Published March 11, 2018 by rochellewisoff

This week Pegman takes us to Abaco, Bahamas. You won’t find much in the way of streetview out in this neck of the Bahamas. Mainly because you won’t find much in the way of streets. You can use the photo provided, or dangle Pegman over the map to find your own slice of paradise.

Your mission is to write 150 words inspired by what you find. Will you treat us to comedy? Tragedy? Sci Fi Slipstream Historical Fiction? Your only limit is your imagination. And of course the previously mentioned 150 words. Once you’ve polished your story-poem-essay, share it with other Pegman contributors using the link up below.

The pictures of the beaches and the ocean took me back to the Virgin Islands where I fell in love with snorkeling 😀 My story has absolutely nothing to do with that. 😉 As always thank you to Karen and Josh for facilitating the challenge that keeps drawing me in for the extra 50 word plunge.

Genre: Speculative Fantasy

Word Count: 150


            “You never cease to amaze me,” said Dale.

            Shrugging my blazing shoulders, I replied. “You mean my faulty memory? Oy, I wish I’d remembered my sunscreen this afternoon.”

            Waves gently lapped the shore as sand and water squished between my bare toes. Moonlight sparkled on the water like sequins under a spotlight.

            Dreams of meeting my friend sans Skype screen had finally become a reality. Nights of girl-talk followed days of sightseeing, sampling Bahamian food and snorkeling.

            “Thanks for accompanying me to services tonight,” I said.

            “Wouldn’t have missed it. I loved the music.”

            “The shul’s named after Luis de Torres, Christopher Columbus’ interpreter—first Jew to set foot on the island—a Marrano—convert. 1492 was the middle of the Inquisition so his choices were become a Catholic or—”

            “Leave it to you.”


            “One synagogue, 50 Jews and you managed to find them.”

            “Shabbat shalom, mon amie.”          




Yep, I did find one. Maybe someday I’ll really get to visit it (and Dale) in person.

38 comments on “PILGRIMAGE

  • A great story, and beautiful scenery. We need to go to the beaches again. This story also points out that, although Social Media can be a horrible thing at times, it can also unite people and link them as great friends, even if you haven’t met in person. I think we all have experienced this. P.S., I never knew that Christopher Columbus had an interpreter.


  • Dear Rochelle,

    Need I say I LOVE this one? And yes! Why couldn’t we make it happen? Life’s too short to waste on… “I shouldas, couldas, didnas”.

    Lotsa love,


    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Dale,

      We might have to look into this more deeply. Hopefully I won’t snore as badly as your last travel buddy. 😉 At any rate, I’m glad you enjoyed the story. 😀 Thank you, my friend.




    • Dear Josh,

      When we went to the Virgin Islands a few years back, I did have one experience where I forgot to use sunscreen in a strategic area. I think of the event as Blazing Saddle or Buns A-Fire. (Let this be a lesson to you.) Happy you loved the story. 😀




  • I hope you enjoy a holiday under that tropical sun soon… after your winter no wonder you dream of silver sands ad warm seas… as always I struggle to understand the Jewish references and language, but one day, no doubt, a light will dawn !!!!
    Still checking the mail box for that promise… snail mail is not what it was, is it….Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice… could receive a letter written the night before, in the morning, write a reply and send it back to arrive the same day… things have changed !!!!


    • Dearest Valerie,

      I’m always pleased when you come by to read and comment. At least Spring is on the horizon here.
      I’m pretty sure I have the address right. It was on the envelope our mutual friend sent. You would think in this day and age that the snail mail would be faster. Sigh.
      Thank you again, my dear friend.




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