5 April 2013

Published April 3, 2013 by rochellewisoff


***Happy Birthday to Renee Homan Heath -April 3rd. ***


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going over or under the word count.)


Make every word count.


  • Copy your URL to the Linkz collection. You’ll find the tab following the photo prompt. It’s the little white box to the left with the blue froggy guy. Click on it and follow directions. This is the best way to get the most reads and comments.
  • MAKE SURE YOUR LINK IS SPECIFIC TO YOUR FLASH FICTION. (Should you find that you’ve made an error you can delete by clicking the little red ‘x’ that should appear under your icon. Then re-enter your URL. (If there’s no red x email me at Runtshell@aol.com. I can delete the wrong link for you).
    • Make note in your blog if you’d prefer not to have constructive criticism.
    • REMINDER: This page is “FRIDAY FICTIONEERS CENTRAL” and is NOT the place to promote political or religious views. Also, you are responsible for the content of your story and policing comments on your blog. You have the right to delete any you consider offensive.

    **Please exercise DISCRETION when commenting on a story! Be RESPECTFUL.**

    Should someone have severe or hostile differences of opinion with another person it’s my hope that the involved parties would settle their disputes in private.


    :) My story will follow the prompt for those who might be distracted by reading a story before writing their own . I enjoy your comments. :)

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  • From Scott Vanatter with permission-Copyrigh-  Indira

    From Scott Vanatter with permission-Copyright- Indira

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This week marks my 50th Friday Fictioneers’ story. I hope you don’t think me melodramatic when I say that it’s been a life-changing experience. I certainly didn’t expect to become the bus driver when I asked Madison how to join. I’ve made some great friends since last April. Thanks to all of you! 

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 99


            “‘And they lived happily ever after.’” Leah shut the storybook.

            Shifra’s raisin-brown eyes, round as bottle caps, sparkled. “Bubbie? Did you love Grandpa at first sight?”

            “He was only eight when we met. Mama took him in…hid him from the khappers, bad men who snatched little Jewish boys from their homes and made them serve twenty-five years in the Czar’s army.”

            “Did she hide him in the closet?”

            “No she was smart, my Mama.”

            “He was like your brother, right?”

            Leah pointed to a tintype on the table of two little bonneted girls and grinned. “More like my sister.” 

Nu? Should you want to read more on the subject click here.

122 comments on “5 April 2013

  • Dear Rochelle,

    This delightful tale is one of your best ever. The bright and mischievous tone you set belies the very real threat faced with courage and ingenuity long ago. I am enthralled every week by your offerings and look forward to reading all that you will write for years to come.




  • Oooh I forgot that the new prompt was coming out today! Well, for me Wednesday is already finished (it’s 12:26am Thursday morning). I think I’d better leave this until tomorrow. Well, later tomorrow that is 😀
    I love your story by the way Rochelle, very, very clever of Mama.


  • Dear Rochelle
    I loved your humour here, it’s a great story.
    Resourceful mother, would love to think I would have done the same as she.
    Your writing is usually powerful, hinting at many unspeakable things; so glad this has a happy ending.
    Congraulations on your 50th FF story


  • Congrats, Rochelle of 50 stories… yeah, Madison sure got a lot of writers going. Me included.

    I think today’s story is one of your best.

    Nice of you to remember The Wild Child’s Birthday.


  • As Doug said, another in a line of wonderful stories. I enjoy reading here each week.

    This story reminds me of a relative of mine where one brother come over from Germany, then got the passport back and another brother came over on the same passport. Have to check with my dad for the full story. As the saying goes, “Needs must when the devil drives.” The devil was certainly driving here and ingenuity won the day.

    Congratulations on reaching 50…stories, that is. 🙂



  • Congratulations on the 50th, Rochelle. You have been great since you took the reigns of this unruly gang in your hands. It has been a pleasure knowing you, and reading your work.
    I can bet each one of those 50 posts have been a treat to read! 🙂

    This one’s an amazing story of real danger and survival instincts. Very nice, just like the other 49!


  • I felt sorry for the poor little guy being dressed as a girl until I read the article. I love the rich warmth of your stories, Rochelle.


  • Ingenious story and illustrating the universal truth that a mother will do whatever to save her child. I gather this is your 50th FF story. Congratulations! And thanks for your hard work every week.

    Dressing boys as girls has been/is a custom in some countries. My husband (Turkish by birth) was dressed as a girl till the age of 7 when he started school. I’ve seen 19th century photos of English boys in dresses (and incongrously, wearing schoolboy’s caps). Ann


  • I’d rather dress like a girl than be forced into the Russian Army too. I love the way you crafted this story, starting with the “happily ever after” and walking us through “the rest of the story” as Paul Harvey would say.


  • Dear Rochelle,

    Thank you for the birthday wishes my dear. It was a very good day indeed. Age is merely a number. It most certainly doesn’t mean I need to act old. I still feel 17.

    Your story, though somewhat terrifying is also very inspirational. I felt every word. Love your work. Thank you.



      • You’re welcome Rochelle. It was a terrifying tale. We are so lucky to live in a world where the most we need to worry about is the decor of our living rooms.

        Your comments mean a lot to me too. I’m proud to know you.



  • I’m going to have to read this again in the morning light, Rochelle, and work out how on earht it comes from the prompt! Not that it matters, I’m just intrigued. Fantastic story as always, and another lesson on a place / period I knew nothing about. Thanks!
    On another note, I think I may have gone a bit over the top this week – three stories for the price of one – is that allowed?!


    • Dear Jen,
      Quality stories…all three.
      Now I’ll share my process of how I came to my story for this prompt. You may have noticed that the title is the only visible reference to the prompt. Every story that came to mind about trees felt trite. I’m reading a book at present where one of the MC’s has been kidnapped by the khappers in turn of the century Russia. While I didn’t want to plagiarize I figured there was enough history to go around. 😉 My grandfather fled Poland in 1903 to avoid the Russian “draft” so it’s a scenario I was somewhat familiar with.
      Then this story just sort of came quickly. Glad you asked.


    • Thank you, Michelle for all of your comments. I was addicted from the moment I joined Friday Fictioneers. I never dreamed I’m be inheriting the steering wheel but I couldn’t let it go.
      Glad you liked the story.


  • 50 stories all well done. They seem to get better..I’ll ditto Ted..think that makes a double ditto? I don’t know the rules on dittoing! Perhaps you do. Rochelle you are fine host, a great writer and what heck of a sweet person. Bring on 50 more…I’m with you kid.


    • Dear Danny,
      This story is more research than personal history. Although my grandfather fled Eastern Europe to escape the Russian draft. I wish I knew more of his personal history, but when he was alive I was very young and woefully uninterested. Glad you liked it.


  • Ooh I’m so glad I found out about this 🙂 lovely story, intuitive and informative with a real story as the background of yours or yours as a shorter re-telling…genius!


  • I enjoyed the jump from actual to family tree. Another lovely historical fiction piece – love the description of Shifra’s eyes – that was one clever Mama. Congrats on your 50th FF story and thank you for hosting. Thanks too for the education and the link to more.


  • hello — as I was meandering through the entries, I kept wondering why that lone tree was spared. Then I knew I had posted the wrong story. I hope someone else wrote one like this and I can see it when I get to their post.

    The tree is standing because when it was young someone tended it. Beneath the roots was buried wealth, or a map, or proof of birth or a sword. They left and never returned, and now the family needs what was lost, and has no guidance on where to find it. Perhaps a storm will blow it over and tear up the roots.

    thanks for such a nice picture. — bw


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