Weekend Writing Prompt – Glow

Published August 15, 2021 by rochellewisoff

A word prompt to get your creativity flowing this weekend.  How you use the prompt is up to you.  Write a piece of flash fiction, a poem, a chapter for your novel…anything you like.  Or take the challenge below – there are no prizes – it’s not a competition but rather a fun writing exercise.  If you want to share what you come up with, please leave a link to it in Sammi’s comment section.


It’s the most wonderful time of the year. No, not that time. Sturgis Bike Rally week.

Can you picture me on a Harley, clad in leather? Me neither. While my husband’s on his annual two-wheeled adventure, I’m heading to North Carolina.

The week zips by. My time’s spent doggy loving, shopping, and swimming. Not to mention bantering with my brother and commiserating with his longsuffering wife.

Back at my computer in Missouri, this landlocked mermaid basks in the fading glow of sunshine on ocean waves. Is it too soon to book next year’s flight?

22 comments on “Weekend Writing Prompt – Glow

  • That looks like a lot of fun. I would so love to go and visit my friend in Perth (all the way on the other side of the country) We’re now in Week 8 of lockdown. Can’t go any further than 5km (3 miles) from home. No visitors to your home, no visiting anyone else in their home. Only one person per household to go grocery shopping – unless you’re a single parent with children. Schools are closed except for essential workers (Drs, Nurses, etc) Would love it to be different, but until people learn to obey the rules, it ain’t going to change. In the meanwhile, I’ll enjoy reading holiday blogs posts from my friends.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lyn,

      I’m so sorry for the lockdown. I don’t look forward to it happening here. But the way people are ignoring the elephant in the room…Meanwhile people…more and more of them children…are paying the price.
      I’m glad you enjoyed my share and took the time to say so. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Oh, Rochelle,

    Sturgis? There may have been a time. But no longer on any list of mine. My son told me, “If you can’t pick it up, you shouldn’t be riding it.” I’m still on two wheels, but my scooter is pick-up-able (not that I’ve ever needed to). LOL

    Good to see some siblings still claiming each other. Well done.


  • Speak to me so I know someone's reading me. (Your comments brighten my day.)

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