22 February 2013

Published February 20, 2013 by rochellewisoff


“The weekly gathering of the Fictioneers has commenced.  Bring out the halt, the lame, the blind, the murderers and aliens, vampires and vamps. Look carefully and you might see a human or two.  Take them all, stir thoroughly, add a dollop of disbelief, a soupçon of silliness. Dip a spoon into the resulting slumgullion:  each recipe meticulously prepared, marvelously rendered, tasty to the tongue.  Your personal recipe is solicited or feel free to simply feast and go away replete; perhaps not always uplifted, but with your brain stimulated.” —Janet Webb


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going over or under the word count.)


Make every word count.


  • Copy your URL to the Linkz collection. You’ll find the tab following the photo prompt. It’s the little white box to the left with the blue froggy guy. Click on it and follow directions. This is the best way to get the most reads and comments.
  • MAKE SURE YOUR LINK  IS SPECIFIC TO YOUR FLASH FICTION. (Should you find that you’ve made an error you can delete by clicking the little red ‘x’ that should appear under your icon. Then re-enter your URL. (If there’s no red x email me at Runtshell@aol.com. I can delete the wrong link for you).Thanks to Blogspot bloggers for disabling their  CAPTCHAs.  
  • Make note in your blog if you’d prefer not to have constructive criticism. 
  • This page is “FRIDAY FICTIONEERS CENTRAL” and is NOT the place to promote political or religious views. Also, you are responsible for the content of your story and policing comments on your blog. You have the right to delete any you consider offensive.  

**Please exercise DISCRETION  when commenting on a story! Be RESPECTFUL.**

Should someone have severe or hostile differences of opinion with another person it’s my hope that the involved parties would settle their disputes in private. 


:)  My story will follow the prompt for those who might be distracted by reading a story before writing their own . I enjoy your comments. :)

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Copyright-Janet Webb

Copyright-Janet Webb

get the InLinkz code

Genre-Historical Fiction

Word Count-100


            In 1947 six-year-old Lyudmila moved from Poland with Father to her uncle’s dairy farm in upstate New York. She milked cows and gathered eggs. Every morning the Catskills kissed the sky. A bright, happy place for a child.

    “So young she won’t remember,” whispered Aunt Dora one night over dinner.   

            Weeks later Lyudmila twisted her ankle on a tree root.  

           “Just a sprain,” said Dr. Meinenger. “You will be sehr gut as new, Liebling.”

            His gentle touch and familiar accent stirred sleeping memories.   

            Dr. Mengele’s gloved fingers.

            Her twin sister’s severed limbs on the operating table.

           Lyudmila would never forget. 

To further your education click here. WARNING! Contains graphic material.


156 comments on “22 February 2013

    • And now I’ve read your story and the link with it., well as much of it as I could bear to read. Truly horrifying. It’s so hard to come to terms with what human kind can do, has done, and sadly will continue to do. Heartbreaking story Rochelle.


      • In all honesty, Sandra, I can’t get through that link either. However I think it bears a peek to see that this isn’t something that never happened as some are wont to believe. Thanks for commenting.


  • Dear Rochelle,

    You are good. This is a chilling tale that casts a bright light on a dark, dark place in history. You anesthetize the reader with pastoral scenes and then strap them to the table and begin to operate, leaving sadness and wonderment at the inhumanity of man in train.

    Great writing, driver lady.




  • Dear Mrs. Wisoff-Fields,

    Your story reminds me of the bright murals painted on the interior of slaughterhouses. Calm the mind then administer the kill shot. I drop to the floor stunned.


    C. Hase


  • I admit I didn’t “catch” it at first. I went back for a second read and got whammed with realization. Not the sweet little story I thought it was, but a wrenching read. You captured a lot in a few words for sure!


  • Rochelle, you never disappoint. Your vignette brought out the personal horror of so much that went on during the dark days of that regime and personal is where history lives. It grabs the reader and then wrings out the emotions.



    • I haven’t seen that movie, Atiya. Although it’s on my ever-growing bucket list. The stories, be they fact or fiction are unfortunately endless.
      The Pianist is one of the best movies of the Holocaust genre I’ve seen and very true to Vladislav Spielman’s memoir by the same title.


      • I’ve seen The Boy in Striped Pajamas, and its excellent. Poignant, heartwrenching. I’ve watched so many movies about the Holocaust that I can’t even begin to name them all…I could list dozens and dozens if you ever wanted me to. However, I do want to recommend two special ones that I think you should see, that have particular relevance here, one based on the true story of a female Jewish doctor who was taken to Auschwitz and ended up working with Mengele under his orders. She also saved the lives of many many Jewish women who were pregnant when they arrived, by aborting their babies so that the women wouldn’t be killed immediately. Its called Out of the Ashes and the woman’s name was Gisella Perl, she was Hungarian (like my paternal grandparents). Here’s the link to more information about this movie. I was able to see it on YouTube once, I don’t know if I could be able to ever find the link to that movie again, if it hasn’t since been deleted for copyright violations. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0311210/ Also, the other movie is called Paper Clips and it deals with young children in the South remembering the Holocaust in a highly interesting and unique, touching way, that impacts the world and has a lasting effect on their tiny deprived town. They even end up importing a cattle car originally used to transport Jews to the camps and they have set it up in the grounds of their school as a permanent memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0380615/ I don’t know if you’ve already heard of both of these movies before or even watched them before, but your story with the Mengele reference sort of reminded me of the first movie that I mentioned here, and the second one is really good also, well worth watching. As I said I could recommend dozens and dozens of holocaust movies to you or anyone else who’s interested, I’ve watched and read and written a lot of stuff about the holocaust, its a topic that’s very poignant and really close to me. Thanks so much for your wonderful comments and your support and kind welcome to me here. I really appreciate it. Yes we do have similar backgrounds, both being Jewish, etc. I hope to be published for real myself one day, not just self published, so if you have any advice or suggestions I am very grateful. Thank you so much for everything, Rochelle.


  • I hate to say I ‘loved’ your story because it’s horrific in content, but oh so well-rendered. I’m not sure I want to follow the link, but I know I will. Thanks for being the voice for so many who can’t speak it for themselves.

    Life has been hectic in my neck of the woods and I’ve withdrawn a good bit from the social media scene (I’ve been editing at a feverish pace to finally begin seeing light at the end of the novel-editing tunnel, though). But I keep an eye on the Fictioneers via RSS feeds and smile every week at how you’ve grown. Just wanted you to know that 🙂


    • I’ve written a lot about the Holocaust myself. My grandparents on both sides of the family survived the Holocaust, so its one of the topics that I write about the most, probably. Yeeh. What a time in history. Never forget.


      • Dear Scriptor,
        Fortunately my grandfather “merely” escaped the pogroms and came over in 1903. I write a lot on the both topics. My first novel, Please Say Kaddish for Me is being shopped by an agent.
        I suspect we have similar backgrounds ;). Thank you for commenting and sharing.


  • Your beautiful story turned so horribly tragic. As soon as I read that ending I had a feeling your link would lead me where it did. That’s such an ugly dark mark on our history – a monstrosity. You delivered the story so well.


  • Rochelle eerie piece and sadly true the atrocities that were committed by Joseph Mengele.
    My father escaped from Czechoslavakia during the War, he was thankfully not witness to the Camps, though he did witness much blood shed and torturing of innocent lives. He had a gun pointed at him on 3 occasions during his escape and saw bombs decapitate his friends. This was an interesting take on the photo – thank you.

    Also Janet I thank you for the photo this week which has inspired many of us. 🙂
    Rochelle thank you for advising where the other submissions are – as you know I’m fairly knew to the site and I’m still trying to find my way around – so thank you for your assistance.


  • By the way, on a strongly related note, I highly encourage you to watch this little short film about two young children, one German, one Jew, during the Holocaust in Germany. Its only three minutes long, so everyone can watch it. I really recommend it, it is excellent and it won in a film competition for short films. It is a must see and I think it relates to the topics discussed in your story. I really can’t recommend it highly enough.


  • Even after your warning, I still didn’t have enough sense to stay away from your link about the “Angel of Death.” You told a horrible piece of history and made it very personal for all of us. Once again, I’m in awe of your talent.


  • Wow, you transport me to another world. I love the Yiddish references that make me feel so connected to the characters. You packed so many feelings and memories into so few words. Wonderful!


  • First of all, thank you Rochelle for making me look up soupcon and slumgullion!! I enjoyed you story too, a delightful dollop. (It’s contagious!). I’m going to try a story this week too. Well, maybe. Thanks


    • Thanks, Bumba. However blame Janet Webb for making you look up the words. I pasted one of her stellar intros (with permission of course) into this page. Glad you liked my story and happy to see you back among our motley crew.


  • Hi Rochelle,
    Little bout with the flu but I’m back now. To your story: It was going so sweetly and innocently until it took that dark turn. Liked the way you worked in the twin thing, how they somehow have esp about what happens to their sib. Thanks for your continued leadership. Ron


    • Dear Ron,
      I hope you’re feeling much much better. I guess I’m a little mother hen-ish, but I do notice when the “regulars” are missing.
      Thanks for your comments on my story. Every so often I have to go back to the subject near and dear to my heart.


  • I thought your story was gruesome till I clicked on the link in the end.
    Reality always hits harder,
    A well drafter story as always. You are inspiring me to write a historical fiction one of these weeks. Too bad, I never cared for history lessons as a child. It would therefore need a lot of work. But I am willing… one day, hopefully! 🙂


    • Dear Parul.
      I was the worst history student ever. It’s only been in recent years, with writing, that I’ve come to relish the research and history as much as telling the stories themselves. Granted, I wish I’d cared more when I was younger, but it’s never too late.
      Thanks for your comments.


  • What a chilling story, especially read with the article you linked to. It’s a great juxtaposition between the idyllic farm life and the horrors of the concentration camp. Children remember a lot more than people think, especially things that horrific.


    • And that, David, really is the premise of my little story. Children, particularly in the 40’s and 50’s were believed to be resilient enough to forget the horrors foisted on them when they were tots. Unfortunately for these now adults, the opposite is true. thanks for your kind comments.


  • ‘Dr. Mengele’s gloved fingers.’ For me, you could have left this line out as I’d already got where you were going with this. I followed the link and read the material, much of which I had already read at one time or another. Well, it’s horrific. That we haven’t learnt from this terrible period in history, is almost a bigger horror. The contrasts in your story are suitably stark. And brutal.


    • While I appreciate and respect your opinion, Ann, this is one point we’ll agree to disagree on. The contrast between kind Dr. Meinenger and monstrous Dr. Mengele is intentional, and, in my opinion, necessary.
      As for the link…that was a last minute decision. I hate it but it adds a graphic illustration of the truth which is more horrific than fiction.
      Thanks for taking the time to read, watch and comment. 😉


      • What I meant was that the story wouldn’t have lost any meaning for me without that line. I understand, now you’ve explained it, the contrast you meant to convey.

        I have a copy of the account of Rudolph Hösse’s time as commandant of Auschwitz. What is most chilling is how plausible is his ‘logic’.


    • Dear Maggie,
      Thank you for your compliments. Unfortunately there are those who’d like us to believe the Holocaust never happened. Fortunately (?), the Nazis were organized enough to document their heinous crimes. As survivors are dying off, it’s my hope that the next generation will pick up the banner of remembrance.


  • Great story, Rochelle. I’m still shuddering from reading your link, but thank you for the reminder and education. I don’t think any of us can imagine how people like your character felt, but you depict the contrast well here.


  • Not everyone is willing to learn from history (sadly). That incidences like your story continue is inhuman

    thanks for picture prompt I was able to take a gentler view of history


  • As many others, I couldn’t finish reading the link. Terrible what some so called humans can do to others. Your story is great. I’m glad though that I read it after I wrote mine. I’m also glad I took a more positive twist on the picture. Your story needs to be told and you did a marvelous job telling it with so few words.


    • Dear Jackie,
      Thanks for your kind comments. It’s nice that not everyone wrote the dark side this week. My own story depressed me enough although every so often I have to go there, ( I couldn’t finish the link either).


  • So, I am back and I wil try to learn to do this the new way. I loved your story. I read your story before writing my own, and felt like quitting before I started, for yours is a real story – and mine is a reflection of my depressed state. Remarkably, yours is just simply great, very gruesome, but extremely well told. You know I agree. Let us never forget.


    • Dear Linda,
      Welcome back! Much has changed, but what has remained the same is a great group of friends and writers. When I joined in April I never dreamed I’d end up driving this sometimes unwieldly bus.
      I read your story and you’ve nothing to apologize for. Nonetheless I relish you compliments.
      Thanks and Shalom,


    • Dear H. L.
      As I’ve mentioned before, the holocaust has been etched into the warp and woof of my Jewish generation. I’m not sure this is a bad thing. I’m afraid the next generations are more apt to distance from it until it becomes nonexistent.


  • I think it is safe to say that the doctor was insane. I read the link too, and was horrified. I think that one of the reasons people are so ill informed is that it is hard so hard to believe. We don’t want to believe it. I hope I don’t have nightmares tonight! You did a great job with your story, telling enough to intrigue. Great job, as usual.


  • as horrifying is your story and video i believe the magnitude of pain suffered by all during this time can not truly be imagined. to see something first hand vs ‘from a distance’ must make a difference. keeping this memory is horrible but necessary, as you said somewhere above, so it does not happen again in the future. peace + love, Rochelle. ♥


  • Dear Rochelle
    A truly unimaginable life to those of us who only know about the Holocaust through reading or watching films. To have been a Jew and lived at that time must have been horrific, but to have ended up in the hands of the ‘Angel of Death’ … I can’t begin to imagine the terror and suffering.
    You did a brilliant job with this story’s
    Thank you


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