6 July 2018

Published July 4, 2018 by rochellewisoff

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As always, please be considerate of your fellow Fictioneers and keep your stories to 100 words. (Title is not included in the word count.)  Many thanks. 

The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll

get the InLinkz code

This is a rerun that perhaps a handful of you will remember from October 31, 2012 with a different photo prompt, then titled CIRCLE IN A SPIRAL. It’s still among my favorites. I’ve dusted it off and tweaked it a bit.  

Here in the States it’s Independence Day commemorating the freedom we enjoy. Amid the fireworks and feasting we do well to remember  countless men and women have paid the ultimate price for our celebrations. Pass the mustard, please. 

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Word Count: 100


            Before he deployed, Nathan loved amusement parks. He’d coax Jeanette onto the Ferris wheel and laugh so loud at her fear of heights others would turn and smile.

            Eight months ago a roadside bomb exploded in Afghanistan.

            Still wearing her engagement ring, Jeanette takes her brother to the park but greasy odors and the pungent crowd suffocate her.

            From the shadows, a marine balanced on his one leg, reaches for her with a prosthetic hand. “I’m half a man, Jeanette. I’m afraid I can never—”

            “Nathan! Shut up and kiss me.”

            She laughs so loud others turn and smile.




Stained Glass Flag © Jean L. Hays



116 comments on “6 July 2018

    • Dear Jan,

      I can’t imagine the challenges these families face. One of the sweetest things I ever received was a pin and certificate from the Navy for being a Navy wife. Thank you for your service, m’luv.


  • Dear Rochelle,

    Beautiful and well-timed story (not a rerun for me!). Love is stronger than missing limbs, for them at least. We know it is not for too many others.

    Lotsa love,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dale,

      I’m pretty certain that Jeanette and Nathan have a relationship that will withstand the storms of his disabilities. At least they know how to laugh at each other and, I suspect, at themselves. A sense of humor covers a multitude of adversity, doesn’t it. 😉 ❤ Thank you, my friend. (Catching up.)



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    That is a tale of true love. A well-told story, as per usual.

    When you think how much difficulty even a small and temporary incapacitation can cause a person, such as a finger injury. I can’t imagine how exhausting, both mentally and physically, it must be for people who have lost limbs, although today’s prosthetics are brilliant.

    I probably have something that would fit this week’s prompt but am not sure if I haven’t done too many excerpts from my novels and might annoy people with yet another one. It’s just that my main character in my latest novel is an amputee.

    What do you reckon? Or shall I try to come up with an original 100-word story, rather than an excerpt? I’ve been suffering from prolonged writer’s block for the last few months. I think that the creative part of my brain is on a long overdue vacation, after getting on for thirty years of intensive storytelling.

    I hope you’re enjoying the summer. I’m loving the heatwave, although am having to do twice-daily watering of my pot plants to keep them happy.

    All best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sarah,

      It’s always wonderful to see you in my comment section. Sorry it’s taken me a while to get back to you. We’ve a houseful of company. Partying, reconnecting and enjoying each other hasn’t left a lot of time for Friday Fictioneers.

      Not too late for you to contribute. 😉 Excerpts are nice when they fit although I’ve found that sometimes posting an excerpt is as much work as writing a new story since I work to make the excerpt a stand alone.

      I’ve a story line beginning for a prequel re Winnie’s parents. I think it will have to be from her father’s POV for the most part. I’ve toyed around with writing it in 1st person but I’m not usually crazy about that mode. At any rate it’s sort of in the planning stages. I think I’ll base it on my grandfather’s hitchhike trek from New York to the Midwest.

      I can’t say I’m enjoying our heatwave. Beastly hot and humid.

      It’s amazing how your whole world can turn into a sore thumb when you’ve whacked it a good one, isn’t it? I can’t imagine the anguish of losing a limb.

      Thank you for your comment. It’s high time for a Skype reunion with Dale, I think.



      Liked by 1 person

      • Dear Rochelle,

        I’ll probably leave doing a FF contribution this week now. I know I’m strange, but because it’s called Friday Fictioneers, I like to post it on a Friday, although always try to post earlier in the week when you’ve used one of my images as a prompt.

        I got diverted yesterday and the day before, changing my blog theme as I thought the old one was too slow loading. However, my internet is running slowly, too, so I can’t judge if the new one is any better. Mister says it loaded straight away for him, but then his PC is plugged straight into the box, so he has the best signal in the house.

        If you have a moment, could you check out how fast my site loads for you and tell me (honestly) if you like the theme I’ve chosen. I had got a bit sick of the other one, as I’ve been using it for the last six years and thought it was time for a change. I’m in that sort of mood generally at the moment. …Restless and wanting to streamline things better. Am feeling much better, physically, which is a start. I’m loving the heat, but it’s not humid where I am, and there’s a bit of a sea breeze. Still, it’s about 33 degrees this afternoon, so have retreated inside for a while. I believe that Dale is finding it too humid and hot, too, looking at her poem about the sanctuary afforded by air conditioning.

        Yes, we’ll do a session on Skype, too, perhaps towards the end of next week or early the following week, depending how focused I am upon doing the jobs I’m meant to be doing.

        All best wishes,

        Liked by 1 person

        • Dear Sarah,

          I do like the change in your blog. I really love the photo of you peeking out from the leaves. It would make a delightful book jacket shot. Shows your quirkiness and lovely smile.

          I’ll check my calendar and check with our Canuck. 😉



          Liked by 1 person

          • Dear Rochelle,

            I’m so glad you like it. I’ve updated what I’ve said on my Gravatar, if you click on the photo. You will see that it goes with the peeking out from the leaves, and with the peeking out from under my hair photo, too.

            All best wishes,


  • What a beautifully touching love story, Rochelle. I can see why you have re-used it. It must be hard for people coming back from war and accidents and seeing their loved ones again with their injuries graphically displayed. Also hard for those close to them to now what to say as well. My grandfather lost his leg to cancer when I was 12 and I was quite frightened by it all. I had always been terrified of my grandmother’s false teeth too, even though she was one of the people I loved most in the entire world. These were serious tensions for me, like most people with a phobia or severe anxiety. You now you should overcome it but you can’t. Well, not all at once anyway. I have come a long way. i would like to be like Jeanette.
    Best wishes for another week.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Perfect for the 4th – and smiled at the ending
    and goodness, you have been hosting this FF challenge for a while.
    Many thanks to you for that – I know folks thank you a lot but my turn to shout it out
    gracias amiga

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Yvette,

      Honestly there have been times I’ve thought about passing FF off to someone else, but I stop short. I love this challenge for the international interaction and the friends I’ve made. Not to mention it keeps me writing nearly every day.
      Thank you re my story. Glad it made you smile. Hope your 4th was a good one.



      Liked by 1 person

      • yes – and you said it keeps you writing almost every day – well let’s add to that – and also READING.
        as you check in on the participants and even other challenges you connect with – it is the reading and then interacting – and it becomes more than hosting – eh? It is this connecting and growing…
        and in my opinion – that just keeps the seasoning going and so it sometimes has many perks that aren’t easily seen.

        and also work – and so may you always find the proper recharge as you need them

        Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Neel,

      Your comments always make me feel like I’ve received an award. 😀 I’m very slow getting around to commenting and replying this week as we’ve had out of town company for the past week and lots of social activities. As always, thank you.




  • Dear Wee Rowdy Yates W(T)F,

    You’ve got to love Jeanette. She’s a far cry from the girl in that old song, “Ruby, Don’t Take Your Love to Town.” This is a timeless piece, one of your best and most heartwarming.

    Best wishes from the Ass family,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dawn,

      I don’t see your name among the queue the first time around. October 31, 2012. I’m also appalled by how many comments I so rudely didn’t reply to. I suppose if I did now it would just be weird. 😉 At any rate thank you for your lovely comment.




    • Dear Dom,

      You linked perfectly this week. Welcome to the gang. I’ll warn you that this is a highly addictive exercise in brevity. Happy to have you aboard. Thank you for reading and commenting on my story.




  • I love that Jeanette’s love has not been diminished and that her joy causes others to look and smile. If only life could mirror your positive and uplifting fiction.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sarah Ann,

      Occasionally there’s a news story about a vet and his supportive wife. Those stories cause me to tear up. There is a lot of negativity in the world. 😦 Thank you so much for your lovely comment. 😀




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