Block Editor – My Way

Published April 25, 2021 by rochellewisoff

Many thanks to Gabi for sharing this with the rest of us WP Luddites to take the pain out of the change. I’ve fought it for a couple of years. But I’m determined to get the hang of it. Please click on the link at the bottom to read more. 

Through several comments I’ve learned that I’m not the only one in the Friday Fictioneers group who has problems with the block editor. Since that one is the future and Classic won’t likely be functional by next year, I’ve collected a few easy tips and tricks how I made my peace with the block editor. Mind you, I still struggle with some of the features. It is not intuitive and really needs getting used to. I am getting better but it still does things I don’t want it to do. Luckily, there is the undo arrow button.

What is most confusing to me is the fact that you never see all the options in one place, the menus constantly change depending on the type of edit you want to do: post, block, text, image, grid etc.. But it is all there. Somewhere…

This will be image-heavy. Don’t open the full…

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7 comments on “Block Editor – My Way

    • Confession. I didn’t read it all the way through. 😉 I did watch the video twice and was able to springboard from there. At the same time I think her blog is helpful.

      Shalom and lotsa hugs that need no updates or instructions,


      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh, I agree it is helpful and I’m positive that following her steps (although I never use an existing post to springboard onto another) will guarantee success for those who follow it.


  • One of the most frustrating things for me is that half the time when I hit Copy a post, it doesn’t actually copy it, it just goes into the original. I have had to recreate a post before since I accidentally overwrote it. So I always make sure it says Publish in the upper right instead of Update now.

    Liked by 1 person

  • I was upset that the classic editor wouldn’t be around much longer and I did not want to use blocks until I found a classic block!! Works exactly like the classic editor!!


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