Published October 14, 2018 by rochellewisoff

This week Pegman goes to Roswell, New Mexico, USA.

Your mission is to write up to 150 words inspired by this week’s location. You can use the image supplied or you can visit Roswell yourself via Google Maps and find your own inspiration.

Once your piece is polished, share it with others using the linkup below. Reading and commenting on others’ work is part of the fun.

In April my husband and I visited Roswell so I took the liberty of using my own photo. No matter what your take on aliens,Roswell is a major tourist trap. Kind of fun but next time I want to go to the Grand Canyon. 😉

Thanks to Karen and Josh for facilitating the fun. 

© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Genre: Questionable

Word Count: 150


My son tugs at my coat. “Mommy, can I get the green man souvenir?”

            His sister jumps up and down and squeals. “I want the stuffed alien so I could sleep with him. Say ‘yes’ pleeeeeeease, Mommeeee.”

            I shake my head and glare at my husband. “I can’t believe you talked me into coming to this tourist trap? You can’t walk five feet without running into another gift shop. And they all have the same pathetic junk.”

            Taking his wallet from his pocket, he hands the cashier just the right amount for the toys. “Aw, lighten up and have a little fun.” His eyes glow and spin.

            My daughter’s antennae poke out from under her wig. She cuddles her stuffed friend. “I’m sleepy. Can we go back to the hotel?”

            The teenage clerk gasps. “Y-you aren’t from around here, are you?”

            “Next year, Phlox,” I mutter, “we vacation on Gorgon.”




Shmoozing with Aliens in Roswell

20 comments on “R IS FOR ROCKET

  • Love this one. It was kind of fun. Would like to have gone through the museum but was short on time. My short, alien wife said “the saucer is low on power. We must go. Our Purple Planet is too far to go today.” Lol.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Andrea,

      It really is a ridiculous tourist trap which got very old very fast. I was going to write it as a personal memoir but decided to turn it on its ear instead. 😉 Glad you enjoyed it and took the time to say so. 😀



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Penny,

      I had fun writing this one. I started out thinking I’d write about our own little tour through Roswell and then thought better of it. It most definitely is a tourist trap. Once you’ve been there, there’s not much more to see. 😉 Your smile is music to my eyes. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Darn it… the Aliens STOLE my comment and trashed it! So. Not. Cool.
    So… here I go again. I love when you let your funny-bone shine. I know it’s there and it’s great that others get to see it… And “Anonymous” is quite the comedian, isn’t he?

    Lotsa love and giggles,


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