31 May 2013

Published May 29, 2013 by rochellewisoff


As always, writers are encouraged to be as innovative as possible with the prompt and 100 word constraints. 

Henry David Thoreau said it best.

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”



Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going over or under the word count.)


Make every word count.


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    :) My story will follow the prompt for those who might be distracted by reading a story before writing their own . I enjoy your comments. :)

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    Copyright – Janet Webb

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Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100

When an Amish youth reaches the age of 16, he or she is given a time to explore life outside the polarized community that’s changed little since the 16th century. If the child returns all sins are forgiven and she will be baptized into the church and subsequently married.

90 % of Amish teenagers will choose their parents’ lifestyle. This time of sanctioned rebellion is known in Pennsylvania Dutch as…


            Out for a walk in the night, lost in thought, I didn’t see him until we collided. I apologized repeatedly.

            “No, it’s me. Without me glasses I’m fair blind.” He pointed at my bonnet. “Costume party?”

            “Amish. I’m in New York to choose my future—my parent’s home or the modern world.”

            “Do you like rock and roll?”

            “What’s that?”

            “You really don’t know, do you?”


             “What’ll you choose—1694 or 1964?”

            “Not sure. I hate big crowds.”

            “So do I.”  He offered his hand. “Pleased to meet you, Miss…”


            “Fab name.”

            “And you, sir?”

            “John. John Lennon.” 

Amish girlJohn Lennon

111 comments on “31 May 2013

    • Dear Janet,
      Wow. That comment was almost poetry in and of itself. Thank you.

      I was and am a huge Beatles fan. Funny the stories that come to one while exercising and watching a documentary of the Beatles’ first US tour (which started in New York), isn’t it? The rest of it, of course, took a little research.



  • Rochelle,
    I’m quite fond of reading Beverly Lewis’ books on the Amish. So, when I read your little story on Rumpringa I smiled. I can just picture them spending the afternoon together. John Lennon would have been thankful to spend an afternoon with one not tainted by his fame, one who would see him as a person first. Julia would enjoy the day as well, talking to sucha handsome gentlemen despite his strange accent. What an excellent image to carry me into a great weekend!


  • The research you carry out really pays off – it gives such depth and detail to your tales, and always fits in so seamlessly. This one had some particularly strong moments in only 100 words. I laughed aloud in delight at first reading, then read from a different angle. What a great story to launch a discussion or debate too!


  • Hello, Rochelle. I am a new visitor to your blog. For this piece, I think you executed great balance. You managed to keep the twist a surprise, but when I went back and re-read John’s lines, they were believable. Nicely done!


  • My darling Rochelle,

    If I were Julia, I would have run away with him. To be loved by John for even one night would have been a dream come true. First of all, because he was British. Secondly, because he was handsome. And third, well third, is because he was a writer of course. Who wouldn’t want to share a moment with a man like that???



    • Dear Renee,

      Here it is Sunday and I’m finally getting around to answering my own comments. As John wrote, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.”

      Actually as a kid I was a Paul McCartney fan. In retrospect I find that I relate to John more.

      In this instance, at least in my mind, I don’t think Julia would’ve considered running away with him, nor he with her. I do think to have met someone so isolated and unassuming would’ve been refreshing.

      Glad you liked it, my friend. Thank you for your comments…always welcome. 😉




      • Dear Rochelle,

        Of course they wouldn’t have run away together, but what a fun night they would have had. Can you imagine the memory of it, even as she aged? And then the torment should have felt when she heard the news of his death. She would have been shattered.

        John was one of those poets that I’ve always identified with. He was ‘out there’, but I understand everything he did.

        I stood by his memorial once. People had laid flowers on the peace sign. I, though I never knew him, became teary eyed. I looked up from the stone and took in the gas lamps of the Dakota where he was shot. I wondered why a poet’s blood was spilled. In that instant, I was 11 again, lying in my bed, crying for a man that I never knew.

        Love, Renee


        • Dear Renee,

          Thank you for your sweet reply. I think in a way they did have a fun night. It seems to me and what I know (very little really) of John that at this point in his life he would’ve just relished the peace and friendly conversation with an adolescent girl who wasn’t fawning all over him. All manner of things to speculate, aren’t there?




          • Dear Rochelle,

            I’m sure you’re right. He would have enjoyed the simplicity of a quiet night and a cup of coffee. He wouldn’t have had to do anything but be himself. He’d tell her about the city. Maybe take her to the top of The Empire State Building. They’d look out at the city and possibly hold hands for a moment. In that night, she may have decided to go home. To live the quiet life, because he couldn’t anymore. She did have that choice didn’t she? To go back to anonymity. John never did get that choice. He became a legend after being assassinated. You know, she probably didn’t ever hear about his death.

            Love, Renee


  • Actually that’s 1:05:00 to 1:06:00, somewhere in there. Though I think her choice was as much for a chance to continue her education that had stopped in 8th grade, though it was also for love and the freedom to make her own choices.


    • Dear Kelly,

      I haven’t had a chance yet to follow your link. I’ve watched a few of those types of videos of the Amish Rumspringa and the choices made. A lot of them out there.

      Glad you liked my story and interesting that you decided to write a similar story.




  • Sweet story, Rochelle… I can see that happening just the way you wrote it. Always an education to read your stories.

    I love Janet’s photo, and hope inspiration strikes. I am so busy right now it has to come out of the blue it seems, and then to have time to put it together. I always thought ‘you should make the time to write’… it isn’t that easy it seems.


    • Dear Ted,

      I’m glad you took the time to swing by. (And liked my story). Often, I’m the one who receives an education when I write these historical pieces.

      I understand about time. It’s Sunday and I’ve finally finished reading stories and commenting. Now getting around to answer comments on my page.

      Thanks again and Shalom,



  • I was just reading some of her blog @ http://aboutamish.blogspot.com/.

    Two things struck me: the Amish actually call outsiders “the English”. Also I didn’t know that there was a market for very chaste “Amish romances” and had to laugh at the mention of an “English” woman hiding her Amish Romance book when she went to the gym!

    I may just read other FF stories this week since last week I posted a story but never got the chance to go around and read the other stories. My muse doesn’t seem to be around this week, anyway.


  • Great story–a really creative interpretation of the prompt! I like the way that it ends, leaving the reader to wonder. Since she was still wearing her bonnet, I imagined that she had just arrived in the city and still had a lot of experimenting to do 🙂


    • Dear Jan,

      Actually in the documentaries I recently watched it seemed the girls were more likely to stay with their Amish garb through Rumspringa. Although for Julia to not have an inkling with whom she spoke, I tend to agree that she must’ve just arrived.

      Thanks for your kind comments.




  • That was nice. I love that sort of “what if?” story. Very imaginative Rochelle.
    On a slightly different note, I can’t wait to see what Russell will call you this week 😀


  • Oh Rochelle! What a wonderful “what if” story. I loved how you combined two sweet people from two completely different worlds. I’m beginning to see a pattern here. You’re a darn good writer!! Next week I’m hoping for a story about how Yoko Ono turns Amish . . .


    • Dear Linda,
      That was a darn nice thing to say! However think a “what if” such as Yoko Ono turning Amish is a stretch even for me. 😉
      The challenge, once I had the bones of the idea, was to find a young girl in 1964 New York City who didn’t know about the Beatles. But I’m here because I love the challenge.
      Thanks for your comments.


  • I love the idea of a chance meeting like this, and I think Lennon was the perfect Beatle for her to bump into – he seemed very open to new ideas and ways of looking at the world.


    • Dear Trudy,

      I thought so too. I also figured if anyone was going to jump ship for a while it would be John. He didn’t enjoy the screaming hordes. In one interview, when asked why he didn’t wear his glasses onstage, he said so he couldn’t see the crowds.

      Thank you for your kind comments.




    • Dear Amy,

      The ideas are often unexpected when they pop in my head. This one came as I was watching a documentary about the Beatles first American tour, starting with NYC. The rest is…um…er…history. 😉

      Glad you liked it. Thank you.




  • Rochelle, I thought this was just brilliant. My heart sank when I realised Julia is meeting John Lennon. I wanted to protect her. This vaguely resembles his marriage to his first wife Cynthia who, apparently, was also a bit of an innocent, at least well protected middle class young woman when they met at college. She didn’t come out of it too well. Yoko Ono was, however, a good match for him.


    • Dear Petru,
      True. Poor Cyn and Julian got the short end. However my intentions in this story were simple. No romance intended. This was a very young John Lennon out to escape the crowds of shrieking teens. Julia had no idea who he or the Beatles were.
      Nice that the story evoked emotion for you. Thank you for your kind comments.


    • Dear Maggie,

      Glad you liked the story. I didn’t realize there was a lot of speculation about the song. I’d read and heard in more than one interview that the song was a tribute to his beloved mother, Julia Lennon who was hit by a car and died when John was a young teen.

      Although it’s nice to think my Julia could’ve factored into his song. 😉




  • What a clash of cultures, but that’s what happens in cities. I imagine she went with him to find out what rock and roll was all about if nothing else. Such a great idea.


  • as i trail in at the end here…like many of your readers, i love this historical fictional story. makes you wonder how it would turn out. i think for a famous person to meet someone as innocent as Julia, it would be a refreshing moment. she could see not the famous John but just another guy. great story.


    • Dear Sunshine,

      Your comment, like your story, makes me smile. You went exactly where I wanted you to go. I think, even by February, 1964 when this takes place, John had already grown weary of the being chased and pawed. Seems that he, more than the other three, got more than he bargained for in his quest for fame.




      • i read a biography on J. Lennon. he did appear to struggle the most with fame. it seems his home life was not ideal so that in itself created stumbling blocks in later life. i think it was good he and Yoko got together. actually, when i look at their photos together, they almost look alike. amazing. ♥


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