14 September 2018

Published September 12, 2018 by rochellewisoff

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Please be considerate of 70 or more participants and keep your story to 100 words. Thank you. 

The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll

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Genre: Some might find it humorous

Word Count: 100

This is based on fact. I recently was called for jury duty. A day spent waiting…and reading. I think I can blame Russell for the inspiration. When I wasn’t sketching or snoozing, I was reading my signed copy of “The Perils of Heavy Thinking.” That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. 


My day in court arrives. I spend hours in a sterile waiting room with 74 other potential jurors before moving to the courtroom. To pass the time I sketch the man in front of me. 

            Who among us will be chosen to spend the next five days deliberating? Not I.


            Will it be the blonde with a rock on her finger the size of Texas? Or maybe the brunette whose attributes are barely contained will catch the judge’s eye. Or what about the dainty young thing in striped hoodie and floral pajama pants?

            The possibilities fire this writer’s imagination.           


Not Boring 


The coffee table companion to Havah’s Trilogy



134 comments on “14 September 2018

  • Good story, Rochelle. It’s great you had interesting ways to pass the time. I feel lucky now. I sat on a jury once and things progressed fairly quick. It was one person’s word against another’s so no one ended up going to jail. We had a good foreman who used common sense. 🙂 — Suzanne

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Suzanne,

      I ended up not being chosen for this particular trial. Since I’d been a star witness in a lawsuit for the plaintiff I don’t think they wanted me. 😉 I do wonder how the trial ended up. So I only had one day invested. Managed to read at least four of Russell’s stories and sketch four pictures. 😉 Thank you.



      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Bettina,

      I suppose, as a law student, a murder trial would’ve been fascinating. I don’t think this particular trial would’ve held quite the same fascination. I consider myself lucky to not be selected. 😉 Thank you.




  • They do sound interesting.

    I was among a group of people being considered for jurors on a high profile murder case about a decade ago. I actually got to see the defendant, who I believed was guilty as sin. I wasn’t chosen, which was probably a good thing, but later the person was found guilty.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Björn,

      The selection process was to answer a raft of questions from the lawyers, the one for the defense and the one for the plaintiff. I think if I’d been selected it would’ve been closer to 11 disinterested and yawning people rather than 11 angry men. 😉 At any rate, they passed me by which suited me fine. 😀 Thanks for stopping by.




  • I’ve only been forced to wait to find out about jury duty a few times…not recently, but I still remember the horrible feeling of frustration waiting to get it over with. At least you conveniently found a way to keep busy. Nice, realistic depiction of the other ladies there.

    Liked by 2 people

  • Rochelle, I got a kick out of the humor and your drawing. At least you made the best of a boring situation. I have never been called to jury duty, which I find sad. I would like to experience the process once. Maybe someday.


    Liked by 2 people

  • Dear Rochelle,

    A most constructive way to while away the day, I think! Tired of reading? Draw! Tired of drawing? Read!
    And we get to read a fun story in the end,,,
    I’ve yet to be called… and don’t feel the need to add that to my list of experiences!

    Lotsa love,


    Liked by 3 people

  • Tick tock… tick tock… I wonder how you were perceived, Rochelle, as you people watched… and sketched… and people watched. I hope you don’t mind but I found myself yawning as I read this (in an appreciative way!)

    Love your new banner, btw, by Russell Gayer. It also helps to host a photo challenge, me thinks.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Kelvin,

      That is the rub with people watching. I do wonder at times how I’m perceived. Perhaps I should write a story from the other person’s point of view. How I perceive how others perceive me. Too convoluted, I think. 😉
      Yawning is perfectly alright…as long as it’s appreciative. I was certainly delighted to hop in my car at the end of the day, knowing that I didn’t have to return the next day.
      As for the banner, I try to keep them interesting by alternating them each week, in hopes that they will be read.
      Thank you for your thoughtful comments.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I’m not sure how they are chosen, I just hope it isn’t me 😉 So, a potential juror needs to be impartial and someone who is pleasant to look at for the duration of the trial?

    I like the coffee table companion book. Very nice.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Trent,

      An impartial jury as possible is what the lawyers prefer. it’s hard to sway a biased juror in the other direction, I suppose. 😉 At any rate, I was happy to not be chosen. Thank you re the book. I’m pretty thrilled with it. Will be more thrilled to sell them all. 😉



      Liked by 2 people

  • That all sounds extremely boring (the waiting, not the writing). But what an opportunity for people watching. Such great, vivid descriptions. How many will show up in your next novel?

    Liked by 2 people

  • I’ve never been called, much to my relief. I can’t stand going to the cinema because of the constriction of movement, and I’m sure no-one would appreciate a juror strolling around the courtroom in the middle of a trial. You captured the essence of waiting. In style.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Neel,

      I would go stir crazy if I didn’t have something to do in a situation like that. 😉 And what better place to people watch than a room with 74 other people? 😉 Thank you for your kind comments.




  • Dear Jonnette Cameron Swayze,

    I glad you found the time to start reading classic literature. I’ve served 3 hitches on jury duty and served as Foreman once in a civil case–although there was nothing too civil about it. The highlight of the trial was the pizza ordered for the jury by the judge. In the end, the plaintiff didn’t get enough money to pay his lawyer. Being a jurist is a dirty job, but there was no way I was going to let a good pizza go to waste.

    Keep on Ticking,
    Tommy Timex

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Tommy-Justin DaNikov Time,

      Apparently you were more desirable as a juror than I. This was my first time having to appear. Interesting experience. I don wonder what the outcome of the trial was, but I can’t say I was too disappointed. Although I did enjoy the literature. I’m sure people around me wondered what was so funny.

      Taking a licking and keepin’ on ticking,

      Jonnette Cameron Swayze W(T)F

      PS A package of entries is on it’s way to you. TY


  • Wow so many writer/artists among us!

    Jury duty, what fun! That is a very democratic room: everyone waiting feels equally small. You do a good job of conveying boredom without being boring. And your character takes us, in her conjectures, beyond jury selection to the trial itself, and the “lucky” ones who do get picked, to decide another citizen’s fate.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Ali,

      I’ve recently had similar thoughts about being a court artist. I think I might have missed a potential calling there. I watch some of the sketches that show up on the news and think, “I could do that!” 😉 Thank you for coming by.



      Liked by 1 person

  • This had me smiling a lot Rochelle. I spent a lot of my earlier life in and around courts (never in the dock, thankfully) and used to wonder what was supposed to be so great about guilt or innocence being decided by a jury of our “peers”. Then I took a closer look at the alternative – judges and magistrates. Oy vey!

    Liked by 2 people

      • Not arrogant at all, Rochelle. I put “peers” in inverted commas on purpose, for that very reason. I suspect the people who send out the jury notices have a sideline selecting participants for shows like Jerry Springer’s and the UK’s (even worse) Jeremy Kyle.


    • Dear Sarah Ann,

      I hate to admit that in many ways Russell and I might just think alike. 😉 I just hide it better than he does. Thank you for your kind words. It makes the day of boredom worth it somehow.




  • Querida Rochelle,
    I’ve been in that long waiting do-nothing but stare at puck-green walls and wish I could throw up so they’d excuse me. BUT … you made this quite humorous, mi amiga. I think there’s a possible stand-up comedy in your future. LOL You and your cousin-in-law had a few moments of banter here. Where did he go? You’re probably frightening to him. LOL
    Anywho … estoy muy tarde. Donde se va el tiempo? Ahhhh … espero que le guste mi cuento.
    Abrazos y Shalom,
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    • Querida Isadora,

      Mi primo Kent dice, “Hola” a ti. Dice que no puede escribir hoy dia. He and I have done some stand-up comedy actually. 😉 Estoy contenta que te gustas mi cuenta. Mejor tarde que nunca. ❤ Gracias.

      Shalom y abrazos,



  • Never thought of the boredom aspect of jury duty. I’ve never been called up and wouldn’t mind doing it as long as it wasn’t a gruesome murder trial.
    I have always loved people watching and am concerned that with the omnipresence of screens these days, it is becoming a dying art. You can learn so much and I think it’s actually an important part of being human and part of society…or even adrift from it.
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

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