the blame and the sublimated rage and the coping mechanisms and the fact that she did choose this person. Our perspective of who we are and what we want gets clouded and who is to blame and where will it ever end? I really liked the story anyway and the title!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Anne,

      You’ve pretty much explained what I had in my head. I questioned my title at the beginning, but it seemed to fit for exactly the reasons you stated. Thank you for putting my thoughts into words.

      Of course I’m pleased that you liked my story. Thank you again for your affirming comment.



      Liked by 2 people

  • Whoa! That’ll teach you to fall for some stranger. But you got me to thinking; I met my wife through online dating. Should I be worried?


  • Great story – particularly the quick-shift from romance to horror. The very literal ‘Prisoner to Love’ is a great hook – v effective – although perhaps the title gives it away before we even got to it?
    Nicely done.

    Liked by 1 person

  • I think your story is a little closer to reality these days than we would like to think of. I have been married for almost 30 years and I am grateful every day I have my wonderful hubby and I am not single. I can’t imagine being in the dating world now!
    Loved the story! Very easy to see it happening! 🙂


    • Dear Courtney,

      I’ve got you beat by 14 years on that marriage thing. When I see how many beasts there are out there I’m grateful for my loving, loyal and supportive husband.

      Thank you for your kind words on my story.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Oh my…..frightening indeed. Sadly, there are too many people who love their abusers and believe it is their fault they are hit or treated poorly. Excellent story. And the syndrome is well expressed here.


  • Rochelle, I read the story and comments too. I tend to agree that the title “gave away ” one of the themes of the story i.e being held physcially captive. But the bigger theme of being help captive by own self – our love – was subtly conveyed and it came through as a surprise. Well written one.


  • Dear Vidal Sassoon (I dare not to use just your initials here)

    Quite the curve ball you threw us. One can only imagine what went on in that windowless shack, but it sounds like a far cry from fun. I’m left shaking my head at her response.

    Can you hear it rattle?


  • Wow, you really took me somewhere else I didn’t expect. It’s hard to understand this Stockholm Syndrome. They must be expert at manipulating. Very well done. Thanks again for using my photo, Rochelle. I appreciate it!


  • We must be somewhat built that way. Some of us are not strong enough to stand up to this ‘charm’. I rather not judge another. At least you wrote a happy ending. She will need therapy, of course.



  • It’s so strange to still have some feelings for someone after a situation like that. A whole year! I can’t imagine! We are always warned to be careful who we associate with, but you never know just how ruthless a person can be sometimes…until it happens! Great story…so much emotion and feelings in a few words.


    • Dear Lucky,

      Sadly, I think there are certain personality types who are the Svengalis among us. They have a knack for finding vulnerable people to control.
      Re my story, thank you for such lovely comments.




    • Dear Margaret,

      There are some people out there with the ability to control and those who are vulnerable to that control. I confess to have fallen victim to a couple of them, but fortunately not to this degree.
      Thank you for your comments and compliments.




    • Dear Dawn,

      I fear that many of us bear the her character traits. However if you have to wonder if you bear his traits, then most likely you don’t. I see him as a narcissist. Those types rarely, if ever, recognize themselves for who they really are. (Hitler and Jim Jones are two drastic examples), Glad to have caught you off guard. Mission accomplished 😉

      Thank you and Shalom,


      Liked by 1 person

  • Greetings, Rochelle.
    Realistic fiction, indeed. Yours is an unsettling tale that rings of truth. Makes me want to grab the girl by her shoulders and give her a good shake!
    The mother of boys, I can only hope I raise them well enough to be the real-deal and not a facade of good men! Well done and thanks.


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