Published August 25, 2019 by rochellewisoff

This week Pegman takes us to the capital of Latvia, in Riga’s Old Town. Your mission is to write up 150 words inspired by the location. Feel free to use the image supplied, or venture around Riga for something that inspires you. You may write fact or fiction, poetry or prose. The only only requirement is to keep your piece at 150 words or less, as a consideration to others.

Once your piece is polished, share it with others using the linkup below. Reading and commenting is part of the fun!

As always, thanks to Karen and Josh for heading up the challenge. 

Click the frog to read other stories and add your own. 

Peitav Synagogue in Riga, Latvia was built in 1905. It has survived the Holocaust and bombings in the 1990’s.

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 150


Katya played Chopin’s “Berceuse” on the imaginary piano in her coat pocket with trembling fingers. She tried to keep pace on the frozen path.

Without success, she tried to block out the image of her father, the cantor, lying in the street, his magnificent voice forever stilled. Latvia’s November wind whipped through her.  

She remembered when Professor Philipp at the conservatory in Paris proclaimed, “Katya Abramis, you have an exquisite talent.”


A drunken soldier ripped an infant from a young mother’s arms and shot him. She dropped to her knees only to suffer the same fate as her son. The snow turned red beneath them.

“Shoes in this pile, clothes in that.”

Katya obeyed. What choice did she have?

Standing naked at the edge of a deep pit, Katya pictured her beloved synagogue and heard Papa sing “Lord of the World, Who was, Who is, Who is to come.”   


There is little on the internet about Cantor Abram Abramis or his daughter Katya, renowned pianist of her time. Both perished in the 1941 Massacre in Riga. CLICK HERE for my source. 

אנו זוכר’ם


30 comments on “THE DAY THE MUSIC DIED

  • Such exquisite writing and such wrenching subject matter. Katya playing the piano in her pocket was brilliant.

    Latvia has such a tragic history. You’ve brought one of the more tragic ones to light. Thanks for playing this week and thanks for sharing your gift for bringing history to life!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jan,

      The magnitude of the Nazi Holocaust with the approval of the general populace is one of the things that makes the period so horrific. Unbelievable. Did we learn from it? Questionable. Thank you, m’luv.


  • No, I didn’t read this before I wrote mine, but it would work well together. Great story, Rochelle, had me playing piano in my pocket, too. Hope you’ll stop by and read about my Katie…

    Liked by 1 person

  • By focusing the story on one person’s internal battle to stay focused, stay thinking about the music, keep the evil from getting inside her heart for one last minute, it makes the horrific event she’s experiencing come to life with even more tragedy and pain. Wonderful writing, Rochelle!

    Liked by 1 person

  • ugh – so sad they both perished in 41 – going to check the source to explore a bit more after I submit this comment –
    I just watched a movie called “fugitive pieces” and the sister that disappeared played the piano and was teaching her brother when their lives were upset and destroyed because of the war.
    anyhow, enjoyed the music in the post and your historical fiction

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    You definitely are undeniably the mistress of bringing the historical story to life. This was wonderfully written and such a heartbreaking story.
    Well done, my friend.

    Shalom and lotsa love,


    Liked by 1 person

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