Published July 21, 2014 by rochellewisoff

It never occurred to me to designate a theme song for my blog until Junk Chuck (whoever he) dropped by my “About Rochelle” page and left this video. Nothing more to add. Enjoy!

😉 Shalom,


P.S. Click here to meet Chuck. You won’t be sorry. 

30 comments on “START WEARING PURPLE!

    • Dear Susan,

      Chuck posts something new every day. I noticed that he’s posted another article since the joke. It is a funny joke though. I love the song. So I couldn’t resist making it the theme song for my blog. It just fits.




    • Dear Jennifer,

      If people are judging you for wearing purple than they’re just plain wrong! It’s been my favorite color since my dad painted my room lavender when I was seven. Purple is the color of royalty.

      So from one princess to another 😉




  • Well, he got everyone over to his blog… well at least you and me. Pretty funny guy. Some cool stuff. I’ll bet Junk Chuck has another blog and you know him under another name. Did you look at his blogroll?

    Hope to be back writing soon.


  • I like purple lollipops, grape soda (does that count?), purple cabbage, (does) barney (count?),
    the purple song by Gogol Bordello which has no purple in the video (so I had to close eyes to imagine The Color Purple. Get it? The Color Purple! I like The Color Purple) Purple People Eaters, purple aliens and purple grapes, I also liked Gogol Bordello’s Immigraniada (We Comin’ Rougher) – you got me on a YouTube search from listening to start wearing purple, and now I hold my breath until turning purple.

    So long in elprup which in backwards speak is you know tahw.



  • Raed ydnaR,

    What can I say? I’m a purpleholic. And now I’m addicted to Gogol Bordello. I’ve been searching YouTube, too. Great minds and all that…must be the September 4 thing. 😉

    Anything purple counts…except purple bruises. Well wait, no, Barney does NOT count.

    Elprup srevol etinu!




  • Dear Rochelle – “Start Wearing Purple Now:” is so cute and catchy. I’ve never heard it before but enjoyed it a lot. That was nice to suddenly appear on your blog. Very timely indeed. Thanks! Nan 🙂


  • I wasn’t going to leave a comment, just a little like, but I’ve come back to tell you I’ ve got that song stuck in my head now and I think it’s decided to stay for tea 🙂


  • Good grief! I had finally gotten away from this song– my daughter and son are big fans of Gogol Bordello (we saw them live about 7 years ago) and this song was on all the time– All. The. Time– for about two years. Funny, after a break, it is indeed catchy. It will be with me for days now… it’s that kind of song. 😉


    • Dear Alicia,

      Seriously? I don’t remember that. I have the DVD and it’s one of my favorites. Of course the last time I watched it was pre-blog time. I think it’s high time I dig it out. 😉

      Thank you.




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