12 February 2016

Published February 10, 2016 by rochellewisoff


Last week we had another short story winner. Margaret Leggatt in Australia. 

To read her award winning story click 






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The following photo is the PROMPT. Keep in mind that all photos are the property of the contributor, therefore copyrighted and require express permission to use for purposes other than Friday Fictioneers. Giving credit to whom credit is due is proper etiquette. 

Please be considerate and make an effort to stay within the suggested word count. 

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Genre: Memoir

Word Count: 100


            I tasted dusty tile floor. Aware of prying stares, lying in my own filth, I wished I could dissolve between the cracks of the thrift shop floor.

            A paramedic struggled to insert an IV into my collapsed vein. “What year is it?”


            “Do you know your name?”

             My doctor’s words haunted me.

            “You’re going to end up dead on the bathroom floor like Karen Carpenter and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

             Was this the legacy I wanted to leave my children?

            Infused with renewed will to conquer the beast, I answered the EMT. “My name is Rochelle.”  


*Footnote-This was a major wake-up call and the first day of my decision to live. The following sketch is part of a series I did to go along with an inner child story I wrote while in treatment, entitled The Magic Daffodils. 

Bubblle Blowing

Original Artwork © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

133 comments on “12 February 2016

  • What a poignant, heart-breaking opening paragraph to your story! Your descriptions made my spine go cold. Is it what I think it is? Was it anorexia nervosa?
    If so, you are a superlatively strong woman, to have faced the beast and conquered it. Kudos to you, dear Fairy Blog-Mother!

    Beautiful painting, as well!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Vijaya,

      Yes, ma’am it was my ‘last dance with Annie.’ This story is 100% true. One of the most humiliating moments of my life and the day I realized I was truly killing myself.

      Thank you for your kind words. I look back on that woman as a stranger. The painting is part of a series I did during my last stay in treatment. There’s a lot to inner child therapy I believe.


      Rochelle YFBM

      Liked by 4 people

  • I remember this scene from the “Last Dance with Annie” that you let me read. Haunting, stark and brave. Well done, as ever, not just for beating it but for being able to say publicly that it was a time you lived through and came out the other side. Inspiring stuff. But that’s you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sandra,

      I forgot that I shared my fictionalized version of the story. In AA they refer to this kind of a story as a 12th step. Sharing my experience, hope and love. I look back on those times with wonder. It’s all grist for the mill, isn’t it?

      Thank you.


      Liked by 3 people

  • We all have parts of our past we arent so fond of, dont we? Part of what made us who we are today I suppose, maybe even one of the biggest parts. Glad you could rise above yours and turn the corner to a better life.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Adam,

      You’re right. Those past experiences make us what we are today. While I’m not proud of this particular experience, I’m grateful for it–to have lived through it and to have learned from it. I believe it’s made me a stronger woman and, hopefully a better writer.

      Thank you for such a thoughtful comment.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Oh so well done! And the story too… 😉
    I am in awe of anyone who manages to battle the beast, whatever it is, and come out on top. You, my friend are definitely on top! xoxo


    • Dear Dale,

      It was a long uphill battle that not everyone wins. I’m grateful that I never stepped over the imaginary line to the point of no return. I believe that’s what happened to Karen Carpenter. Her mind might have been in recovery but her body couldn’t keep those promises.

      Thank you for your comments and glowing compliments. I’m happy to be alive to meet people like you. ❤



      Liked by 1 person

  • It is hard to think back on those days. It seems to be a different life in a distant time, far, far away. So glad “that person” slayed the dragon and moved on to become the person you are today. Carry on my Purple Princess.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Such a horrible, heart-wrenching experience, and so powerfully portrayed. I so admire your bravery for sharing this, even for thinking back on it yourself, and am happy for you and impressed at how far you have come. Bravo!

    Liked by 2 people

  • Gawd, that’s scary. To think we almost lost you. We were almost denied the happiness of Friday Fictioneers. I’m glad you fought through it for your family first of all, and then for us. Good to know you’re such a fighter. Thanks for sharing something so personal Rochelle.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Very powerful imagery (both written and drawn). You never fail to impress me with the way you can craft so much intensity into so few words. This story is infused with a raw sense of humanity: the fear, pain and ultimately the glimmering hope that lies in the decision to make a change. Whatever your challenges may be, I’m grateful that you’re still with us.

    Liked by 1 person

  • My dear Rochelle, I am so glad the old self failed and the new you rose from the ashes to victory. You have touched so many lives with this one blog, I can only image the lives you’ve touched in person. A life to be proud of.

    Blessings to you,


  • Wow, what a story! very powerful, and more so since it is so personal. I’ve heard sometimes people have to hit bottom before they can pick themselves up. Even then it isn’t easy to work your way back up to life. As others have said, very good job and the story was well done too.


    • Dear Trent,

      It was an uphill climb and it didn’t happen overnight. But this was definitely the starting point for me when I realized I really could die from it.

      Thank you for comments and compliments. I”m happy to be alive.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Absolutely stunning, both the story and the sketch. I raise my glass to you, Rochelle, for beating your demons, an achievement that so many cannot claim, and here’s to a future full of food and laughter 🙂


    • Dear Björn,

      Chances are I’ll write about it again. 😉 This ridiculous disease took of every waking and sleeping moment for twenty years of my life. I mean to expose it anytime I can. Thank you so much for your affirming words.




  • Oh Rochelle. Beautiful and stunning sketch. Beautiful and stunning words and your addendum. You are a beautiful woman — inside and out — and that is said from the heart alothough I’ve only gotten to know you briefly, and virtually at that. You have so much to give. I’m glad you’re here.

    Liked by 1 person

  • The thing that finally “breaks through” to those of us who have been through these times never ceases to amaze me. I’m glad something got through so that I could meet you a couple years later! And I’m happy to see your picture from the daffodil story–those illustrations are still some of my favorites.

    Marie Gail

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Marie Gail,

      Facing one’s own mortality has a way getting the message across like nothing else, doesn’t it? I’m glad I was given another chance so we could meet and reconnect. Perhaps one of these days I’ll get story and illustrations together.

      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I didn’t expect that name…Can’t think of you as anything but wise…I guess we all need to stumble and fall into dirt sometimes to earn our path to wisdom.

    Well written as always. It takes a lot of courage to share your personal story.


  • that reminds me of an interesting ‘story’ about Gautama, the Buddha.

    There is a story about Buddha. Before he attained enlightenment he had been fasting and he ate only one grain of rice a day. He was reduced to skin and bones. One day he bathed in a river and collapsed and fell into the water. He realized his folly of practising such severe austerities. That day he rid himself of all his desires, even of the desire to attain enlightenment. That day he became the Buddha.


  • Dear Rochelle,
    My heart seized when I read the final word. I had to go back and re-read this several times, starting with the genre. I commend your strength and courage, to challenge the beast and overcome AN, and to write about it here. A dear friend of mine struggles with Bulimia, though she, too, took on the beast and is presently doing well.
    Your story is beautiful and touching. I wish you continued good health and peace from the beast. Thank you for your sharing your story.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear MTO,

      This month marks my twentieth year in recovery. It seems like yesterday and, at the same time, a whole lifetime ago. I’m happy your friend has also conquered the beast.

      Yes. Not one word of fiction in this piece.

      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • So many of us have beasts of one sort or another in our pasts. To have not only conquered yours, but reached a point where you can share the battle shows just how strong you are.
    Your story is moving, and a great example of how a few carefully chosen words can bring life to a tale even within the 100 word limit.

    Liked by 1 person

  • First off I love the artwork picture at the bottom of the challenge. Second, I love the irony of seeing a spring flower pic in the middle of a snow storm…LOL! I’m off to see what I can come up with this week!


  • Dear Dr. Dement,
    I was going to recommend a good hypnotist, but I see you have the problem under control. You are in the under-eaters club while I’m in the over-eaters group. Perhaps we should join the circus.
    Sleepy the Garden Gnome

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear STGG,

      Actually I’m in the happy-to-be-eating club. It really does beat the alternative all to hell. (And that’s where the beast belongs. 😉 ) Circus? I do a pretty good whiteface mime and I raised three boys so I’d be a good ringmaster


      Dr Dement


  • Rochelle, your descriptions of all the little details is almost painfully vivid. What a powerful story, even more so because it’s true. You drew out and raised the dramatic tension so much that I almost felt my breath catch with that last sentence. You are truly a master storyteller. It’s a joy to read your work, even when the subject matter is less than joyful.


  • What a incredible story, Rochelle. I’m very moved by this. I think my kids would make all the difference to me, too, in such a critical time. Of course, I’m so very thankful that you found that inner strength and are here to write about it and share it with us. That illustration is absolutely magical! You are so talented!! Whatever happened to The Magic Daffodils story?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Amy,

      A friend of mine, also anorexic, used to tell me that my family kept me going. At the time I didn’t believe her…that is until the day my eldest son called me from college. I could tell he was crying when he begged to me to stop killing myself.

      Alas, my handwritten pages of The Magic Daffodils seem to be irretrievably lost. I started transposing it on the computer and have a few pages of that but not the whole story. I’ve thought a few times of rewriting it. It really is something of a children’s story for adults. I wrote it while doing inner child therapy…and I believe there’s a lot to that. For now it’s on the back burner as Havah’s story is on the front one.

      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • You are strong and inspiring! It is tough talking about the lows in one’s life but then you can do that; it is commendable. keep going strong!
    Also, I loooved you drawing. The thoughts that we exchange with ourselves during such sessions (hobbies) make us move forward!


    • Dear Indira,

      I wish I could say it was my childhood. That day was twenty years ago this month–my moment of truth. Thank you for your kind words. Glad you liked the painting, too. There’s a whole series of them waiting to be illustrations for my story waiting to be rewritten.



      Liked by 1 person

  • That was powerful and poetic. You are a strong woman for having coming through that, I am sure your inner strength was always there, you found a better way to let it blossom. Your talents are a gift to us all.

    I usually don’t read your story or any other until I write mine. Now I am so moved and touched by this I can not clear my head to find my story!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear MTO,

      During that dark time a close friend nicknamed me ‘Rocky’- a name, that to my chagrin, stuck. She insisted that I was a fighter and I was going to win my battle. I had severe doubts. But now she and I both look back on those days with gratitude. I’m happy to be alive and if my talents are a gift to others, that’s the icing on the cake.

      Before I was facilitator I never read anyone else’s stories before writing my own. And mine usually showed up later than most. Of course in those days, we got the photo on Wednesday and posted by Friday.

      Thank you and shalom,


      Liked by 1 person

  • Totally beautiful and so touching. What courage you’ve shown. Your story shows how it is possible to grab hold of life with every remaining ounce of will and make it work. Wonderful. (And thank you for the ‘news flash’ – so nice of you to do that).


    • Dear Margaret,

      Your story deserved the news flash.
      At that moment of truth, I didn’t feel particularly courageous. I’d OD’d on laxatives, my BP bottomed out..as I recall my actual answer to the EMT when he asked my name was “My name is Stupid.” but I only had a hundred words. But I also realized that I’d been given a choice and a chance.

      Thank you for your kind words and faithful participation.




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