10 May 2019

Published May 8, 2019 by rochellewisoff

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As this post goes live I will be preparing to leave for Israel on a humanitarian trip 😀 So my responses and comments are bound to be slow for the next couple of weeks. 

I’m sure it’s no surprise to anyone that I’m a huge Fiddler on the Roof fan. I suppose it’s because it depicts my heritage in such a lovely way. One of my favorite characters in the iconic movie has always been the Constable portrayed sympathetically by Louis Zourich. So here’s my take on what the Constable might have done after the eviction of the Jews of the fictitious town of Anatevka. You may notice, I gave him a name since he never had one that I’m aware of. 😉

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100


Ivan strolled along the deserted streets of Anatevka.

“What choice did I have?”

He had been a model officer, following orders to the letter.

Men and women, babes in arms, the old and lame—they took what few belongings they had while he made certain the edict was carried out.

Why did there have to be such strife? What made these Jews less human than he? Why shouldn’t Tevye hate him? The dairyman who addressed his poverty with faith and humor had earned Ivan’s undying respect.

He entered the commissioner’s office and laid his badge on the desk. “I resign.”


Tevye the dairyman

The Constable

99 comments on “10 May 2019

    • Dear Neil,

      The constable seemed like a decent man, caught in the system. “I’m just following orders.” There is a scene in the movie where he tries to get out of his assigned task. Anyway…Thank you. 😀



      Liked by 1 person

  • Great continuation. I like the fact he eventually came to realise what had happened was wrong, even if a little late. At least eventually minds have been awoken to the wrong that has been done. It brings an interesting new angle to the character. Safe trip Rochelle 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Iain,

    I don’t recall the hapless constable ever showing up in the Sholom Aleichem stories on which the play and movie are based. But the actor in the movie’s portrayal broke my heart for him–so much inner turmoil etched on his face. At any rate I’m glad you liked my story. Thank you for taking the time to say so and thank you for the well wishes for my trip.




  • Rochelle, Have a safe and blessed visit to Israel knowing I envy you the opportunity. I will be praying for you and your fellow travelers. Your story hits on a side note to the story that I’ve often thought about. I saw the play live in Chicago in a small theatre in the round. I’ve always half expected that the constable left with them, or maybe I just hoped. I have the movie on DVD now, complete with a sing-along file with captions. Love it! TRADITION! ~ Bear

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Bear,

      The prayers are muchly appreciated. As for FOTR…I geek out whenever I see it. I recently watched it for umpteenth time and the constable’s inner conflict struck me. (So beautifully portrayed by Louis Zourich.) Thank you for your sweet comments.

      Hokahey and Shalom,


      Liked by 1 person

  • My link isn’t working properly, Rochelle. I’m getting there’s nothing at that page and my story is listed down below to be searched for. I removed and did it over with the same results. 😦 — Suzanne


  • Have a good and meaningful trip, Rochelle! I’ve just returned from a 3-week work/teaching/family-stuff visit in Israel, which ended up being in may ways more than I’d expected to have to attend to, and exactly what I needed to attend to ….
    Another blogger is there now. Seems there’s a pattern here … 😉
    May the trip be all that you need and hope it to be and then some.

    As for the Anatevka story — I love what you did here, for as always you choose an angle, and a player, who is not necessarily center-stage and yet is central to the human experience, conditions, choices, and relevance.

    Sometimes the mark of a good man is making a decision to do what goes against the grain of their indoctrination/orders. A touch of humanity can be rare in times of power-seeking, hate, and corruption. And yet again and again we see good humans settling to do the real job needed, while the chaff makes all the noise and flies in people’s eyes.

    Love this!
    Hugs and נסיעה טובה,

    Liked by 2 people

    • Na’ama Y’karah,

      As many times as I’ve seen the movie, I always feel the constable’s dilemma and like to think he did the right thing in the end. Since the screenwriters didn’t see fit to write it, I took it upon myself. 😉 I like to think he’s a good man. Thank you for your kind words.

      Lovely weather in Tel Aviv. Today we visited Holocaust survivors and took them lap blankets and sang Yiddish songs to them. Smiles, tears and kisses were the great rewards.

      Shalom v’todah,


      Liked by 1 person

      • Dear Rochelle, this sounds like an important and heart-felt thing to do. There are fewer and fewer Holocaust survivors still with us today, and not all of them are as sheltered and cherished in the practical day-to-day as they ought to be. I know there are those who actively work to alleviate any unnecessary hardship, and I am glad that as part of your visit you are engaged in this important care for those who’d endured the unendurable.

        Thank you.


  • Dear Rochelle,

    I like your continuation of the Constable’s story. I’ve watched Fiddler on the Roof a couple of times and I can see why you’re such a huge fan. It must be hard for people like the constable to see people who were once their friends and neighbors be evicted from their homes because they are Jews.

    I watched the movie, The Pianist again the other day and a couple of the Germans thought what was happening to their Jewish friends and neighbors was disgraceful. I’ve read stories of some of them helping them at risk of their own lives.

    I liked how you explored the conflict the constable must have been experiencing. A wonderful and powerful take on the prompt as usual.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Adele,

      The Pianist is another favorite of mine and true story at that. The German officer who saved Spielman’s life sadly died in a Russian prison camp. I’ve read excerpts from his diary. He was a righteous man.

      Thank you for your kind words.




  • “Where is that little girl I carried?where is that little boy at play? i cant remember growing older–when did they?” Makes me cry every time. 😢

    I hope such characters as your constable show some nerve in our own uncertain times. Pleasant travels, Rochelle.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Fiddler is one of my all time favorite movies as well. Your story is a fitting followup piece, I imagine Ivan resigning. You expressed well his admiration and doubt. I hope you have a meaningful and wonderful trip. I’ve always wanted to visit Israel. Stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Brenda,

      Fiddler and the stories that inspired it have always been favorites of mine. Thank you for your kind words.
      Despite what you might hear on the news, Israel is safer than the States IMHO. I’m having a glorious time. 😀



      Liked by 1 person

      • A visit to Israel is on my “bucket list!!” I would certainly agree that it’s not so safe in the States. I meant ‘stay safe’ in general. (haha) On one of my trips from Hong Kong last summer, my passport was stolen in one of two airports or on the plane itself. I noticed before going through Hong Kong immigration. Very annoying!! I’m so glad you are having a wonderful time. 😀


  • I had seen Fiddler on the Roof as a student and guess I have t revisit the film. Rochelle you have given the constable a name and thus brought him out more lively. He , as per his conscience, resigned and kept the little flame of humanity and empathy alive. We will hear stories about your trip to Israel after you come back.

    Liked by 1 person

  • You tell the story with honesty and compassion. An individual standing up against a cruel regime is being really brave, a role model of what’s possible I think.
    Good luck with your trip, hope it goes well.


  • People claim Rudolf Hess supposedly changed completely and became Catholic. Israel Zolli, Italy’s most important rabbi in WWII, became Catholic and changed his name in honor of Pp. Pius XII, who was one of the best. They’re only a couple of examples of the positive side.

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