Weekend Writing Prompt – JUDGE

Published July 20, 2019 by rochellewisoff

AA SA word prompt to get your creativity flowing this weekend.  How you use the prompt is up to you.  Write a piece of flash fiction, a poem, a chapter for your novel…anything you like.  Or take the challenge below – there are no prizes – it’s not a competition but rather a fun writing exercise.  If you want to share what you come up with, please leave a link to it in Sammi’s Comment Section.

Word Prompt



This week I’ve tweaked an excerpt from my novel AS ONE MUST, ONE CAN. It also appears in my coffee table book A STONE FOR THE JOURNEY. The scene takes place in 1908 in Arel Gitterman’s tailor shop. He and his wife Havah are terrified that they are about to face the same brutal persecution in America they endured in Eastern Europe. 

            Arel pointed to an official looking document in front of him. “I’m in big trouble, Havah.”

            “What’s that?”

            “It’s an indictment from His Honor Judge Wallace. I could go to prison.”

            “What crime did you commit?”

            “I’ve opened my shop on Sunday.”

            “And this is a crime?”

            “According to his Sunday labor law we’re required to observe the Christian Sabbath or pay a penalty. We Jews may open our shops, but if we sell anything we’re in violation.”

            Her gorge rising, Havah crumpled the paper in her fist. “Every ass likes to hear himself bray.”



A STONE FOR THE JOURNE Y  is available on Amazon.com

or Barnes and Noble.com 


11 comments on “Weekend Writing Prompt – JUDGE

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Excellent choice for this prompt 😉
    It’s funny. I remember when we could not buy beer on Sundays, then we could only purchase after 12:00, and now? Anything goes… Times change.
    But your writing is always on par!

    Shalom and lotsa love,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dale,

      We live in a part of Kansas City that’s just a mile or two from the state line. Half of the KC area is in Kansas and the other half in Missouri. Kansas was first to repeal the Blue Law. When Missouri’s legislators realized how much money they were losing with Missourians going to the Kansas side to shop on Sunday, the law was repealed on our side, too.
      Thank you re my writing. 😀 ❤

      Shalom and lotsa hugs,


      Liked by 1 person

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