13 September 2019

Published September 11, 2019 by rochellewisoff

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Flying Froggy

Frog delightfully rendered by Keith Hillman

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Word Count: 100


            “Can I wake up?”

            “Not now, Evan.” Rosemary yanked off her glasses and glared at her four-year-old son. “Can’t Mommy have five minutes to herself?”

            His brown eyes welled. “I need a hug.”

            Setting her book aside, she heaved an exasperated sigh. “I need your nap.”  

            He climbed up on her lap and pressed his soft cheek against hers. In that moment she imagined him as a grown man with a prickly beard. She tightened her arms around him and gave him a loud smooch.

            He giggled. “Do you still want me to go away, Mommy?”

            “Yes. Go away closer.”  


106 comments on “13 September 2019

  • Children grow up so fast that it’s hard to imagine how little time you have with them at that age. A well done story of a mothers realization and love. A book will always be around, or can be replaced. A child cannot be replaced and will only be with us briefly before moving on.

    Liked by 3 people

  • I’m always concerned that I should appreciate every minute of their time with me, and yet sometimes the yearning just to do your own thing can be so strong. And then there’s the moment you give in… Nicely done.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Sandra,

      I’ll be the first to admit there are some things about child rearing that are behind me I don’t miss. I’m not the most patient person and breaking up squabbles was not my favorite thing. Then there were these snuggly moments that I cherish in my memory. 😉 Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • So sweet and so realistically portrayed. I felt like I was in the room with you. It is delicious and befuddling, isn’t it? How fast they grow.
    Thank you for this …
    Especially today.
    For you see, mine went into empty arms today. Perhaps because that is the biggest reminder here, at this moment. XOXO

    Read To Remember


    Liked by 2 people

  • I may not have littles, but I can still feel this very deeply! Especially as I spent this morning with 11 littles (2-4yrs). Nothing beats the hug of a child crawling into your lap, even if it’s just so they can see Veggie Tales better. :)<3 Love this story, Rochelle! ~ Shalom, Bear

    Liked by 2 people

      • Amen to that! My not having kids is actually the best answer to prayers there could be. I made a decision as a very young person that I would break the cycle of addiction in my family. And part of that included asking God to Not gift me with a child. Most people don’t understand that kind of prayer, but if you think about it… about how I was/wasn’t raised, and understand the depth to which I did not want to ever see another child go through that, it makes sense.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Liz,

      It’s one of those expressions my mom used. I felt so loved and cherished when she said it. One of my sweetest memories of her. I saw your pictures on Facebook of your sweet granddaughter. They do grow so fast, don’t they? Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Ronda,

      Animals and children have similarities when it comes to mischief and demands for attention, don’t they? Love them both. Glad you liked my story and took the time to say so.

      Who changed the frog? I actually borrowed Keith of Keith’s Ramblings rendering. Still the same link though. 😉 Thank you.



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  • Querida Rochelle,
    One last try and BINGO … aahhhh … my link is up. 👍🏻
    Anywho … sweet vignette of how most mothers feel when they are deprived of ‘Me Time’.
    Our hearts dictate that they always come first. Left me with a feeling of warmth.
    Buen fin de semana …
    Abrazos y Carino,
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 2 people

    • Querida Isadora,

      When our children are young it seems those constant interruptions and lack of space will last forever. It’s hard to see the future then, but looking back I wish I could tell my younger self to chillax just a bit. But I do remember those sweet snuggly times. Gracias mi amiga.

      Shalom y cariño,


      Liked by 2 people

      • Querida Rochelle,
        I was literally LOL. Wait for the bigger child to arrive: the retired husband. LOL I was telling my hubby, recently, I need to go and take a shower without asking where a utensil is. LOL This is why we are woman: patience. Gracias, mi amiga, por todo su trabajo. Have a great week …. Isadora 😎

        Liked by 1 person

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