7 June 2024

Published June 5, 2024 by rochellewisoff

LAST DANCE WITH ANNIE is available to order in hardback, paperback or ebook, HERE, HERE, and HERE! Also available on Amazon Canada, Australia, UK, Germany and New Zealand. 😉


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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot


Genre: Historical Fiction
Word Count: 100


Eight-year-old Johann hurried through breakfast. He couldn’t wait to go to Fullerton Beach. “Swimming lessons, today.”

“What if you drown?” asked his little brother, Peter.

“Drown? I’m going to be the greatest fish in the sea.”

Later, trembling with excitement, he dove into the chilly waves of Lake Michigan, beginning a love affair with the water that never ended.  

Johnny Weissmuller, an Olympic gold medal winner, went on to become the most popular on-screen Tarzan of all time.

When a young swimmer asked him for advice, he replied,  

“Don’t let go of the vine when you’re swinging through the jungle!”


55 comments on “7 June 2024

    • Dear Joy,

      There were many more movies than one. He was playing Tarzan from the 1930’s to the 1940’s. I loved watching them on Saturdays on TV. The swim scenes were always my favorites. 😉 As for the advice at the end, it is a quote from him, but I don’t know to whom he directed it. 😉 Thank you.




  • Dear Rochelle,

    Interesting how this “still life” inspired you to write about Mr. Tarzan himself. Love it when that happens. He really was the best of them and it was interesting to see how he actually got the role!

    Shalom and lotsa swimmingly wonderful love,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dale,

      The vase has a wave it seems. In my mind, although I’ve seen other Tarzans, Johnny Weissmuller is the ONE. Maybe it’s because of all the underwater scenes. Always my favorites. 😀 Thank you for your generous comments…always.

      Shalom and lotsa waves of hugs,


      Liked by 1 person

  • He was my favorite Tarzan. I always watched the Tarzan movies and had all the Edgar Rice Burroughs books. What an interesting life he led and such physical talent. I enjoyed the links you attached. Good job….as always.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Who couldn’t love Tarzan?
    Thank you so much for sharing a bit of his back story and the fabulous photo, Rochelle and I loved the quote. I think it applies to all of us as we travel through life.

    Best wishes,


    Liked by 1 person

  • Great advice and fitting metaphor for life’s journey. I found the old black and white versions, or early portrayals of the Tarazn story both romantic and morally stable. Who needs the action packed pointless versions?

    Liked by 1 person

  • Rochelle, you have this incredible ability of weaving true life into your stories; it’s a wonderful talent and I am always fascinated with what you write.

    I have such fond memories of watching Tarzan soaring through the jungle, flying effortlessly from one tree to another. Of course, I also remember the great Johnny Weissmuller; he had a most impressive physique and struck a handsome pose before diving, a true champion.

    Thanks for the memories and another incredible story.

    Peace, Rochelle


    Liked by 1 person

  • ‘ … the greatest fish in the sea’ – I love that. The confidence! And he achieved it. I wonder what he would have thought about his lasting legacy stemming more from his movie persona than his swimming talent.

    Thanks for bringing yet another fascinating person to the page here. And congratulations on your book.

    Liked by 1 person

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