26 September 2014

Published September 24, 2014 by rochellewisoff

Flowers from the Hill Thoreau

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The next photo you see is the PROMPT. Study it. What does it say to you? Tell me in a hundred words or less. 

 My story follows the prompt and the link. Click on little blue froggy fella and add your link. If reading and commenting on every story is daunting, try reading the five prior to yours and the five following. 😉

get the InLinkz code

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 98


             Against the cold wooden floor, labor pains wracked Emily’s back. One after another they came, each harder than the last. She closed her eyes to shut out onlookers’ stares but couldn’t block out their voices.

            “Helluva place to have a kid.”

            “Pour me another, Fayette.”

           “Whaddya think, Gramps? Boy or girl?”

           “Quarter says ‘boy.’” 

            “Pay them no mind, Emily,” said Mama. “Push!”

             Over the din of cheers and clinking glasses William Griffith Wilson made his howling presence known.

            “Born behind Grandpa’s bar,” whispered Emily as she cuddled her newborn. “Don’t suppose it’s some kind of omen, do you?”


107 comments on “26 September 2014

  • Dear Rochelle,

    What an outstanding story. You really did your research this time. I love that you give of your time to salt your stories with the too often dim and distant voice of history. I learn from you, I delight in you and I applaud you. Well done.




    • Dear Doug,

      Your words flare and then fade to a soft and beautiful blue within me. Is it any wonder I look forward to and cherish your writing and comments? I can think of no greater compliment than your saying you learn from me.

      Thank you.

      Shalom and L’chaim,



  • Sterling as usual, Rochelle. I’m not contributing this week, but I’m glad I still had chance to read yours. I’d never heard of Bill, nor had it occurred to me to wonder where AA started. What a gift he left the world; what a gift you’ve given me by doing the wondering, the research and the imagining for me.


    • Dear Jennifer,

      I’ll miss your contribution this week but I’m pleased that you stopped in to read and comment. I’ve known of Bill Wilson for some time but never took the time to find out much about him. His twelve-steps have spilled over into many other ‘Annonymous’ groups. What a difference this baby born in a tavern made, eh?

      Thank you.




  • Rochelle, I knew when I saw the name that this wasn’t just some random name you made up. I love this story for the characters and the atmosphere you infuse it with. I just read Doug’s story before this and it’s amazing how the same image can evoke such different stories. That’s what I love about our group. 🙂


    • Dear David,

      It’s no secret that I love taking a slice of history and putting myself in the midst of it. 😉

      This group…ah this group. I’ve made some lasting friendships here. I’d only been writing with Friday Fictioneers for six months when Madison announced that she was letting it go. I was devastated, but laughed when Doug, who is one of the earliest members, suggested I take it. Yet I couldn’t imagine life without it. So when both my husband and Kent echoed Doug, I begged Madison to let me adopt her baby. Needless to say it turned out to be a great decision, although, at times it’s a bit like trying to herd feral cats.

      I’m happy that you’re part of Friday Fictioneers, David.

      Thank you.




      • This is the kind of thing that becomes a way of life, doesn’t it? I imagine it must be hard sometimes to enforce rules in a strictly voluntary group. You’re quite diplomatic though, which I think is essential. Madison must be happy her creation is in such good hands now.


        • I can’t say how or what, David, but Friday Fictioneers has given me something to concentrate on when other things in my life weren’t going all that well.

          Madison helped me get started and has been there for me when I hit some early rough spots. She’s also said more than once that I’ve done a good job. Nice to hear. 😉


  • This is great, Rochelle! I’m always amazed how you find out about these little tid bits of history. But of course the founder of AA was born in a bar. Ha ha. I mean you have to laugh about that. I had no idea. I’m glad he went on to do great things and make a difference for so many people.


    • Dear Amy,

      It’s amazing to me how much information is out there on the internet. Although it often contradicts. But, for the most part, it’s a great tool. Wish we’d had it when we were in school. On the other hand I might not have cared. 😉

      When I read that Bill Wilson was born in a bar, it was a done deal.

      Thank you.




  • What a great piece of writing, and what a start in life for someone who went on to be synonymous with recovery. I work for a local paper here a small town in Ireland, and did an article on a peer-led addiction recovery group called the Friends of Bill W Club. The man who founded the group told me he owed his life to the 12 Step Programme. He has since become a counsellor and helped a lot of other people suffering from all sorts of addiction. Bill Wilson’s legacy lives on in so many corners of the world.


    • Dear Siobhán,

      I’ve done the twelve steps, although not for alcoholism. It’s a great tool for other addictions. Another of my family members has thirteen years sobriety so I’m grateful to Bill.

      How wonderful that he made such a mark on the world after such precarious beginnings.

      Thank you.




    • Dear Dana,

      Of course, no one will ever know how Bill’s birth went, but my imagination went wild when I learned that he was born behind the bar. Not only that, it was in the midst of a Vermont snowstorm in November. But due to the word count restriction, the snow just didn’t fit. 😉

      Thank you,




    • Dear Jessie,

      I’m glad you asked. 😉 I have a novel, historical fiction, that’s looking for a home. My agent, Jeanie Loiacono, assures me that it will sell. To learn a little more about it you can go to my web site. http://www.rochellewordart.com and click the “Please Say Kaddish for Me” link. I’m also working on a couple of sequels.

      Thank you.




  • What a great bit of historical imagining again Rochelle. William Wilson had a pretty complex life of his own. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. And I am glad to be back again this week.


    • Dear Subroto,

      Historical imagining. I like that. And yes, Bill Wilson did have quite a complex life. So many have benefited from his recovery and discovery.

      I’m also glad to see you back. I’ve truly missed you.

      Thank you.




  • I agree with the previous comments, plus I must say that I loved the voices of the bar customers. Such great dialogue. They have their priorities, and no real concern at all for the events happening behind the bar.


    • Dear Marg,

      Dialogue is the most fun for me. I always did prefer books and stories that have plenty of it. Glad it worked for you, too. Of course I only imagined the comment. All I know are the facts. 😉

      Thank you.




  • Dear Juliette,
    Interesting tale. I followed the link and read the epilogue. I have a friend who was born in a garage, but failed to become a mechanic. Connie has accused me of being born in a barn, but that’s just because I’m stubborn as a mule.
    I’ll see you at the corner table. – Jack Horner


    • Dear Jack,

      Personally I like corner tables. Didn’t we have one in Joplin?

      I was born in a hospital but I never had a desire to be a nurse, doctor or even an orderly. My first crushes were on Dr. Kildare and Ben Casey, does that count?

      Thank you for coming by. Don’t kick over any tables on the way out.




    • Dear Tiffany,

      I can’t say that I always pick the subjects. Most often they seem to pick me. I start with a topic and then follow threads. With this story I started with history of wine which led somehow to Alcoholics Anonymous and its co-founder Bill Wilson. When I read that he was born in his grandfather’s tavern I knew I’d arrived at my story. It doesn’t always happen quite that way but for this story it did.

      Thank you.




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