26 January 2024

Published January 24, 2024 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


This Saturday is Annual Holocaust Remembrance. It has been seventy-nine years since the liberation of Auschwitz. And in that span of a lifetime, while a few survivors are still among us, many school children know nothing about this dark time in history. Others deny that the genocide ever happened. (How clever of the Jewish people to stage such a thing…even before photo shop.)

Even as we shout “Never again”, Antisemitism rears its evil head once more. Not that it ever went away. So I will step off my soap box long enough to share a fictitious story based on facts.

Genre: Historical Fiction
Word Count: 100


            In 1947 six-year-old Lyudmila moved from Poland with Father to her uncle’s dairy farm in upstate New York. She milked cows and gathered eggs. Every morning the Catskills kissed the sky. A bright, happy place for a child.

“So young she won’t remember,” whispered Aunt Dora one night over dinner.   

            Weeks later Lyudmila twisted her ankle on a tree root.  

            “Just a sprain,” said Dr. Meinenger. “You will be sehr gut as new, Liebling.”

            His gentle touch and familiar accent stirred sleeping memories.   

            Dr. Mengele’s gloved fingers.

            Her twin sister’s severed limbs on the operating table.

   Lyudmila would never forget.

If you have fifteen minutes to spare and want to know more about the Angel of Death CLICK HERE.

A handfull of you might remember this story from the first time I posted it in 2013. It’s interesting to see how many FFrs have come and gone and some have returned.Thanks to all for reading and commenting. Shalom, Rochelle

66 comments on “26 January 2024

  • Dear Rochelle,

    You shared this before my time here at FF. As if anyone could ever forget the horrors, especially when viewed first hand Lyudmilla had.

    No one should ever have to remember such things but it is a cruel world we live in. We can only hope that her life from now on is one of peace and comfort, even if she will never forget. Wonderfully written, my friend.

    Shalom and lotsa love,


    Liked by 1 person

  • An expertly crafted change in mood there, Rochelle. I still don’t recall how I read extensively on these atrocities in my formative years. I just recall what I read with faultless efficiency, year after year. 

    Liked by 1 person

  • Such a horrible time in history. We can only pray that it would remain a historical fact and never be repeated. Unfortunately, such atrocities and hatred remain in our world. If we erase the past, we are doomed to repeat. Never forget.

    Liked by 1 person

  • I just hit “Like,” as if one could ever like such a horror story. People do tend to vastly underestimate what a child remembers. The picture you drew is so vivid, it can hardly be erased from the mind of one who was there.


  • It’s funny because Dr. Meinenger’s words reminded me of my “Doctor” Grandma’s words. And then came the next three sentences and what a shock! I’m not sure if ‘chilling’ is the correct word to describe my reaction to this story or just plain sad. Or something I can’t think of right now.

    And this: “many school children know nothing about this dark time in history.” Here’s a prayer that school children everywhere don’t learn about it first-hand.

    Liked by 1 person

  • I had read about Mengele before and saw the movies, “The Boys From Brazil,” and so knew a little. Watching the video with the twins and how things were with Mengele’s name on a factory and how little, if anything, was done as far as accountability with his wealthy family when the video was made, in 1992, I would like to get a current status of that family and if those bones were really his.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Rochelle, it is definitely one of those things that makes you go huh?! The devil is sly and will do whatever is necessary to pull people from the light 😦 Trying to figure out the answer now will only drive us to madness. We can only hope we’ll receive the answer in the next realm.


  • Speak to me so I know someone's reading me. (Your comments brighten my day.)

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