1 November 2019

Published October 30, 2019 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Fatima Fakier Deria

The frog isn’t blue but click him anyway. 😉

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100


Hibiscus aka Brownie brushed away a tear as she put the finishing touches on her article for the Detroit News. She wrote a good life, but her “Love-Haven” column was fantasy.

            A divorced single mother, she became a top saleslady for Stanley Home Products.

            However, a bowl made from polyethylene slag changed her life.

            “Its burping lid is amazing.” At parties she dropped the full plastic bowl on the floor. It remained sealed, clinching sale after sale.   

            “Brownie Wise, my vice-president, you could sweet-talk a bee out of its honey,” said inventor Earl Tupper.

            Hence, the Tupperware™ party was born.  




The first woman to ever be on the cover of Business Week, Brownie Wise was a force with which to reckon. Sadly, her story doesn’t have a happy ending. Thanks to Earl Tupper’s ego, her name was expunged from the Tupperware company. While Earl Tupper sold the company for millions, Brownie Wise lived the rest of her life in obscurity, refusing to even own a piece of Tupperware.

CLICK for more.

80 comments on “1 November 2019

    • Dear Neil,

      Most inventions have a history, don’t they? I love to find them. 😉 It does seem the burping bowls have been with us forever doesn’t it. Problem at my house it I can never find the matching lids. Such is life. Thank you.



      Liked by 2 people

  • Another well written, factually correct historical,piece. You certainly have the ability to take any subject, even ones no one really thinks about, and turns them into something we have to know more about. The link was interesting and informative. She certainly didn’t get what was due her. Very well done. She was a women’s pioneer in business.

    Liked by 3 people

  • I once wrote a poem which started ‘There are nearly a thousand Tupperware things
    I’ve no idea what they are for’ and this pretty much sums up my outlook here. I am sure they are jolly useful to anyone with a brain, but I am content just to read and enjoy your story, m’lady.

    Liked by 2 people

  • Why am I not surprised that the man who made millions expunged the name of the woman who made him into who he was? Sheesh! Very well told, Rochelle, for I am hopping mad on her behalf …
    And … how fitting that this photo led me to write the little story that I’d just left with the froggy-guard-of-lunch-boxes …(I write mine before I read anyone else’s so it is always curious and intriguing to see where things took us, in the very different and not so very different places a photo can take a typing mind …) 😉

    Empty Promises


    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Dale,

      One can’t blame Ms. Wise for getting rid of all of her Tupperware. It seems he turned into a true jerk and cut everyone of importance out of his life. Sad and infuriating as history often is. Thank you, my friend. 😀



      Liked by 2 people

  • And who among us, especially the Baby Boomers, doesn’t have some Tupperware? Perhaps it’s stored away in a forgotten corner, but I still have some that I use. I remember my dad explaining to us what “plastic,” was, and how to treat it. Don’t set it on the stove, etc. Tupperware parties popped up all over the place 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Linda,

      My sister in law was a dealer for a period of time so I had plenty of parties. For various reasons most of my Tupperware has disappeared. I really like the disposable versions I can find in the grocery store. Thanks for stopping by. 😀



      Liked by 2 people

  • Thus spake the invention trivia guru.

    Tupperware’s another of those things, along with safety pins and paperclips, that I’ve never considered. As far as I knew, cavemen invented them right after fire. They’ve just always been, like TV and cellphones.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Nobbin,

      I’m so happy to be able to fill in the blanks in your education. 😉 A dirty job but someone has to do it. I’ve actually looked into the bobby pin bu there’s not much to be found other than it was invented after WWI by Luis Marcus He named it for the popular hairstyle of the day, the bob. No extra charge. 😉 Cell phones have always been? You are young! Thank you.



      Liked by 2 people

  • Oh, the burping lid does bring back such memories. I remember dreaming of owning a whole set… or even just one. Sadly, by the time I married they were few and far between and only found at charity shops with lids missing, etc. I never knew her story before.. now, I’m kinda glad I don’t have any. What an evil little man.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Bear,

      I think perhaps he had good intentions in the beginning. But we also know the path to hell is paved with them. 😉 I have a few pieces of Tupperware but If I can find the lid I can’t find the bowl or visa versa. Personally, I like the disposable/reusable containers you can find in the grocery store. Thank you for reading and commenting. 😀



      PS The agent liked my manuscript and wants to talk to me. Not ready to spread this far and wide but it’s very promising. 😀 😀 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  • Another nugget from history about Tupperware. Certainly Tupperware has changed the way we store stuff. Problem is these plastic products do not die in our life time. While we need to change our Tupperware every few years, if not few months.

    Liked by 2 people

  • It is one thing to invent something, quite another to actually market it successfully. It is a shame that she was left out of it in the end. They don’t make Tupperware like they used to. A few of mine have broken off their hinges after a few months. Usually, I just use regular containers anyway.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Ah, well, isn’t that a sadly familiar story, with a woman being pushed to the back of the queue when it comes to coverage – and ego! Sad that Brownie was treated so badly by Tupper and that she felt so bitter about something she should have been able to feel proud about. Loving your forays into invention history. Wondering what’s going to be next … Great story Rochelle

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Lynn (no e 😉 )

      Mr. Tupper had enough ego to go around, didn’t he? What a pity he couldn’t have shared the benefits of the sale of his company. Who knows? The buyers might have realized what a gold mine they had in her. But we’ll never know.

      Thank you for your glowing comment. 😀




  • Dear Belching Bonnie from Belton,

    I’m happy to hear the bowl emitted a burp instead of a fart. Of course if you stored cabbage or Brussel sprouts in the container you might still get the same odorous results.

    How cruel of Earl of Tupper to cut poor Brownie out of the pan. Now she’ll never earn her Girl Scout badge for violating the Green River Ordinance in fifty or more cities.

    I suppose next week we’ll hear about Susan Suran making her film debut.

    R.G. Reynolds-Wrap

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear R.G.

      I’ve been feeling the absence of your presence on the Hollywood Squares, so I’m pleased as pickled okra (burped and sealed) to see you here. Thank you for swinging by with your freshly stored words of lack of wisdom.


      Belching Bonnie from Belton W(T)F


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