Published May 6, 2018 by rochellewisoff

Happy Cinco de Mayo! This week, quite fittingly, Pegman takes us to Mexico. Participants are invited to poke around the resort village (and ancient Mayan stomping grounds) of Tulum. You’ll find both streetview and photospheres to inspire you at this location.

Your mission is to write a 150-word story-poem-essay inspired by the location. Feel free to wander around and find your own view to use in your post.

Once your piece is polished, you can share it with others using the linkup below. Reading and commenting on others’ work is part of the fun!

The photo I chose is from the “Pegman Buffet” but my story takes place in Chiapas, Mexico, a few miles inland from Tulum. The Mayans have always fascinated me. So many mysteries surrounding them.  

Thanks as always to Karen and Josh for hosting this globe trotting challenge. 

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 150


            The soft grass tickled her back as Yohl laid beside the stream. She relished the sun’s warmth on her face. The rush of the waterfall lulled her and a delicious wave of sleep washed over her.

            “Yohl Ik’nal!”

            She snapped open her eyes to see a giant looming above her. Sunrays splayed like a crown around his massive head. Lightning bolts from his dark eyes seared her.

            Heart thumping, she rolled over and lay prostrate before him. “Itzamná, ruler of the heavens. All gods tremble in your presence. Why do you come to me, a mere girl child?”

            Tucking his finger under her chin, he raised her head. “You shall be queen of your people.”

            Like smoke rising from sacrificial fire, he vanished.

            Ascending Palenque’s throne, Yohl assumed the burdens of her people. In the shadow of impending battle and bloodshed, she trembled and pondered her dream of long ago.  


28 comments on “STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN

  • I like how you made something so mythical feel so personal. It occurs to me that if I found myself becoming queen of my people, it would immensely reassuring to know that the gods had preordained it!

    Liked by 2 people

  • Super story, Rochelle! I see what you meant in your comment on my post about the same deity, only your story was based much more closely on Mayan myth and history than mine. Thank you for the reference too.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    I’m late to the party and did not participate this week… though one never knows 😉
    I love how you brought this story to life – something you do ridiculously well 😉

    Could you imagine being chosen thus? The pressure! Oy!

    Lotsa love,


    Liked by 1 person

  • I did this busy schedule and worked on Mother’s Day and missed everyone’s lovely wishes. Yours were definitely special on my post and this was a particularly sweet wish! 🍭🍬🍫 I need my daily allowance of candy and whole heartedly support this post. Become a personal trainer


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