Published April 16, 2017 by rochellewisoff

Feel free to stroll around the area using the Google street view and grab any picture you choose to include in your post.

To enjoy stories inspired by the What Pegman Saw prompt or to submit your own 150-word story, visit the inLinkz button:

For guidelines and rules for the What Pegman Saw weekly writing prompt, visit the home page.

Many thanks to Karen Rawson and her highly significant other J Hardy Carroll for co-hosting this challenge.

One of the differences you might notice in my Pegman stories is that my stories do fit the prompt more closely than in Friday Fictioneers. The difference is that participants in this challenge can ‘make the punishment fit the crime.’ 😉 In other words, as long as we stay in the vicinity, we can choose the photo we want to use. Not to mention, there’s the sheer luxury of 50 more words. 😀

Today Pegman takes us to Christchurch, New Zealand

No surprises. My story is Historical Fiction. A little more recent than most, this takes place in Christchurch on February 22, 2011 when the city was shaken to its foundation by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake.

Word Count: 150


            Sack full of cardboard containers in hand, I pushed the restaurant door open with my foot. The aroma of soy sauce and seafood made my empty stomach growl.

            I shoved the dog that blocked my path. “Out of my way! You’ll make me late for work.”

            Her ribs practically poked through her black fur. “Poor thing.” I reached into my sack and pulled out a piece of shrimp. “Now scat!”

            Moments later, amid screams, barking and smashing glass, I lay trapped under piles of debris.

            Two weeks later, following extensive surgery, my right leg and life as I knew it were memories. 185 of my coworkers at CTV had perished.

            The authorities wanted to euthanize the dog for she’d lost her hind legs. I couldn’t let them, could I?

            Today, Awhina the Wonder Dog shares my home. Looking back over the past two years, I ask myself, who saved whom?   


Note: Awhina, pronounced ‘Afeena,’ is a name that means ‘help or support’ in the Maori language. Kia Ora and thank you for reading. 😀

32 comments on “ACT OF GOD

    • Dear Alicia,

      I veered away from the Google map page early on. 😉 There are plenty of pictures from the earthquake available. I was kind of ashamed that I knew nothing about it until this morning when it only happened 6 years ago. We are polarized, aren’t we? Or, at least, I am. I’m glad you liked my story. It kept me awake half the night. Big mouthed muse. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I have trouble with the Google Map thing and usually find out where Pegman is then go to a website and get a picture. I can’t seem to capture a Google Map picture. (Oh! I did ONCE) Sorry your muse wouldn’t leave you alone last night!

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Now you’ve managed to fill my eyes with happy-sad tears. There’s something about the way humans and dogs interact and bond — how they look out for each other — that will always move me deeply.

    Well done, for tugging on the heartstrings with this story.

    All best wishes,


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