22 February 2019

Published February 20, 2019 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

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Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100


“You admit to helping to spread leaflets for those subversives calling themselves The White Rose?”

            “What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don’t dare express themselves as we did. And I would do it again.”

            Swastika flag draped behind him, the judge stood and shook his fist. “For your crimes you’ve been sentenced this 22nd day of February 1943.”

            “As you will be judged for yours.”

            Schubert’s “Andantino” played in twenty-one-year-old Sophie Scholl’s mind. Birds sang and the whole of creation called joyfully to her as she trembled before the guillotine, head held high.


*Note: This Friday is February 22, 2019 …76 years to the day Sophie, her brother Hans and his friend Christof were executed for standing up to Nazi barbarism. May their memories be blessed. 

Sophie Scholl


The following video I add “just because.” The fact is the Nazis often forced Jewish musicians to accompany the condemned to the gas chambers. It’s long and not directly related to the story. To me it seemed to fit. Listen or not.


142 comments on “22 February 2019

  • I saw a movie about Sophie Scholl. They used Schubert’s The Trout Quintet throughout the film, so I’m guessing with “Andantino” you are talking the 4th movement of that piece. Your story was well told – giving a synopsis in so few words. The video was very powerful.

    Liked by 2 people

  • I read about the White Rose group in my son’s History text book. I had thought the brother and sister were hanged. Not sure why it makes it even worse to find they went to the guillotine.
    So young, so brave and so inspiring. Movingly told Rochelle and so important that we remember.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Susan Bee-Ann “Tony” W(T)F,

    Thank God there are people who will stand up to injustice and speak their mind, regardless of the consequences. Now, I only hope you will follow their lead and speak out on behalf of all retirees who never get a single day off.

    May God be with you on this mission,
    Rockin’ Chair Rusty

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Rockin’ Chair Rusty,

      Your words of encouragement mean a lot. We retirees must band together in our quest for a day off. What day is this anyway?

      Thank you re my story. 😉


      Susan Bee-ann “Tony” W(T)F


  • “Someone had to make a start…” A very moving piece of history beautifully told. Thanks for the link – as ever I came here and learned something new. And beautiful, and horrifying in equal measure. Well done.

    Liked by 2 people

  • A beautiful tribute, and a soul stirring melody to go with it. The world needs more people willing and able to stand strong for their faith no matter the cost. AMEN! SHALOM! ~Jelli

    Liked by 2 people

  • You always give new historical information! You are very good at this! I’ve mentioned before, I wish I’d had the opportunity to learn history from someone who wrote like you.

    Liked by 1 person

      • This afternoon I found the movie about Sophie Scholl–Final Days. Excellent! I was ready to turn it off if they were going to torture her, but they didn’t. The conversations she had with her interrogator were brilliant. I think she had him doubting his own loyalty. And she faced her death with calm courage.


  • We say ‘humanity’ like it’s a good thing. It’s amazing the depravity of which our species is capable. The more I learn about Nazis and knowing there are still people who think that way the less hope I have for all of us. The sheer barbarity hiding beneath the surface of you story reminds me of the heartbreaking, tear jerking opening of Elie Wiesel’s Night. I knew horrific things happened, but like the saying says, “The Devil’s in the details.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Nobbin,

      The crimes of the Nazis were unthinkable. I read “Night” and a few other disturbing books. The heartbreaking thing about it is that they weren’t unique, just more systematic than their predecessors. And the disease marches merrily on today. 😦 Thank you for your thoughtful comments.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I’ve just looked up the White Rose. They were a group of Christian students who were against the Nazis.. It’s good to see, considering that revisionists always claim the Christians have something to apologize for, that they did the right thing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Larry,

      In my novel “Please Say Kaddish for Me” one of my Christian characters points out to the Jewish heroine, “I urge you not to confuse the word Christian with the word gentile. Those beasts who murdered your family were in no way Christians.” Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Hi Rochelle! Beautifully written. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. It must have been very courageous thing at that time. What a brave girl. Is it true’ Nazis often forced Jewish musicians to accompany the condemned to the gas chambers’ how cruel but they( Nazi) were so cruel.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Francine,

      I’ve loved that particular song for sometime, it was only recently I learned Leonard Cohen’s true reason for writing it. It did beg to be included in this post. We should never forget. Thank you.




  • I grew up in Munich, Germany. The story of the “Siblings Scholl” is one I know very well. How brave they have been in a time when bravery was needed. “Die Weisse Rose/The White Rose” is a great movie about her last days.

    I found this blog by accident. Just started to find my way around here in the blogging world. I “stole” the roses to congratulate me to my blogging premier and I hope you don’t mind. From one purple love to another. ^^

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lady Coloresque,

      The movie is on my bucket list of must-see films. What an inspiring young woman she was. Your finding us is a happy “accident.” Don’t think you stole the roses. They are a gift for all to use for Friday Fictioneers. 😉
      Thank you for reading my story and leaving such a lovely comment.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Very well told, Rochelle. Thank you for putting words to the heroism of these young people, and to the barbarism of the Nazis, who put extra effort into making cruelty the worst it could be. In truth, their cruelty showcased their inferiority and weakness. People like Sophie make them stand out as the wimps.
    I am always humbled by how well you present history and highlight important moments.
    Well done!
    Added my contribution to the linky-thinky-thingy. Here it is copied:

    The Bouquet


    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    The way you discover these little known (to some of us) heroes and bring them to life (even if you do share their death) in such a beautiful way is a gift. Thank you for sharing the beautifully brave people.

    Shalom and Lotsa love,


    Liked by 2 people

  • I had no idea the guillotine was used in Nazi Germany. So many unnecessary deaths from this regime, all in the name of the law. One of my most lasting movie memories is of Spencer Tracy in Judgment at Nuremburg, where Nazis were put on trial for crimes against humanity, though per the movie(according to wikipedia), none were still serving sentences by the time the movie was made in 1961.

    Liked by 2 people

  • i chanced upon a book written about them in the public library many years ago. such noble souls.

    as for the cohen’s song, it’s one of my favorites. there was a time i couldn’t get it out of my head that i had to write something about it in my blog. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  • At first I was appalled to read that so many people in the world have never heard of the White Rose, of the Scholl sibings and their friends. They are as present here in Germany as is Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg. Maybe it’s because (at least for many in my generation) we desperately needed heroes who fought against the horror to bear the knowledge that we are the heirs of monsters. Or maybe it’s because we all, all over the world, live in our national bubbles and only learn our own history, barely that of others. I was remined of that years ago when I learned about Emmett Till of whom I had never heard before, and about the rampant racism that is still ongoing. We need many more stories to learn about victims, atrocities, and heroes from around the world.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sadly, I think most people, especially young people, learn about the past through their own family history (thier bubble), more than through a text book or a teacher’s instruction. I’m sure that stories, real, imagined, told or retold are more powerful than any school book. I agree that we need stories like Rochelle’s to remember what really happened and must never happen again.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m German, and at least when I was young history and social science classes were mainly about WWII and the death camps. Never again was then the motto which seems to be forgotten in many places these days. For the longest time racism to me meant antisemitism. It needs a wider perspective to become aware of one’s own failings. I, a racist? No way. Or am I? And upon reflection I find myself biased and prejudiced like almost everyone,.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Gabi,

      Your comments on these stories are precious to me. I know what it was like for me as a Jewish American to have grown up under the shadow of the Holocaust. I can’t imagine what it must’ve been like your you.

      Sadly bigotry and antisemitism are alive and well. Danke schön meine fruendin.



      Liked by 1 person

      • Don’t overestimate me. Half of the time I was sorry for myself for having been born into that people. It took me a while to recognize my priviledge and actually appreciate where I live. Still, there is too much wilful forgetfulness these days, everywhere it seems. The fascist, racist cancer feels bold enough again to crawl out of its dark corners.

        Liked by 1 person

  • Devastating and touching piece, Rochelle.
    I had no idea about the guillotine, the musicians, or the White Rose.
    Thank you for posting, although I feel ashamed it ever happened, even though I wasn’t even born and I’m not in any way connected to the perpetrators, and yet I feel shame because I’m part of the human race who did such a terrible thing.
    It reminds me of the stanza of For The Fallen, ‘They grow not old…’ which ends with ‘We will remember them.’ and it’s the very least we can do, remember in order to honour their struggle and sacrifice.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Luccia,

      It never ceases to amaze me what humans are capable of. I knew about the musicians but wasn’t aware of the White Rose. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and leave your affirming comments.




  • Querida Rochelle,
    No veo mi repuesta que deje el miercoles 😳
    Que pena 😞no se que paso 😟
    I did know about the white rose from my friends mother when I was growing up. Your story brought it back to mind. I always feel emotional after reading your stories. Your knowledge combined with all the truism of each story is incredible. You are a tremendous carrier of the torch of information for those who don’t know this history. Superb writing ✍️
    Leonard Cohen is one of my favorite singers. I’ve seen a video of couples dancing to the end of time and thought it was a tenderly emotional video. The one you’ve added is heart wrenching and beautifully artistic.
    I posted early this week because of two big art shows and time was short. Grrrr … to my missing comment. Hasta la proxima 👍
    Abrazos y Carino – Shalom
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 2 people

    • Querida Isadora,

      Veí su repuesta mas temprano en la semana. Muy extraño. ¿Deundecillos?

      I think I’d heard of the White Rose but when it came across Facebook a couple of weeks ago I did some further digging. So many heroes only now coming to the surface. Thank you re my writing.

      I’m quite familiar with the video of the dancing couples. I watched it a gazillion times. It was Dale who brought it to my attention that Mr. Cohen originally wrote it re the camps. Some of the words make more sense now…”dance me to the panic til I’m gathered safely in.” Sigh. Puts a whole new spin on the song.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment, not once, but twice.

      Abrazos y Shalom,



  • You got me reading about the White Rose all weekend! Such a brave group. It wouldn’t have been easy standing up to the Nazis, but they were so smart about it. I love World War stories and this one sure did touch my heart.

    Thank you for letting us know about this, Rochelle.

    Liked by 1 person

  • I only heard of Sophie and the White Rose a few years ago and I think there are still a lot of people quite unaware of the group and what they did. That these young people were brave enough to stand against tyranny peacefully is so admirable and the fact they were executed just for distributing leaflets tells you everything you need to know about the regime.
    Brave, wonderful young people. I can’t help but be sad that they were lost to the world so young – how much they might have contributed if they’d lived.
    Beautifully writing, stirring and emotive and in so few words. Lovely work, Rochelle

    Liked by 1 person

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