19 February 2016

Published February 17, 2016 by rochellewisoff

Another Hightway

Blue Ceiling FF

The following photo is the PROMPT. Keep in mind that all photos are the property of the contributor, therefore copyrighted and require express permission to use for purposes other than Friday Fictioneers. Giving credit to whom credit is due is proper etiquette. 

Please be considerate and make an effort to stay within the suggested word count. 

PHOTO PROMPT - © Sandra Crook

PHOTO PROMPT – © Sandra Crook

get the InLinkz code

Genre: Hysterical Non-Fiction

Word Count: 100


            The hourglass photo prompt taunts me. “You call yourself an author?” 

            Bits of flotsam swirl through my mind. Or is it jetsam? I get them confused.

            There’s always my go-to theme. “I’ll take historical fiction for a hundred, Alex.”

            Surfing the internet for ‘history of clocks,’ my findings are less exciting than watching oatmeal simmer.

            Jim Croce saved time in a bottle and Steve Miller sang, “Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’ into the future.”

            Sand trickles through the witch’s hourglass.  

            “This, my little pretty, is how much time you have left and it isn’t long. Make every word count.”   


108 comments on “19 February 2016

  • Hard enough cramming the story into 100 words, can’t imagine having to do that with a time restraint too. And that witch’s voice still strikes fear into me, even today. Different response from you this week, Rochelle. You always manage to ring the changes.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Sandra,

      I always have that time restraint hanging over my head. Of course the witch with the hourglass is the OCD inner me who insists on being posted by Wednesday at 02:30 CST.

      Once I started this, the ideas and words flowed and I had a great time with it. It was time to lighten up, too. My last three were pretty heavy.
      Thank you. Bien Viaje.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Suzanne,

      There’s not a writer I know who doesn’t face Writer’s Block from time to time. This was one of those where I looked at the photo and wondered what possessed me to choose it. I will admit that I had a good time with it once I started and it took on a life of its own.

      Thank you.




    • Dear Claire,

      Maybe I just have enough OCD to apply pressure to myself every week. If memory serves, there were times when Madison didn’t post a story and Friday Fictioneers didn’t come to a halt. At any rate, I’m glad you liked my ‘un-story.’ Once it was underway, I had fun with it. After my last three heavyweights it was a nice change.

      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Although “Time” is a measuring stick to events from the past to the current and into the future, you always seem to twist it to meet your needs for the stories you craft. Whether Historical Fiction or, as this one suggests, Hysterical Non-Fiction, you always come through in the nick of time. Great story. Great effort.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Beautifully constructed moment in time! From your turmoil in trying to find something to write about in the time left, to songs, to this hourglass, to that video, it’s very compelling, haunting.
    I like your “genre” — reminds me of some of the oddly constructed genres I created in some of my other FF stories (since I didn’t know where to plug those stories)!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Vijaya,

      I’ve noticed your cleverly named ‘genres.’ I could call this plain non-fiction but where’s the fun in that?

      I’m really delighted that you like my unstory. Once the words started flowing I had a great time. I love the video and it seemed to be the exclamation point for my story.

      Thank you and shalom,

      Rochelle YFBM

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Amy,

      It happens to all of us at some point or another. For me, this week is sandwiched between two busy weekends…my aunt’s 100th birthday last weekend in Minneapolis and Ozarks Writers League conference in Branson, MO. (I’m such a gad-about, eh). Not to mention the impending third novel in my trilogy…and a coffee table book to go with them. Marketing is the most daunting part of all. Okay…enough of my whine.
      At any rate, thank you. I’m glad my unstory made you laugh.




  • “Make every word count” is a great motto for live in general. So, does this mean you had trouble coming up with a story for this particular prompt? I’m sure we’ve all thought that opening line of yours.

    I find these days that stories are much harder to come up with than before, since I’m much more hard on myself, not wanting to repeat themes, and trying to come up with something “good”. Some stories come easier than others. I don’t know if you noticed but I finally missed a FF story a few weeks ago. Ah well, c’est la vie.


    • Dear David,

      You’ve pretty much spoken my mind. Going into my fourth year of Friday Fictioneers I have the same thoughts. When I wrote this one I thought of other similar stories I’ve written when I couldn’t come up with anything else.

      My dance card’s filling up since I’ve “retired.” With two novels to market and a third one underway, it’s sometimes hard to wrap my head around Friday Fictioneers. So when it comes time to choose a prompt and come up with a story for it I feel like the kid who waits until the night before to study for the big exam.

      I did miss you when you missed. You’re a strong presence among us.

      Thank you and shalom,


      Liked by 1 person

  • Loved the melding of your story and the video; it put a certain momentum into both… very entertaining.
    I didn’t read your story until I’d arranged mine. Not surprisingly there are certain similarities of theme; though, mine is somewhat heavy. Loved the playful way you embraced the image.


    • Dear Carolyn,

      Before I took over as facilitator, i made it a point never to read anyone’s story before writing my own so i understand. The reason i don’t post my actual title in my subject line is so people won’t be influenced by that either. 😉

      Thank you for your kind comments.



      Liked by 1 person

  • It’s always good to try something different, and this stream of consciousness glimpse into your head is a nice example of that. I think we can all relate to the pressure of having to write something when nothing springs to mind.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jen,

      A friend of mine once said that he thought my head would be a scary place to be. 😉 Thank you for appreciating it. It is fun to try something new, isn’t it? I went to a conference this past weekend and attended a Haiku workshop. That was fun. Perhaps, one of these days, I’ll try my hand at haibun.




    • Dear Gabriele,

      I actually do schedule the posts ahead of time. This one was only the day before which made me feel pressed for time. At one point last year I had six posted ahead which was a great thing since my agent emailed and asked for my sequel which needed work. However I’ve yet to be that far ahead these days.

      As I did in my early days when I was just another Friday Fictioneer, I would spend two days on some of my stories before posting. I still do that most of the time, it’s just two days ahead of everyone else. 😉

      I’m glad my story made you laugh. It was time for me to lighten up a bit.

      Thank you and shalom,


      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle

    If other commitments keep me novel-writing, I start to panic that when I start on my next project, I’ll stare at a blank page or screen and my mind will stay empty of ideas … forever.

    Friday Fictioneers allays my panic. There’s something about picture prompts that really work, which is probably why they used this approach as an exercise in a writing workshop I attended.

    I love your take on Sandra’s hour-glass picture. Time can be such a bully at times and such a trigger to writerly anxiety.

    Am back again this week. Just off to post my offering on a Thursday for once, instead of a Friday, as it’s my daughter’s birthday tomorrow (big baby of 34), so no computer for me!

    All best wishes

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sarah,

      Lately time is being quite the task master. Wasn’t I supposed to have more of it when i retired from the full time job? I’m busier now than ever.

      Here it is Tuesday and I’m finally finishing the list and answering comments. But I did have a great time at a wonderful conference.

      I’m feeling the pinch of an impending novel that’s already been announced as coming out this year. Not that I mind, but it’s still a bit of pressure.

      Always happy to see you here.

      Thank you and Shalom,


      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Slippery Elm,
    I really enjoyed your post today. You don’t know how excited I am to learn that there’s another person out there who loves to watch oatmeal simmer. What’s your favorite part? Is it the rhythmic popping of the bubbles as they play their happy tune?

    In the words of your favorite quote, “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” I’m glad oatmeal can do that for you.

    Dr. Watson

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle

    You highlighted the pressure of having to write something when nothing comes to mind, brilliantly – that is me most weeks. Fascinating to learn of your self imposed time constraint on your posts, always something new from you.

    In total admiration and awe
    Dee 🙂


    • Dear Dee,

      I’d be dishonest if I didn’t put the same limits on myself that I impose on everyone else re Friday Fictioneers. I just do it a few days ahead. 😉 Lately a lot of things are happening at once. Good things, to be sure. But a lot.

      Thank you and shalom,


      Liked by 1 person

  • Landed here after reading Rashmi’s story. Just when I had thought of a short story in response to the prompt, I realise the genre in non-fiction! 😦
    Next time, I guess 😀


  • Time, the most valuable of commodities, no one can hold it, steal it, hoard it. We squander it too readily then complain when we’ve run out of it.


    • Dear Michael,

      Time is a precious commodity and one that I keep running out of lately. I thought I’d have more of it once I “retired” but this is not the case.

      Thank you for reading and commenting.




  • I am just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round. Some days the words align in just the way you want them to but on others it’s a hard job corralling dem varmint together.


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