9 February 2024

Published February 7, 2024 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Peter Abbey


Genre: Realistic Fiction
Word Count: 100


Strolling along the boardwalk, Olivia gazed at the sea and heaved a lonely sigh. Wayne had proposed here. Lost in memories, she was startled by a male voice. “Olivia?”

            She whipped around to see a man with a familiar smile. His hair had turned white, but his blue eyes hadn’t lost their sparkle.  


            “How’s that sly dog who stole your heart from me?”

            “Cancer. Two years ago.”

            Steven’s playful grin faded. “Gloria passed last June.”

            After they exchanged condolences, Steven reached for her hand.  “What say we catch up over coffee somewhere warmer?”

   Her pulse raced. “I’d love to.”

70 comments on “9 February 2024

  • Dear Muggle-Wumps W(T)F,

    Nothing like a geriatric romance to send a couple of blue-haired geezers into cardiac arrest. Oh well, I suppose they should be arrested for something, perhaps not wearing dentures in public.

    I bet those two are so old they fart dust.

    Just sayin’

    Observant Ernie

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  • I love that ending. Hands held and a racing pulse. Reminds me of my mother, in her 60s, on the morning before her second wedding, after years of widowhood. She fell back on her bed like a kid, and with a big sigh, said she felt as if she was 16 again. Great story.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Love, loss, loneliness, and a fluttering hope of finding love again, all in 100 words. Beautiful. (I also FINALLY figured out how to make my comments appear on other people’s posts…Thank you for your help with that!) -Angela

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  • Speak to me so I know someone's reading me. (Your comments brighten my day.)

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