What’s a Little Jet Lag?

Published November 21, 2016 by rochellewisoff

Last Wednesday I set forth from Belton, Missouri to Burbank, California with more than one mission. The primary one was to do a live interview on The Writer’s Block Radio Show. Although I could’ve stayed home and phoned the interview in, when I found out how close my son lives to the studio I made travel arrangements. To read my other two blogs leading up to this Click Here and Here

Yes, I do have a purple suitcase. Why do you ask?

Yes, I do have a purple suitcase. Why do you ask?

Thursday night came and with it butterflies in my stomach doing loop-de-loops. My son, Travis drove me to the studio and sat in on the interview. 


I felt a little nervous as I sank down in front of the microphone, reminding myself not to say, “Um” or “Er”. However, as soon as we went live, host Jim Christina and his co-host, Russ Avison put me at ease. It seemed more like sitting in someone’s living room having a great conversation than a question and answer interview. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 


Jim Christina

Jim Christina who took the time to research the pogroms in Eastern Europe.


Wearing my magic shoes.


Russ Avison, who read Please Say Kaddish for Me and asked some brilliant questions.

With the interview behind me, I spent the rest of the week getting to know my five-year-old granddaughter, Olive. It happened that her other grandmother Dru was also in town to spend Thanksgiving. I enjoyed visiting with her as well. art-time-with-oliveolive-and-bubster

We stopped in at the Bookstar Barnes & Noble in Studio City so I could sign two copies of PLEASE SAY KADDISH FOR ME and two copies of FROM SILT AND ASHES. 


Even though we weren't able to arrange a book signing, the manager was nice enough to order in my books and invited me to come in and sign them. (I suppose we could call this a book signing. Right?)

Even though we weren’t able to arrange a book signing, the manager was nice enough to order in my books and invited me to come in and autograph them. (I suppose we could call this a book signing. Right? Of course, right!)

L-R Grandma Dru, Jaimi, Travis with Olive and Bubbie Rochelle

L-R Grandma Dru, Jaimi, Travis with Olive and Bubbie Rochelle

Last but not least, a little artwork from the budding artist. Remember when Grandmothers carried brag books? Today’s Bubbie blogs. 

Poppie the Troll by Miss Olive Fields

Poppie the Troll by Miss Olive Fields

The highest point of the week might have been the moment Olive said, “I love you, Bubster.” 


33 comments on “What’s a Little Jet Lag?

    • Dear Lynn,

      The crazy thing was that I was über nervous until we went live. Jim and Russ obviously have a knack for putting their guests at ease and making it fun. It really was a fantastic trip. So much that can’t be put into words. Thank you re the dress. It’s one of my favorite pieces of clothing. (Of course it’s purple. What else is there?) Thank you for dropping by.


      Liked by 1 person

  • Great interview, Rochelle. I really enjoyed it. I could listen to it in one session because it was recorded that way. Congratulations. It was wonderful you were able to go there as it most likely wouldn’t have been the same over the phone. You have a darling granddaughter. I loved her little painting. 🙂 — Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Suzanne,

      It’s true that there’s a different energy in a live interview. Nothing compares to being able to see facial expressions and make eye contact. Not to mention I wouldn’t have had the time with family. What a thrill it was to have my son in on the interview. Thank you, re Olive. Of course I might be a little biased, but I think she’s a doll and brilliant besides. Painting with her was most definitely a high point. Thank you for your kind words.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Bubster,

    What great fun. Hearing I love you from grandchildren never gets olds. I tell ’em, “I’ll give you fifty years to stop saying stuff like that.” One of our granddaughters sticks out her tongue when she draws or colors–just like her Grandma Connie. They are so precious.

    I’ll listen to your interview when I’m not on the company clock 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  • Querida Rochelle,
    Lo siento escribir tan tarde … Sorry about writing this so late
    Harried would best describe the last two weeks … but-enough.
    WOW … you have been blessed in so many ways, my dear friend.
    A live broadcast interview, a book signing(official in my mind), family visits and precious time with your granddaughter, Olive, is an incredible amout of happiness.
    I’m so happy for you. The photo of you with your family makes me want to squeeze you with a giant 😍hug: your adorable. CONGRATULATIONS ….!!!! 💜💜
    Isadora 😎
    p.s. Art is the great connector. I adore art projects when my grandson visits too.
    BTW … she’s quite good. 😊


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