16 February 2024

Published February 14, 2024 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson


HAPPY NEWS! We’re in the final stretch of my upcoming novel LAST DANCE WITH ANNIE. Cover soon to be revealed.

Teaser. This is not the cover, but this artwork is used.

So begins another week of Friday Fictioneers. Happy Valentine’s Day. ❤ I have a favor to ask. Since at least four comments came up as “anonymous” last week, could you identify yourself? I’m not sure what’s up with that. Thank you.

Genre: Historical Fiction
Word Count: 100


“I haven’t seen you practice at all, Oscar.” Fourteen-year-old Daisy scowled at her nine-year-old brother. “How do you expect to perform if you don’t practice?”

“Like this.” He played a Chopin piece without missing a note.

Daisy sighed. After hours of diligent practice, she still made mistakes.  

Never a public performer, Daisy Peterson Sweeney passed away at the age of 97. It seemed that all of Montreal turned out to pay their respects. Generations of her piano students sang her praises.

Among her first pupils, Oscar Peterson was hailed as one of the greatest jazz pianists of the twentieth century.  

To learn more about Daisy CLICK HERE

To learn more about Oscar CLICK HERE

64 comments on “16 February 2024

  • Dear Rochelle,

    I love that you have highlighted Daisy Peterson Sweeny – especially since I shared the mural of her, as well as Oscar’s and another of her students, Oliver Jones, on Sorryless three weeks ago. We are in synch (ish) 😉

    Shalom and lotsa jazzy love,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dale,

      Funny, I didn’t really connect the dots. I had to go searching for your WW post and, voila, there they were. Apparently there was something in the air and their story needed to be shared. 😉 In synch indeed. Thank you.

      Shalom and lotsa syncopated hugs,



  • If you can, do; if you can’t, teach. So goes the old saying. But a good teacher can do so much good, and a great teacher can change the world. Lovely to hear that she was recognised for her contribution, Rochelle.

    I’m super excited about the book – definitely planning to order so please do share when that time comes.


    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Jen,

      I have mixed emotions about the teacher saying. I think there are some who are just generous with their gifts. Thank you for your comments. I’ll be sure to share when Annie’s out. Right now I’m waiting for the cover reveal.




  • I enjoy listening to Oscar Peterson jazz, both solo or in ensembles. Why doesn’t it surprise me that he had a female piano teacher. Good to learn a little more about Oscar and his big sister, Daisy.


  • Such a lovely story. To be a good teacher, beloved by all, is also a gift.

    For the longest time I was wondering about the connection to the picture, then, on reread it dawned on me. Of course. It’s Montreal.

    And I’m very much looking forward to your new book.

    Liked by 1 person

  • That’s such a great story and piece of history, Rochelle. I’m sorry to say I didn’t know that, even though I’m Canadian. It’s always wonderful learning new things. I hope you’re having a great week so far. Congratulations on the new book too!


    Liked by 1 person

  • Thank you for sharing this part of history. It goes to show again how important it is to have a good teacher. I’m no good at music- singing or playing a musical instrument; I totally admire those who can sing or play music.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Speak to me so I know someone's reading me. (Your comments brighten my day.)

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