24 April 2015

Published April 22, 2015 by rochellewisoff

Snorkeling in St. Thomas

Undersea St. Thomas 4 Meme

FF copyright banner final

The following photo is the PHOTO PROMPT. What do you see? Don’t be afraid to step outside the confines of the box. Use your imagination. 

My unstory will follow the prompt and the blue frog link. 😉

PHOTO PROMPT - © Douglas M. MacIlroy

PHOTO PROMPT – © Douglas M. MacIlroy

get the InLinkz code

Genre: Non-fiction/Non-story

Word Count: 99

The story you are about to read is true. No names have been changed to protect the innocent. 


            “It’s a fantastic prompt,” I tell Doug. 

            “I’ll take history for $30,” I mumble as I read an article about Roald Amundsen, the first person to reach the South Pole.

            After days of edits, illustrations, full time job issues and insomnia, my busy brain, swirling with a thousand-thoughts-a-minute, is at a loss for a flash fiction.

            Word came this week that my novel is going to be released in two weeks. So soon? I just sent the manuscript back to the publisher and I’m still writing acknowledgements.

            “Another time, Roald.” I click out of Wikipedia. “No story this week.”


It’s true. For the first time in three years, I didn’t have the head space to write a story. I hope you’ll find it in your hearts to forgive me.  Last week I received an email from my publisher with the following notice: 

Beginning on April 20 Please Say Kaddish For Me will be available to preorder from Kindle in ebook form and to preorder from http://www.a-argusbooks.com/GalleryComing.htm in print form. Release date scheduled for May 8.
Psk Cover II
Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency
Many thanks to Cuzzin Kent Bonham for using his expertise to make the following book trailer. Click here for LINK. Of course the date’s a bit sooner than I was expecting. 😉 

163 comments on “24 April 2015

  • Even in this awkward moment, you’ve stayed true to your gift. You almost always take a true historical event to use as the root of your story, and what better historical event than the publication of your second book! After all, there will be a day in the future when many people will look back and say, “That was an important day in history,” and you will have already written about it.

    Congratulations and keep up the great work!

    Liked by 1 person

  • Congrats! and I loved the unstory too. You know better than me, that sometimes, it just doesnt work.. and I would hate to put out a terrible story just for the sake of it.


    • Dear Sandra,

      I’m pleased the unstory seems to have hit the mark. ;). Now to start on the artwork for the sequel. Not sure when it will be out but within the next year, I’m sure.

      Thank you as always for being in my court.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Woo Hoo! That’s fantastic and so very inspiring. Friday Fictioneer has been the spark that has started me writing again after years of keeping stories in my mind. Your account of your own journey of writing a book has been absolutely inspirational. I wish you all the best for this book.


    • Dear Subroto,

      It’s always nice to hear that Friday Fictioneers has been a spark in someone’s writing. I was hooked from my first week as a participant and six months later I ended up running the whole shebang. I think the discipline of telling a story in a compact space teaches us which words are important and which are not. I’ve found that it helps my writing of longer pieces.

      Thank you for your kind words, support and participation that I look forward to every week.




    • Dear Claire,

      As I’ve been following you on Facebook I understand why you haven’t been able to write an FF story every week. Your star is rising and it’s fun to watch it glow.

      Thank you for the congrats and the comment. They mean a lot.



      Liked by 1 person

  • AnElephantCant hide his feelings
    He is a huge fan of sweet Rochelle’s oeuvre
    He sends felicitations
    And a standing ovation
    Happiness is seeing a friend get what is so well deserved

    And he enjoys today’s piece!


  • Dear Rochelle,

    What wonderful news! Thank you for sharing your unstory with us! It’s better than many peoples official stories! 😉

    I can’t wait to read the book!



  • And, in the beginning, we found a middle. And then the end. Lol. The un story was actually a story. I am very proud of your accomplishments and can’t wait to read the book. The first autographed one at that.


  • I have said so before, Rochelle, but there is absolutely no need to apologise. And especially when you are busy showing us what this writing lark is really all about. I can’t believe your book is going to be published so fast and I’m certain it is a testimony to all the work you’ve put into it before this point.
    Loved your “non-story” – it is a story of its own, and leaves me with even more of a smile to know it is true.



    • Dear Jen,

      I remember when I was at the beginning of this writing journey and heard that certain authors had taken ten years to write their books. I understand that now. 😉

      Thank you for the kind words and appreciation for my non-story. I’ll try to write a “real” one next week.




  • Dear Rochelle,
    Once again, my congratulations on your first novel. These are exciting days!

    As to your “non-story,” I found it deft and amusing in it’s own way. You’ll be happy to know that I took up the mantle of historical research for you this week, but so as not to step into your territory, I chose Svante Arrhenius. 😉

    Marie Gail


  • Congrats on the book!

    I hate to sound like a dunce, but how do I write my story then link up to your site? I know how to copy the image and ping back to your blog, but is there something else I should do?



    • Dear Lorna,

      Thank you for the congrats.

      I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I’m having to find time around a full time job.

      Glad you were able to copy the image. If you’ve written your story, just click on the blue frog icon under the photo prompt which will take you to the list. At the bottom of the list to the left you should find a blue box that says “add your link.” Click that and it will take you to a box with instructions. In the first box you copy and paste your story URL which you should find at the top of your screen. Make sure it’s the story page. The rest is pretty self explanatory.

      Hope this helps.



      Liked by 1 person

  • If anyone has an excuse, Rochelle, it’s you!! Congrats on your book!! I’m so excited for you. Hope all goes well in the final stages. P.S. I can’t think of a story either even though the prompt is excellent!


  • Roald can wait. And cleverly written. I bet the dog always ate your homework.
    Looking forward to the book. I really enjoyed Claire Fuller’s recent novel and will use her a s a benchmark for my cruel criticism.


    • Dear Patrick,

      You make me nervous now. I haven’t read Claire’s novel yet but have every intention of doing so. I’m sure it’s fantastic and is getting rave reviews.

      Thank you for your comments on my unstory. As for homework, I was never that clever with my excuses. 😉




  • Dear Ria,

    First of all, congrats on surviving the editing process and the early publishing date. Now, people can order in time for Mother’s Days, Victory Day (Canada), Father’s Day, Flag Day, and Dragon Boat Festival Day (China). I’m thrilled to see this book reach completion and have a release date set. Can’t wait to get my grubby little paws on an autographed copy.

    As for your non-story. It was spot-on in every aspect. Sometimes we get so busy juggling it’s hard to keep all the balls in the air. Don’t worry. I gotcha covered–wrote two this week.

    – Vierra Offcourse


    • Dear Vierra Offcourse or should I call you Jacques Cliche,

      Thank you for covering for me this week 😉 It has been a busy time in my life and the balls have been falling on my head. (visualize Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Moose),

      I’ll be happy to sign a copy over to you in the not too distant future. Will you be attending Ozark Creative Writers conference in October? I won’t be at OWL.

      Thank you for all the laughs and moral support.




    • Dear Dave,

      The book release isn’t quite yet. I didn’t plan to take a week off but I just couldn’t wrap my head around a real story. Pity, it’s such a great photo.

      Thank you for dropping by.




  • Oh my! See how it is? Publishers can be early but you can’t be late 😛 Do I hear you pitter pattering in Kansas at this ungodly hour of the morning?

    Congratulations, Rochelle.



    • Dear Ellespeth,

      Yes. I am up at this crazy hour and was about two hours ago when you posted 😉

      I was a little rattled when the publisher announced the release date. A lesson in being prepared.

      Thank you.




  • Dear Rochelle

    I don’t think I’d have head space for writing either, under such exciting circumstances. Sending you my heartiest congratulations.

    And I loved your “true” story. I’m sure that Doug was heartily amused!

    All best wishes


    • Dear Sarah,

      I guess you could say that Doug’s responsible for the title. When I showed my unstory to him, he laughed, shook his head and said, “What a cop out.”

      I’m pleased that it entertained.

      Thank you for your delightful comments and good wishes.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dee,

      Thank you for commenting on my non-story. I think it’s a worthy one…well kind of, even if Doug did call it a cop out. (He said it with a warm understanding smile. 😉 )

      Thank you for the good wishes. It means a lot.




    • Dear Chioma,

      I’m glad you’re enjoying the challenge. It’s habit forming, isn’t it? I started as one of the gang three years ago, ended up taking it over six months later and am amazed that it’s still going strong.

      Thank you stopping by. I promise a real story next time.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Hi Rochelle,

    How exciting!! I’ve put a plug in my entry for your book. If I can meet my monthly writing goals, I’ll pre-order it as a reward for myself. 🙂 It looks fascinating.

    Best of luck with everything!

    Take care,


    • Dear Emilie,

      I’m hoping you meet your monthly writing goals. 😉 And again, thank you for the plug on your blog. Every little bit will help me to meet my goals.

      BTW, Disqus works quite well. Your replies show up in my email so I don’t have to run back to your blog to see if you answered.

      Thank you.




  • Oh, you must be so excited, Rochelle. How wonderful for you – apart from all the stress and insomnia, I mean. Perhaps you just need an extra long swim (when you have time to fit it in). Big congratulations!


    • Dear Millie,

      I do try to get my swim time in. It’s one of the things that help keep me semi-sane. Since today is my day off I treated myself to an extra long session.

      The stress and insomnia come with trying to fit everything in with a full time cake decorating job which is soon to be over. Retirement looms on the horizon as does a career as an author.

      Thank you for paddling by with your good wishes and support.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Emily,

      Thank you for your comments on my non-story. It does have a beginning, middle and end, so I think it qualifies. The title came from my friend who shook his head, laughed and said, “What a cop out.” “Perfect title,” I said. 😉




  • MAZEL, Rochelle! You are entitled to a bit of a break (in FF) and such an exciting way to tell us all! I actually was reading this with a FF eye, when I realized what I was indeed reading! The trailer is fantastic! Kent did a masterful job! Huge hugs and congrats, friend! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dawn,

      Thank you for the validation of my “non-story.” It was a fun way to share my news.

      I’ve had the good fortune of being Kent’s guinea pig for his budding career as a videographer.

      Todah for the mazel.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I’m right there with you. Been talking with an alum from my school and I just can’t manage to crank anything out of my head. Maybe its some kind of sickness running around. I still enjoyed the very tongue-in-cheek style of the story, though.


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