Published May 14, 2018 by rochellewisoff

This week Pegman takes us to Gwynedd, Wales. This week’s location was suggested by regular Pegman storyteller Alicia Jamtaas. Be sure to visit her site and enjoy her flash fiction and poetry over at   Thanks for the great suggestion, Lish!

Your mission is to visit the region via Google Maps, and write (up to) 150 words inspired by the prompt. You can use the photo above, or browse around for your own view anywhere in Gwynedd. There are plenty of photo spheres around Caernarfon Castle, and both street view and photo spheres all over Gwynedd.

Once your piece is polished, you can share it with others using the linkup below. Reading and commenting on others’ work is part of the fun!

So here I am late for the party once more. And…while my picture is of a street in Gwynedd, my story takes place in another part of Wales–Tredegar. You may be saying, “Oy, there she goes with the Jewish history again.” 😉 Couldn’t help myself. 

As always, thank you to Karen and Josh for facilitating this group of globe trotting writers. 

Genre: Historical Fiction (You were expecting maybe vampires?)

Word Count: 150


“Why, Adoshem?” Tears streamed from my papa’s eyes and soaked his beard. “Again and again You bring destruction upon us? For this we fled Russia—to be slaughtered in Wales? ‘He has hurled fire into my bones—’” A sob choked his words.

            I trembled. The night before I’d hidden under my bed, covering my ears to blot out shouts of, “Get the Jews!” and the crash of shattering windows.

            Broken furniture littered the floor. Papa’s sewing machine lay in two pieces. Spools of thread and shredded fabric were strewn everywhere.

            Mama’s soft voice cut through the hush. “Danken Gott, we’re alive.”

            Papa winced. “For how long. Everywhere the goyim hate us. ”

            At that moment a Christian youth entered the shop, head bowed, and gave Papa a banknote. “My father sends his apologies and this to help rebuild.” He took a broom from the floor.  “Perhaps I can help.”        



30 comments on “TREDEGAR 1911

    • Dear Jan,

      I just believe there are good people out there. During the Holocaust they were referred to as “Righteous Gentiles” but I believe there must’ve been people like that before…hence Nikolai and Ulrich. 😉 Thanks m’luv

      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle
    That’s another touching piece of history that you’ve given us.
    I liked the way you tell us that they have left Russia because of persecution and then you show us subtly that they have wandered since then by having Mama speak in German. They must have lived there for some time.
    I agree with you – there are people of goodwill in all faiths; and there are bigots in all faiths, too. All those of us with a faith need to encourage each other to resist bigotry wherever it raises its ugly head.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Penny,

      Most of your thoughts are spot on. However Mama is actually speaking Yiddish which Russian Jews spoke. There are a lot of similarities between German and Yiddish.
      Thank you for taking the time to read and for leaving such a thoughtful comment. 😀



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sarah Ann,

      This was the only recorded uprising in Tredegar that I could find. Surely there were accepting people. And don’t we judge new arrivals harshly? Sad but true. Thank you.




  • What an atmosphere you’ve created here, Rochelle. The fear the family experiences is palpable – in terror in their own home, from people who have been their neighbours, probably had their clothes made there. Unimaginably awful. Thank you for sharing this piece of British history – I’m just so glad the footnotes emphasise how rare these events are here. Not rare enough, I know. A lovely redemptive touch at the end. The seeds of hope sown

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lynn,

      It seems that every country has this type of horror in their past. In Wales, in 1880…again in Tredegar there were riots against the Irish immigrants. Here in America, horrible crimes have been committed, one race against the other. How sad that we must have a Black Lives Matter movement to remind people that any race is part of the human race. Aaay. Sorry, I didn’t mean to climb up on my soapbox. I’ll simply stop here and say ‘thank you very much.’ 😀



      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re so right, though. It’s ridiculous in the 21st century that we need to tell each other one section of society has the same rights as any other. Sadly, that’s humans though – always seeking the ‘other’, clinging to their own kind.


  • Dear Rochelle,

    I trust you to find the Jewish in each and every part of the world. I love that you do. It’s a beautiful thing to have such pride and to share with us every little piece of history that you do discover. We’re all the smarter and luckier for it.

    As for this Christian helper – I, too, believe there are/were many out there doing what they could. You keep discovering them!

    Lotsa love,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dale,

      I’ll admit, it’s one of the first things on my research trail. With the Diaspora one never knows where some remote sect might have ended up. Sometimes my search is fruitless and other times it takes me by total surprise–like this time.

      I believe there are those in every walk of life who go out of their way to understand. At least it’s my hope. We’re all different like each other, aren’t we? (Oy, I need my coffee. 😉 )




  • Your thought provoking piece is impressive. I don’t get it and never have understood why the demeaning and asinine treatment of the the Jewish people has endured. Many Christians have sought to change this mindset but to no avail. This is a horrific and shameful flaw in our species.


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