31 July 2020

Published July 29, 2020 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.


Between finishing a novel, writing a book proposal and visiting my one and only brother, I’ll be somewhat out of pocket for the the next couple of weeks. Therefore it’s SUMMER RERUN TIMEFor those of you who recognize this prompt from 2013 and were part of Friday Fictioneers, feel free to reprise your own story. 


Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100


            In March 1956, the year I turned fourteen, my best friend was murdered. They found her mangled body wedged in a rock crevice at Koutu Point.

            For days I refused to get out of bed. No amount of Mum’s tea and sympathy could ease my broken heart or stem my anger.  

            The winter wind off the Tasman Sea brought waves of loneliness.

            Never again will Opo and I swim together in Hokianga Harbour, but whenever I watch a dolphin spin above the water in gleeful abandon, I see her.

            I hope the fisherman who blew up my Opo exploded, too.   

Original artwork. Copyright -Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Original artwork.
Copyright -Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


84 comments on “31 July 2020

  • Hey Rochelle,

    I hope you enjoy your out of pocket experiences and have wonderful sibling encounter.

    I went back and forth between the photo and your story several times. Four of my grandchildren are fourteen and observing how each one sees the world and life makes me reflect a bit on the Thoreau quotation above.

    Your story ends with a line reminding me of my human condition and how it’s all connected to a universe that is brutally unfair.



    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Bill,

      I am definitely looking forward to some sibling revelry. 😀 At the same time I’m nearly finished with my MS and preparing to shoot it out to beta readers.

      I’m glad you spent some time reflecting on the Thoreau quote…it became our FF “mantra” quite a few years back. It fits, I think.

      Thank you for your comments and observations.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Hi Rochelle, so glad you’re still here and still doing this week in week out! I managed a little story today. woohoo!
    Yours has a heart-stopping opening, and I enjoyed the childish vindictiveness of the last line.

    Hope you are soon able to swim safely,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jen,

      Our pool opened 1 June so I’m back into the regular swim of things. 😉 I’m so pleased to see you back in this corner. Yep, I’m still at it. No immediate plans to stop. Thank you re my story.




  • Thank you for this re-run! What a sad story, and what a heartbreaking reality. I hadn’t swam with dolphins myself, but I know someone who had, literally in the middle of the ocean – she jumped off of the sailboat she was on and joined them. She said she did not know what came over her, but I can totally understand. The dolphins dispersed, then came close to her, nosed her, dove under her and lifted her (the way a mamma would a babe to breathe), then circled around and gave her a show, clicking all the way. Two minutes and they were gone, yet she says she was transformed forever. Thank you for reminding me of this story!
    Left mine with the linky. A variation of a different kind …

    Liked by 1 person

  • That’s why the dolphins left.

    Killing her and eating her would be bad enough blowing her up and leaving her… That’s why we can’t have nice things. We’re still barbarians.

    Congratulations on finishing your book. Best of luck with the next steps, and have a wonderful visit with your brother.

    So long, and thanks for all the fish.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Humans are not worthy of the gift of life and living amongst the other creations. They have no appreciation for the intricate, delicate web. Sorry for being harsh, but when I know these things happen all of the time it gets to me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lisa,

      No need to apologize. The story horrified me and I wanted it to be an in-your-face kind of piece. Of course the girl is fiction, but the senseless waste of Opo’s life is not. Sheesh…using explosives to fish? Yeah, I kind of hope the man at least blew his fingers off. Guess I’ll stop now and say thank you for reading. The fact that it evoked such emotion is a high compliment.



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    • Dear Plaridel,

      You’ll get no argument from me. My husband is a deer hunter. He gets at least one every year and it’s been a blessing to have the meat. At the same time he appreciates nature and the animal kingdom. Thank you.



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  • Rochelle,

    It’s despicable what humans to the earth’s creatures on a daily basis. This classic piece provides us with the heart wrenching perspective of all the lives that get lost in the name of commerce.



    Liked by 1 person

  • Querida Rochelle,
    Que triste … I did swim with a dolphin on a tour hubby and I took.
    He encountered one while fishing in a shallow area with his friend.
    He threw a fish, that was too small to keep at the dolphin. He came by him, splashed him with water, and off he went. A ‘Thank You’ Dolphin style.
    They’re very playful gentle giants. Although your story is sad,
    it brought back memories for me of a fun day I had. Thank you.
    Good story with a sad ending. ~~~ : – (
    Have a fun visit with your brother. It’s always a joy to visit family.
    Good Luck with your writing commitments. Be sure to play while your away.
    Abrazos y Carino,
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dolphins are gentle but can be dangerous when required. They are rumoured to have attacked sharks in defence. But never just for ‘fun’. They are also rumoured to have protected other animals and people from shark attacks. I wonder why she was blown up? Interfering in fishing perhaps? Humans always take the easy and greedy way out. At least sharks eat what they kill. Most of the time anyway. Hope you enjoy your flash fiction break and all the best wishes for your writing work!

    Liked by 1 person

  • Believe it or not it took me several re readings to allow the fact that her friend was a dolphin to sink in. I’ve never been able to understand how people can be so attached to mere animals but it’s sad that she took it so hard


    • Dear Shelley,

      One of the things I’m counting on is the turnover in our writers in FF. A handful have been with it since the beginning (before I joined) but to many my older stories are brand new. 😉 Thank you for participating and for a lovely comment. So looking forward to seeing my brother this Wednesday. 😀



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