27 September 2019

Published September 25, 2019 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Na’ama Yehuda

Frog delightfully rendered by Keith Hillman

Genre: Hysterical Friction

Word Count: 100


Despite prognosticators’ predictions for probable precipitation, we preferred not to pass up a potentially profitable fair.

Although overcast, no rain befell us Saturday morning. Excited energy prevailed over the park full of local artists whose crafts ranged from jewelry and ceramics to paintings and photography.

Patrons crowded my tent.

“Beautiful work.

“Magnificent watercolor technique.”

Sprinkles gave way to downpour. The crowds dispersed.

We did our best to shield my vulnerable artwork.

Sales from a few bedraggled diehards kept the day from being a total bust.  

I shrugged and grinned at my damp-around-the-edges husband. “Not exactly our finest hour, is it?”


The rain was quite heavy at times. The tent next to ours collapsed on the artists and their ceramics. The park was a virtual swamp. Although some came back for day 2 on Sunday, many of us did not. Below are a few pictures of the ill-fated event.


88 comments on “27 September 2019

    • Dear Suzanne,

      I didn’t mention that our roof had a few leaks. Jan took it back and exchanged it yesterday, since it was brand new. Still it did offer more protection than some. However there was wind with the rain that blew it in. For the most part, we were left unscathed. It’s the chance you take at these things. 😉 Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Josh,

      LOL…nah, they really are watercolor. I’m not particularly fond of acrylic. No fiction to this story. Glad you enjoyed it. You got that right about the trenches. It was an absolute mess! Thank you.




  • It certainly was an experience. I watched a few tents blow over, roofs collapsed, muddy trenches and lots of despair in some artists faces. Although we had a couple minor problems with our tent, we were reasonably well prepared for the bad weather. Another bragging right, and bragging write I guess. Although, it would be nice to have less of these memories. Lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jan,

      Bragging right and bragging write. Perfect! At least I got a story out of it and a few good pictures thanks to my damp-around-the-edges photographer. 😉 Do you realize I made more money from the OWL winnings than UNPlaza sales? Sheesh.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Ali,

      A little alliteration is fun…wouldn’t want to go overboard, would we? We kept thinking the rain would let up. It did every hour or so and then WOOSH. Still, I met some interesting people, sold a few note cards and a print so it wasn’t all for naught. 😀 Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Sounds like the Farmer’s Market for me… been weathered out either by triple digit heat or storms. Finally gave up. Two months, and I only made $18… wasn’t worth the gasoline to get there, hubby said. Sigh… Nice to know, in a really bad way, that I’m not the only one. Hopefully, next fair will be better for you. Next year, I’m going to try to set up at the art fair near the river… my luck, we’ll be flooded out. LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Bear,

      It is the chance a vendor takes. You can’t control the weather. We did the same fair last year and the weather was perfect. This hasn’t been a good year for us weatherwise. I spent the time at one fair in June chasing my prints across the pavement as they blew in the wind. So we’ve experienced both sides of it…wonderful to no sales. This was a day to remember. Thank you for your understanding comment. ❤



      Liked by 1 person

  • Oh bummeroo!! Well, you tried! And … you had a purple tent, so that alone would’a brought me over! It being one of my favoriteste colors, of course! 🙂 I hope the artwork survived!
    And — thanks for using my photo! 🙂
    Check out the story behind the photo … 😉

    Hold My Spot


  • I’ve been in your shoes many times Rochelle, it can be exasperating. I was just speaking with a young woman here at work planning an outdoor wedding for October 26th. I was telling her about our 4-kid joint graduation party four years ago where almost 5 inches of rain threatened to wash out the festivities.

    Liked by 1 person

  • I’ve been in similar situations. My friend is a painter who has participated in a few craft fairs. I’ve helped with lifting and setting up. She’s never encountered rain but the wind has often been an issue to the point where canopies have been blown down. I hope none of your vulnerable artwork was damaged.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    When life hands you rain…alliterate! And turn it into a fun story to read.
    And congrats on your winnings!
    And for your tent holding up – I feel really bad for your neighbours…

    Shalom and lotsa love,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Bernadette,

      The proliferation of ‘p’s is deliberate. A poetic tool known as alliteration. It seemed to add humor to the piece. 😉 I’ve heard since Saturday from the fair sponsors that sales were down considerably from last year. Ouch is right. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Abhijit,

      Actually, we were prepared (as one can be at an outdoor fair) fore the rain. Although the tent leaked and was promptly returned in a couple of days, nothing of any significance was destroyed. And some sales are better than no sales. 😉 Thank you.




    • Dear Fatima,

      My husband is actually the one who decided I needed a purple tent. 😉 As for the rain…we have no control over the weather. Of course we’ve had some beautiful weather since the weekend. Sigh. Thank you.




  • Well, here’s why you inspire me, Rochelle! You could moan over the rainy day. Instead, you chose to make a story out of it. That is what makes you stand out from the rest of us. I do think the watercolours were lovely! Hope it didn’t dampen your spirits for too long, though. There’s always a next time, you know. 🙂

    Thank you very much for hosting #FF every week.
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Esha,

      Such a lovely and affirming comment. There’s humor and a good story in everything if we take the lime to find it. 😉 As it was the weekend was brightened by the fact that I won awards in six different categories in a writing contest. Yes, there will be other times. Thank you so much. You’re one of the reasons I continue hosting FF.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I’m just enamoured by your pretty purple, Rochelle.
    Come rain, hail on shine, it’s the blessings that count.

    You are on a roll this week. Two stories! Woah!

    Have a wondrous weekend!
    Love and sunshine. 🙂 (swishing the rains away)


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Natasha,

      Purple has been my favorite color since my dad painted my bedroom a lovely shade of lavender when I was only 7 years old. A few years back at a writers conference there was a bloggers workshop where the speaker spoke about branding and coming up with a title that people would remember. That was the moment “Addicted to Purple” was born. Ever since then it’s been purple all the way. Great attention getter and conversation starter. 😉

      Story two is actually based on a true story one of my patrons told me about at the fair.

      Despite the rain, it was a good experience. Thank you for your lovely comments.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Aelfine Twiggy W(T)F,

    Where was Gene Kelly when all this was going on? Why didn’t you break into a dance and celebrate the rain? Ask yourself, “What would Shelley Kohlen do?

    By using rainwater, you could sell your originals as “organic.” Sounds like a great opportunity to me. Tell Jan I missed him at OWL and hope he can be there in April.

    Wet wishes,
    Dis-Jointed Crabby Appleton

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dis-Jointed Crabby Appleton,

      Hey, now there’s something I didn’t think about. Next rainfall, I’ll be sure to start a collection barrel. Organic watercolors. Catchy.

      I have to wonder if you even missed me at OWL. As far as I know we’ll be there in April. After all, I’m the art contest coordinator. My question is, who will enter the art part of it?

      A soggy shalom,

      Aelfine Twiggy W(T)F


  • Cute outfit too Rochelle! I always enjoy your stories – they give me a glimpse into the world of the evil Nazis. What a horrid time in history! I’m so very sorry for all you have been through. It was pure evil!


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