11 March 2016

Published March 9, 2016 by rochellewisoff

The disc and the dragonfly

Blue Ceiling FF

The following photo is the PROMPT. Keep in mind that all photos are the property of the contributor, therefore copyrighted and require express permission to use for purposes other than Friday Fictioneers. Giving credit to whom credit is due is proper etiquette. 

Please be considerate and make an effort to stay within the suggested word count. 

PHOTO PROMPT - © Emmy L Gant

PHOTO PROMPT – © Emmy L Gant

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Polonius said that brevity is the soul of wit. I’m trying something new for me and it’s ever so brief. Life’s been a bit of a whirlwind lately and my brain is on overload. Much of my writing time and head-space have been given over to my next novel, As One Must, One Can. Thank you for understanding.

Shalom, Rochelle

Genre: Haiku

Word Count: 25





sunlight after rain

casts light on sodden pavement

my dry bones languish


solomon said there’s

nothing new under the sun

as one must, one can’t



Unfortunately there are copyright issues concerning a decent recording. Many thanks to my friend Regina O’Hare who videoed this from her phone. Sorry about the quality.

Author InterviewThe interview

103 comments on “11 March 2016

      • Dear Loré,

        How wonderful it would be if I could have a book signing with all my Friday Fictioneers. I’m glad you enjoyed the interview, too. Of course you can purchase the books on Amazon and I could send a note with an autograph. 😉 Not the same as meeting in person.

        And I’m glad the haiku worked. I attended a workshop last month and had a great time exploring it.

        Thank you.



        Liked by 2 people

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Very beautiful and haunting lines, all of them!

    There is tiredness and sadness in your haiku, or am I reading it incorrectly?
    “… my dry bones languish”
    “as one must, one can’t.”

    Hope you are well, and getting enough rest!


    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Vijaya,

      I don’t know about sadness as much as tiredness. There’s so much going on right now that I’ve not been inspired to write stories. The last line is a play on the title of my third novel which is taking up a lot of my head-room these days. “As One Must, One Can.”

      I am well…thank you for caring and asking.



      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re welcome! Yes, I think I was picking up on your tiredness — you’ve been on the go these past few weeks, haven’t you?

        Yes, I noted that play on words, which is what set me thinking. You went from “can” in that title to “can’t” in your story. It was still beautiful — just sad. (But then, that picture made me somewhat sad, as well. My story is gloomy!)


  • Very well done for branching out to experiment. I’m not a great fan of Haiku, I’ll admit, but the last line of that second one really carried a punch for me. Oh yes! And how! I’ll say no more, except to repeat that I enjoyed your interview, and am enjoying your burgeoning success. Attagirl!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Sandra,

      It means a lot to get such a compliment from one who’s not a Haiku fan. 😉 I just couldn’t pull a story out this week. Havah and her entourage are taking up the space that isn’t being used for other things. Thank you so much for being such a good friend and encouragement.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Wonderful to see and hear you, Rochelle. I don’t doubt that you will be a little weary after all the excitement of the recent past. Congratulations on a very successful interview. I thought the interviewer asked pertinent questions and was extremely respectful and interested in you and your work. You couldn’t have asked for better, to be sure.
    By the way, I love your illustrations. You are indeed, quite well rounded as an author, illustrator and woman of depth. Once again, congrats.


    • Dear Carolyn,

      It was an enjoyable interview. I was nervous beforehand but not at all in the actual moment. Nicole has a way of putting one at ease.

      Thank you for your comments and compliments. They mean a great deal.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Indira,

      I’m assuming by first and second, you’re referring to the haiku? King Solomon is attributed with the book of Ecclesiastes in which he laments that there is nothing new under the sun. Which I use in reference to my case of flash fiction writer’s block of late. (ie, I couldn’t think of anything new) “As one must, one can’t.” is a play on my title for my third novel, “As One Must, One Can.” I hope that helps.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I thoroughly enjoyed the interview as well as the Haiku!
    I just love your smile!
    In the haiku, we can feel the weariness, the overwhelming fatigue that sometimes washes over us and we simply “can’t”…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Emmy,

      This is high praise from a poet of your calibre.
      I learned from a dear friend, Polly Swafford, who has written Haiku for years that the beauty of it is juxtaposition. The dry bones against the wet landscape, etc. This was a bit risky for me so I’m pleased it worked.
      Thank you for the comments, compliments and kudos. You left me smiling.




  • What a great interview, thank you so much for sharing it! I agree with the others, you sound so confident and make the book and your experiences with it sound so interesting! I don’t know why I didn’t catch before that you did all these illustrations I keep seeing on your page — very impressive! They have such a consistent and clear tone or feel to them, I really feel like I get to know your characters through them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Joy,

      Thank you for such nice comments. As I said in the interview, I had my sights set on becoming an illustrator/artist before I found my passion for writing. My other book also due out this year is a book of the character studies I’ve been blogging. I’m pretty excited about it. 😀



      Liked by 1 person

      • Now you can combine the two creative passions, what a wonderful way that turned out! What a great idea to combine the character studies (which I would guess are useful to you all by themselves) into their own book — you’re so resourceful! I’m just now starting to think about all these publishing options and directions I could go, and it’s great to have such inspiration and ideas from other more experienced writers/bloggers.


    • Dear CE,

      Solomon’s a nice guy if you approach him in the right way. 😉
      Thank you for the encouraging words. Experimentation in writing is not without risks. I’m pleased that my Haiku ‘worked.’

      Hugs and shalom,



  • Saw the video. Very good. It’s a great opportunity for you. I tried much earlier in the week to pull it up on the news channel, but couldn’t find it, so is good you put it here on your site. Congrats on all, and success on your newest. Liked the Haiku, too. I fell in love with Haiku years ago and have done a lot of it on my blog. I love all the ways and opportunity a lot of these kinds of poetry opens up. Love doing the Tanka, the ‘minute’ poems and others too, exploring many of the styles in the Writers’ Digest magazine that I get.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Joyce,

      The news channel is a whole ‘nuther story. I’ve done some Haiku in the past and recently went to a workshop that made me rethink it. And, as I said, this week twenty-five words was the best I could do.

      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Excellent interview, Rochelle! You’re so calm and collected. You’re quite the professional and well spoken. Congrats! I enjoyed your story haiku, too. Sometimes less is more. I love that first line. I see the workshop worked wonders for you! (I can’t figure out what’s in that trash can!)


    • Dear Amy,

      Thank you for all the compliments and kudos. Most of my jitters came the day before the interview. Once we were there it was relaxed and enjoyable…all except for scaling Mt. Chair.
      I’m glad you liked the Haiku. Twenty-five words were really all I could muster this week.




  • Congratulations, Rochelle. I love seeing an independent author getting good press! Believe it or not, I’ve had time to write a FF post this week; however, I’m having problems posting my URL to the InLinkz system. Maybe it’s my ISP or something, as there are storms in the area. I shall try again in a few hours. In the meanwhile, I’ll continue enjoying yours and other Friday Fictioneers’ posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Leigh,

      Nice to see you here. It’s been a while. 😉 Let me know if I can help with your link in any way.
      I’m not exactly an independent author. I am traditionally published but it’s a small publisher which means most of the work of marketing falls to the author. Actually it’s getting to be that way everywhere. But I didn’t spend the past ten years of my life just to admire my printed books and store them in a closet. Two more due out this year from the same publisher. 😀 One the third in the series and the other a coffee table book of the illustrations/character studies.

      Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Hats off to you for managing a haiku and keeping FF going each week amongst your busy life! I just have to say what a bunch of talented writers you have visiting your site each week… The quality if the stories blows me away! And it’s all because of you that we get to experience them 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jessie,

      Some weeks are easier than others. However, Friday Fictioneers is a very important part of my life. Alas, this week a haiku was really all I could eke out of my busy befuddled overtaxed brain. I’m glad you’re a part of FF.

      Thank you.




  • Such a departure from your normal writing… and what better way to do it than to incorporate your next booktitle in the poem… (you should try to do spine poetry sometimes…it’s really fun).. Loved to hear your voice.. such great success.


  • Hi, Rochelle! I like the poetry. More western in nature than most Haiku, but fun and decent writing anyway. The final line of the second stanza sounds familiar–to most of us humans, I imagine.

    Keep breathing!

    Peace (and enough chicken grease to keep things well-lubricated),
    Marie Gail


    • Dear Marie Gail,

      As I could this week, so I did. 😉 Glad you appreciated it in spite of my (Mid) western nature. You should hear Jewish Haiku. He he. Remind me to share it with you sometime.

      In with the good…out with the bad…(no more surprises, please.)



      Liked by 1 person

      • I think it might be easier to keep to the original nature of haiku in Hebrew–perhaps even in Yiddish. I fell in with a group of hard-core Haiku and Tanka fanatics some years back, and after learning that the form has nothing to do with syllable counting, I have a hard time reading many pieces labeled “Haiku.” But as American short poems, I often enjoy them.


  • Rochelle, I like your poem and the interview as well. It’s good to see you again. This is very different for you, surrendering 3/4 of your allowed words, no less, but it’s well written and I love the mood it creates. Good luck on your new novel.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Great interview, I can only echo what others have said.
    I love the haiku. I don’t know much about poetry, but I know what I like. 🙂 At first the last line threw me, because of the can’t (and I related it to your title). Then I connected it to the tiredness that comes through. Still, I think with the ‘can’ this is a great motto. Because: as one must, one can: get some rest, listen to one’s body, allow oneself some slack and eventually let it go.


  • Dear famous cousin Mae Midwest,

    You look great on TV. People have often said I should be on the stage, but they meant the kind with four wheels and pulled by horses.

    I don’t know squat about Haiku. Didn’t he work on the transcontinental railroad? I do admire King Solomon’s work and once wrote a blues song based on Ecclesiastes.

    We may have to pull the camper up and move in your front yard. I hope your neighbors don’t mind me running around in a housecoat and rubber boots. You might be some more TV coverage.

    Best wishes,
    Cousin Russie


    • Dear Cousin Russie,

      Now I can’t shake the image of you in housecoat and rubber boots. I’m sure it would get some interesting media coverage.

      Thanks for dropping by. Park the trailer ’round back, please.




  • Dear Rochelle

    I’m not a fan of Haiku, but have to say this one from you packs a punch, I really like it. Loved your interview too, it is so nice to be able to put a voice to the face and I think you came across very well.

    Nothing from me this week, I’ve had some dental work done and I still feel a bit under the weather,but I’ll be back on track for next week.

    Have a great weekend

    Best wishes


    • Dear Dee,

      Thank you for taking the time to read, comment and watch. I know about dental work. Oy. Had some pretty extensive work last year and looking at some more in the near future. Really bites. 😉 Hope you’re feeling better soon.

      Thank you for your affirming words.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I think its great to experiment with new writing forms, it keeps us fresh, and I loved yours. I’m a huge poetry fan and I love Haiku.

    Congrats on the interview as well, what an achievement! I only wish I could come to a signing too 😁


      • Sorry for the late reply Rochelle (I’ve had to make quite a few of these apologies). I’m working on my first novel and have got totally carried away and everything else has kind of been pushed to the back.
        I would love to meet everybody, what a great day that would be!
        Maybe we could have a mass Skype…with wine 🙂


  • So much excitement in your days of late! I liked your Haiku, but more that that I am so excited for you! I shall miss your book signing, it is simply too far away, but I send my best wishes for your success, Rochelle. Can you feel me smiling?


    • Dear Cheryl Lynn,

      I don’t venture into haiku often, but this was one week where 25 words were all I could muster. I recently attended a haiku workshop that filled me with a renewed interest in it.
      One thing covered was using Haiku as the elevator pitch for a book. You might enjoy this one, it’s my summary of Please Say Kaddish for Me:
      home crumbles in flames
      all is lost to the haters
      blessings follow her

      Thank you. Shalom,



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