21 February 2014

Published February 19, 2014 by rochellewisoff


Seize the opportunity to free your muse and allow her take you on a magic carpet ride. 

Henry David Thoreau said it best.

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.)




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As of 20 February the consensus is that my Genre is Horror 😉

Word Count: 98


            Undaunted by the prospect of childbirth and motherhood, the epitome of idealistic youth, I cheerfully welcomed the task ahead. I’d show everyone how it’s done. What could possibly go wrong?

            After an excruciating and humbling thirty-six hour labor and breech birth, Mara, my 8 pound lioness, roared forth into the world.

            From infancy to puberty, she has marked her territory well.  

            Light glints off my sixteen-year-old’s silver nose-ring and gaudy orange-dyed mane. I cringe like cornered prey when she growls and dangles my car keys from her black-nailed fingers.

            “Mo-om, you promised to start my driving lessons today.”


118 comments on “21 February 2014

  • Rochelle,
    that sounds like a terrifying proposition, even more than childbirth. At least there, there were trained professionals around to help. 🙂 I like the humor; I decided to go that way too this week. Thanks for picking my picture. Thinking back, all three of mine that you have chosen I’ve written light-hearted pieces about.


    • Dear David,

      My silly muse these days. Seems to be taking me in more humorous directions. This one came in the context of a conversation with a friend who looked that picture and said, “Belling the cat.” One of the most dangerous and difficult tasks of my life was making it through my sons’ teen years and coming out (somewhat) sane. 😉
      Glad you liked. And thanks again for your photo contribution.




    • Oh Dawn,

      All I can say to that is hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Well said. I used to have a T-Shirt that said “Motherhood. That’s why ferrets eat their young.”

      Shalom (And I have shalom because my kids are all grown and out of the house 😉 )



  • Good story Rochelle! Likening the daughter to a lioness was great. Some children have to go those that phase. Our daughter colored her hair, etc. so much that when she found a gray hair in her late teens, her brother said she probably killed it.


    • Dear PRS,

      My children all went through the hair color/goth phase in their teens. My youngest son died his hair purple right before his brother’s college graduation. My husband was NOT happy. Glad you liked my story, thanks for sharing a bit of yours. Teenagers..isn’t it amazing that parents survive them?




    • Dear Liz,

      I’m really happy that you checked the link. After having to explain my title and how it applies to my story to a couple of people, I decided it might be nice to give a reference. 😉

      I never had daughters, but my teenage sons were challenging enough without the added attraction of estrogen. Glad you liked my story. Thank you.




  • Rochelle,this was excellent!Loved the rich imagery and how you laced it with subtle humour :-)Reading this reminded me of myself as a teenager,though my mom never cowered,lol!
    Off to post mine now 😀


  • Rochelle, as you know, I can very much identify with your story although, overall, the difficult years were the vast minority. I think it’s partly my own fault. I asked God to help me develop patience and He put me in situations where I had lots of practice. 🙂 The moral of that is be careful what you ask for!! I do tremble a bit, though, at seeing your nice/humorous side for the second week in a row. What will happen when the dark side breaks loose???



    • Dear Jennifer,

      In the end, I think, the challenges were all worth it. There are things I wish I’d done differently but when I watch my adult sons living rich lives I think perhaps I did something right.

      Glad you liked. Thanks for dropping by.




  • Oh, I remember the days well. Two children, two drivers, lots of horrifying moments between the ditches, as they say. Superb use of this fable, and terrific description of Mara, a force with which to be reckoned. Hope she grows up to use her powers for good.


    • Dear Honie,

      I have three children. I think perhaps it was paybacks for my teenage years. 😉 As I told someone in another comment, after my first drive around the neighborhood with my dad, he got out and kissed the driveway. True story. As for Mara, we can only hope. My sons all went through the black lipstick goth stage. I’m pleased that they’re all good men that make me proud.

      Thanks for commenting.




  • Is your daughter a Leo? lol I sometimes refer to myself as a lioness when the word fits. I dread the day it comes about but my 12 year old already told me, “Mom I want a corvette.” I enjoyed the description and how quickly it goes from birth to the learners permit!


    • Dear W.O.P,

      Actually I don’t have a daughter. But perhaps Mara is. 😉 I have three sons who, during their teen years, ha me counting my blessings that I didn’t have girls. They were all artists, sensitive souls and driving lessons were challenging. Coupled with estrogen it could’ve been worse.

      Thanks for commenting.




  • I see why you call her a lioness. The teenager fits the physical description, and apparently, she expects to be in charge of things. That’s a future CEO there. Great story and enjoyable read. 🙂


  • Rochelle, I find your story at once humorous and frightening. I never had children, and these days I find myself more and more grateful. Sad? Not really. I don’t think I could have appropriately responded to the child you describe. Better for her/him and me. 😉

    Loving your work as always!


    • Dear Lynda,

      I desperately wanted a little girl when I was having my babies. In retrospect I’m grateful for my boys. I’m not sure I’d have been up to the challenge of adolescent estrogen. My sensitive, right brained sons were challenge enough.

      Glad you liked my story. 😉




  • you marked genre as “questionable”. I think that you can safely mark it as “horror”. Personally, I’m horrified about the time when I’ll have to start teaching my 3 boys how to drive.


    • Dear Marie Gail,

      Indeed. I changed the genre. Some of this story is my parents’ experience revisited. After my first drive around the neighborhood with my dad, he got out and kissed the driveway. True story. Nice when a story brings out personal experiences.




  • Having a daughter, I actually faced your hilarious challenge Rochelle – my reply was when I think you’re mature enough… we certainly grew up fast after that !
    Loved your story, and great to have a giggle… love the idea of the genre being a horror story – definitely relate to that !!!


    • Dear Valerie,

      It seems that a great number of parents relate to this story. 😉 I never had a daughter but my sons mirrored Mara in one way or another in a masculine way. At times it was horrifying, probably the most trying part of motherhood next to toilet training. I’m pleased that it made you giggle.

      Kia Ora,



  • That ending was equal parts terrifying and hilarious. My younger brother just recently started driving and I myself went through the “driver-in-training stage” with my parents just a few years ago. Despite that I have always been a very cautious driver, that didn’t keep my mom from gripping the handle on the passenger side door like it would go flying open. I thought that as the big sister I would be WAY more chill when it came to riding with my brother than my parents are. Sure enough, I find myself gripping the passenger door and praying we make it back alive. =D


    • Dear L.E.

      As the mother of three sons, I’m sure there are indentations on the passenger side door handles of the cars they learned in. There’s nothing more terrifying that putting your life in the hands of the fruit of your womb. But then I suppose I had it coming after putting my own parents through the same terrors.

      Glad you enjoyed the story for I enjoyed your comments.




  • Rochelle, You captured this moment of terror for a parent very well. To this day I can vividly recall the agony of my mom teaching me to drive. Can’t say it was easy for either of us.You description were fabulous. Love her keys hanging dangling from black finger nails. I was struggling with character description and this has given me some inspiration. Thanks. Dana


    • Dear Dana,

      I took drivers ed in high school and did a great job on the written but I won’t publicize my score on the driving. Let’s just say I didn’t pass that part. My parents lost patience, particularly when I ran mother’s car off the road while on a learner’s permit. A licensed friend took me out to practice. If it had been a cliff instead of a hill on the off ramp, I wouldn’t be typing this reply.
      I guess my three sons were paybacks in triplicate. 😉
      Glad something I wrote helped inspire.




  • The author of Dodging Miss Daisy can certainly relate to this tale. I clicked on Belling the Cat and enjoyed the education. My father in-law once told me the best way to vacinate a cat was to stick it head first down a rubber boot and vacinate it in the hip. Do NOT EVER attempt this. The only way this could possibly work would be if the cat were rendered unconcious first.


  • Ha, great story, Rochelle!
    I’m waiting for my 2.8 year old niece to grow up into the lioness I think she will be.
    As Dawn said, they’re all cuteness and vulnerability when they’re teeny so we’ll take care of them until …. they can take care of themselves.
    Nicely done (as always!)


    • Dear Joanna,

      I believe God designed babies to be adorable and cute so that when they wake us with colic in the middle of the night we won’t mind cuddling them and comforting them. By the time they’re teenagers we’ve gotten used to them. 😉

      Glad you liked the story. I had fun writing it.




  • Great Rochelle – Funny and Horrific together!! 😀 Love your story!

    I did a little mess-up. I only looked at just the photo yesterday (to get an idea to ferment) and hadn’t saw the Horror genre announcement until after I had linked my story (oops). Anyway, I’ll pay closer attention next week!

    Your metaphor is Fantastic! Teenagers can be predatorily and a nightmare to live with. Just want to say…. Fine Job indeed!! 🙂


  • i love the way you described the daughter…seems like there are many like her in today’s modern world. thanks for link to belling the cat – love the wisdom behind the story.


    • Dear Millie,

      I hope that feel translated to my sons who were and are unique individuals. Never had a daughter but she probably would’ve been like this girl if I had. As it was, my youngest son dyed his hair purple just prior to his brother’s college graduation. It didn’t bother the graduate who sported earrings and a long ponytail but my Chief Petty Officer husband was furious. 😉

      Thank you for your fun comments.




  • I have a sixteen year old learning to drive right now, so this probably comes under ‘Non Fiction’ for me. One day it’s going to be me and not the driving instructor in the passenger seat.

    P.S My blog is being marked as Spam in WordPress, can you unblock me from your spam folder.


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