7 June 2019

Published June 5, 2019 by rochellewisoff

Dear Friday Fictioneers,

While I realize my page is FF central where you come for the prompt and instructions,the lower half of the page is also my comment section. In light of this, I have a favor to ask of all of you. When you have an issue such as problems with linking in the inLinkz or have a technical question, please direct these to my email runtshell@gmail.com. I check my email as often as I look at my comments (which I also appreciate greatly). Thank you for your consideration.



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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 



Genre: Murder Mystery

Word Count: 100


Detective Lowry studied the corpse and otherwise orderly apartment. “Cause of death?”

Medical Examiner Gayer zipped the body bag. “It could’ve been the knife in his back, the bullet through his heart or the blunt force trauma to his skull with a flower pot.”

The detective donned a pair of rubber gloves and lifted a shattered laptop from a mound of potting soil. “Nothing seems out of place unless you count this and the old Scot, of course. Going to be a tough case to crack.”

“Not enough evidence?”  

“On the contrary. Ten women have already confessed to the crime.”

120 comments on “7 June 2019

  • Sundown, you better take care
    If I find you been creeping ’round my back stairs… or ten back stairs… or whatever. Perhaps I’ll just say I like corn on the cob and leave it at that.🌽

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear C.E.

      It’s still very early in this case. The poison will probably be detected in the autopsy. No doubt there will be other impassioned confessions. Merci du fond du coeur, gentil monsieur.




  • Oh, MAN!!! I LOVE Murder Mysteries!! I’d love for you to flesh this one out! Did you check his coffee cup on the table for poison? Did you notice the venomous snake that just slithered under the sofa?
    “There must be fifty ways to leave your lover!”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Frances,

      The old Scot has a reputation for literary murders. Most of his victims have been women. Ooh, I like the snake angle. I don’t know if I’ll flesh it out, though. 😉 Thank you. I love it when you actually come to my blog and leave a comment. ❤

      Shalom and good morning,



  • I wonder what other murder methods will be discovered in the autopsy (I saw the mention of poison, but I’m sure there was arsenic, cyanide, hemlock, polonium, etc., etc.) Kill by the pen, die by the pen, or some such cliched saying.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Linda,

      Personally I think all of them will go Scot free. 😉 They won’t be able to pin it on any of them, since they all had motive and any one of those things could have dealt the final blow. It will get thrown out of court. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • That last line is a real cackle! So many confessions… maybe they all DID have a hand in it, so to speak! Great Story! I’ll be back with mine later. Shalom~ Bear

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Jeanne Phillips W(T)F,

    Detective Lowry is flattered that you allowed him a small role in your grizzly tale of murder and literary dismemberment of one of our own. I wonder how many other murder mysteries feature a medical examiner wearing a large red nose?

    I doubt Lowry will spend much time on this case as he has smaller fish to fry, much smaller. I’m sure that on further investigation Lowry will discover that the Do-Not-Remove tags are also missing from Mr. Ayr’s flat. I wonder who would have taken those?

    Be kind to your daughter-in-law,
    Medical Examiner Gayer

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Medical Examiner Gayer,

      Do not remove tags in French are going for a premium these days..but you didn’t hear that from me. As for the ME with the red nose, he seemed to be the perfect man for this particular job.

      So the question burning in our minds is How do you know a pink elephant is in the room?

      Thank you for taking part in the mystery.


      Jeanne Phillips W(T)F


  • Querida Rochelle,
    Un cuento muy bueno …
    It looks like the detective needs a little more training. Perhaps, a chat with the 10 women that have come forward. They probably have a great deal to say. Great story, mi amiga.
    YES … YES … YES … need assistance with the froggy. I’ve tried. No Luck!!!
    My ‘Like’ button still doesn’t work either … AND … I don’t see my comment from the story two weeks ago when I posted. Grrrr … ghosts and goblins at play.
    Bueno … por lo menos mi cuento esta mas pronto que antes.
    Adios y Abrazos,
    Isadora 😎


  • Karma does indeed bite in the end. Well written murder mystery. I noticed there were many flower pots for ammunition and it appears to me some may have been moved. Perhaps replaced even by other Perps who saw it wouldn’t be necessary as the deed was already done. And, did the laptop in the mound of potting soil go unnoticed by the detective? Perhaps it could have sprouted some clues. Lol. I slay me.


  • Dear Rochelle,

    The fact that only ten have come forward must be due to the fact the news has not broken completely. Something tells me the numbers shall rise.

    So much fun!

    Shalom and lotsa love,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dale,

      I suspect by the end of the week, more confessors will be lined up around the police station. Glad you liked. 😀 Thanks for taking time out of your back-breaking week to read and comment. <3.

      Shalom and lotsa gentle hugs,



  • Sounds like he was busy, to incur the wrath of so many women, especially ones who want to make sure everyone knows they killed them. Great twist on the whodunit, where they have to decide which of the people confessing actually did it. Loved it.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Hehehe. That poor old sod, err, Scot, he never learned how to properly treat the ladies. Always murder he wrote, no wonder so many want revenge. What fun, Rochelle. I join the crowd with the train association.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Somehow this reminded me of Murder on the Orient Express. But it’s not quite the same elements. I’m in awe of the way you crafted this story. It really had that Agatha Christie flair to it. Guess the victim inspired a lot of women, eh? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Fatima,

      You’re not the first to connect my little story with the Orient Express. 😉 The victim in my story has committed so many literary murders he’s finally getting what he deserves. Thank you.




    • Dear Kalpana,

      You could say he wasn’t the most popular guy around. Perhaps it had something to do with all of the women he murdered in his stories. 😉 Thank you for reading and commenting.




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