29 June 2013

Published June 26, 2013 by rochellewisoff


As always, writers are encouraged to be as innovative as possible with the prompt and 100 word constraints. 

Henry David Thoreau said it best.

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”



Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going over or under the word count.)


Make every word count.


  • Copy your URL to the Linkz collection. You’ll find the tab following the photo prompt. It’s the little white box to the left with the blue froggy guy. Click on it and follow directions. This is the best way to get the most reads and comments.
  • MAKE SURE YOUR LINK IS SPECIFIC TO YOUR FLASH FICTION. (Should you find that you’ve made an error you can delete by clicking the little red ‘x’ that should appear under your icon. Then re-enter your URL. (If there’s no red x email me at Runtshell@aol.com. I can delete the wrong link for you).
    •  Make note in your blog if you’d prefer not to have constructive criticism.
    • REMINDER: This page is “FRIDAY FICTIONEERS CENTRAL” and is NOT the place to promote political or religious views. Also, you are responsible for the content of your story and policing comments on your blog. You have the right to delete any you consider offensive.

    **Please exercise DISCRETION when commenting on a story! Be RESPECTFUL.**

    Should someone have severe or hostile differences of opinion with another person it’s my hope that the involved parties would settle their disputes in private.

copyright - Indira

copyright – Indira  (follow the link to her first FF story) by way of Scott Vanatter

  • To post the prompt to your page simply right click on the picture and then left click “Save image as…” This will download it to your computer. Then paste it into your blog page. Please respect the copyright and use it only for Friday Fictioneers purposes. Any other usage requires permission from the photographer. Thank you. 

get the InLinkz code


            “Hard to believe you’ve been gone these many years, Alvin.” I stare at my wedding photograph taken in 1953. Or was it 1958?

            “You should see Emerson. Looks like you when we met. So handsome and sure of himself.

            “He took me to the grocery today. I got lost in the cereal aisle. Doddering old bat.

            “You’d laugh at your ‘Mrs. Intellectual’, Alvin. Can no longer understand the books I wrote.”       

            “Mom, you need your rest.” Emerson shuts off the light.

            “Please kill me.”

            “You don’t mean that.”  

            “Mean what? Tell your father to come to bed. It’s getting late.” 

108 comments on “29 June 2013

  • Rochelle,
    this is such a bittersweet story, looking back at a good life that has all but passed away. The line “Can no longer understand the books I wrote” is especially sad. That would be hard for a writer to accept. Great, great story, as always.


    • Dear Nightlake,

      I think it’s more of a grasping at her last few shreds of lucidity than putting herself down. I guess you could call this my looking my fear in the eye story. Thank you for commenting.




    • Dear Gabriella,

      There does seem to be a pattern, doesn’t there. For me it was the first thing I thought about when I saw the picture. It also had something to do with the photographer’s title, “Fleeting” .




    • Dear Sandra,

      We’re seeing that with my mother-in-law. Moments of lucidity and then suddenly she’ll say it’s time to go home, which is where she is. Thank you for your kind comments.




  • This one hit me right between the eyes, as your stories have a tendency of doing. And what an awful thing..to not even remember the books written….the last few lines……so real, so tragic.


    • Dear Dave,

      When I first saw the picture with the title “Fleeting” it was the first thing that popped into my head. It’s a subject up close and personal to our family. And I have to wonder what it feels like to be the victim of such a cruel disease. So I faced my greatest fear and wrote about it.

      Thank you for your kind comments.




  • This is a horribly sad story. I’m seeing my grandmother go this way at the moment and my mum is finding it so hard to convince her that she needs help.

    It’s especially sad because there’s so much you can do for dementia these days given you start doing the therapies early enough.


  • My father had Alzheimer’s. He passed about 2 years ago. Did I ever love him – though he didn’t remember me. We sang together though. I remembered all his old songs, and he’d remember them too when we’d sing together. – even though most days he couldn’t string together a full sentence. Now, neither can I. You remember me, I’m…


    • Dear Ted,

      The Thoreau quote is definitely my motto and mantra. In posting it as part of the weekly intro/rules section, it’s been my hope that other Friday Fictioneers would make it theirs as well.

      Thanks for your kind comments.


      (perched on a stack of phone books to reach my computer)


    • Dear Charles,

      A classic? Very nice words to read indeed. .As for your question. The MC is a woman who is succumbing to Alzheimer’s. She’s speaking to her dead husband’s picture and trying to hold onto shreds of her mind. By the end of the story she thinks he’s still alive. Hope that clarifies things for you.




  • Dear Rochelle,

    I’ve already told my family that if I lose my mind or body to ill health that they should let me die. I wasn’t nice about it either. I told them to take me out behind the garage and shoot me. While I don’t believe in going gently into that good night. I do believe in going out in a blaze of glory before I start peeing in plants.

    Your stories, though short always speak volumes to me. I hope that someday, my FF will do the same for my readers. Thank you for letting me into your world my dear.

    Love, Renee


    • Dear Renee,

      Like you, I want to go with my mental faculties in tact. Both of my parents did but they died relatively young of the diseases they created for themselves.

      Keep writing, my dear. Someday is now. Always a pleasure to have you in my world.




  • Your stories are like concentrated drops of fiction. I feel like if I were to add water they would become entire novels. This is such a sad story — getting one’s mind and body to wear out equally is just a matter of chance, I suppose.


    • Dear E. E.,

      I’ve heard it said that the only thing constant is change. My parents both passed while relatively young and still had their minds intact. However I’ve watched several friends take on the role of caretaker. My heart goes out to them.

      Glad you liked my story.




    • Dear Janet,

      I appreciate your concession. I just can’t write “Village of the Happy People” unless moved to do so. It’s just what I saw when I first saw the fleeting bus photo. The story wouldn’t let go.

      Thanks for commenting.




  • As always Rochelle, you’re right on target with your message. I somehow cannot envision you encountering this problem. Ever! Yet, this is a view of potential tomorrow’s
    that one can’t avoid contemplating! Very well written. Penny xx


  • bittersweet is the perfect way to describe it. the line “Can no longer understand the books I wrote” had such a strong effect on me! It just made everything sadder… still, it’s a beautiful thing to have such a caring son. another brilliant story from you. 🙂


  • Finally, I’m back with a computer that works! May I kindly ask what kind of vehicle is in the pic? It’s obviously English, that’s about all I can get. At first, I thought it was an ice cream truck. While I wait, I’m off to write… back soon with linky! 🙂


  • Altzheimers is a dreadful disease. Worse (in the later stages) for those around the sufferer, but before the night closes one down, there will be the terror of knowing that one has it and of being conscious of its progress, experiencing the loss.


  • When you reach a certain age, your knees start to snap, crackle and pop when taking the stairs. That’s when you know it’s all downhill after that. I’m getting some sort of arthritic twinge happening in my left thumb and finger. I refuse to let it get in the way of my typing (I’m a touch typist) or writing by hand, And I’m crocheting granny squares for a baby blanket. It may happen, Rochelle, or it may not. Let the future take care of itself. Such a good piece.


  • Very nice. Aging ain’t for sissys! I loved all the stories this week but can’t add mine. The new linkzin thing won’t work for me. I can’t get the code added to make the little blue guy. It may be me, or my computer. I can’t open the download for the new program for install. I didn’t want you to think I just bailed.


    • Dear Ms. T,

      I apologize for the change in the Linkz tool. Of course it’s beyond my control and I’ve had to relearn it myself. That’s “progress”‘ for you. Let me know if I can help.

      Glad you like my story.




  • Hi Rochelle I ‘m so late. It was my first attempt at it so I was very nervous. Still posting my link , please have a look -http://amaltaas.wordpress.com/2013/06/28/friday-fictioneers/. Feel free to say anything to improve my writing.


  • Loved your story Rochelle. Honestly I can’t bear to think about memories slipping out of one’s consciousness. Beautiful.
    I’ve written a story for this Friday 28.06.2013 but I see that the link is closed.


    • Dear Norton,

      Guess that persona does fit you better. Dementia is a disease that seems to have touched all of us in one way or another. sorry about your dad. That must’ve been difficult for you.

      Say hi to Trixie from me.




    • Dear Shirley,

      To me this story is more frightening than all the zombie and vampire stories put together. This monster is voracious and strikes without bullets.

      Thank you for swinging by and commenting.




  • Dear Rochelle
    I think you have captured the slow onset of dementia so well with this. Being lost in time and space is a terrible thing to contemplate when you have all your faculties
    Well done


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