23 July 2021

Published July 21, 2021 by rochellewisoff
Another Hightway
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The following photo is the PHOTO PROMPT, a cool picture for hot days, depending on your side of the globe. Where does it take you? Tell us in a hundred words or less. 

PHOTO PROMPT© Na’ama Yehuda תודה חברה שלי 😉

Some of you may remember this story. I posted it exactly six years ago this week. Different photo prompt.

Genre: Science Friction

Word Count: 100


“The weatherman says we can expect another six inches of global warming tonight.” Kent knelt and shaped a mound of wet snow into a ball. Then he stood and let it fly. “Look out, Taffy. Here comes some of your greenhouse effect!”

The snowball splattered against the back of Taffy’s head and ice rolled down her neck. She spun around. “How can you ignore what’s happening right under your nose?”

“Climate change? Hooey and hogwash!”

Taffy bent and dug a conch shell from a knee-high drift. “Doesn’t this weather strike you as being a bit odd for Florida in mid-July?” 


69 comments on “23 July 2021

    • Dear Penny,

      It was a fun piece to write. My friend Taffy lives in New Mexico where she went for the dry desert air. Alas, lately the humidity has been higher than ours in the Midwest. Glad you liked the story and the picture. 😀 Thank you for your kind words.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I don’t give one speck of credibility to threats of global warming or climate change. I attribute those claims to the fact that multi. millionaire manipulators have an easier time controlliing people when they’re made more docile by threats and extreme irrational fear. Blizzards in July always freak me out though


    • Dear Larry,

      Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. Frankly when I see my friend in New Mexico suffering from the high humidity that rivals Missouri I have to wonder. Thank you for reading and commenting. It’s always appreciated.



      Liked by 1 person

  • A touch of the Day after Tommorrow there. It’s so sad that Earth is burning, Flooding and being annihilated all around us and yet our governments continue to ignore it in favour of ‘what country they can own next’ and how much money they can make. Great story.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Global warming is a myth, you know that… Just ask the polar bears, living on their ever-smaller ice patches… All jokes aside, I think man has made the climate change faster than it would have naturally (I think of the ice age, etc… )

    Shalom and lotsa cool-in-July love,


    Liked by 1 person

  • Ah, yes. Climate change. That event that, depending on your information source, isn’t happening. 40 degree temp changes in a few hours. Floods, ice, snow, when and where it shouldn’t be happening? Nah there is no climate change. It’s all in your head. Or the back of your head as you are pummeled by snowballs in July in Southern Arizona. There is no stinking climate change.

    Liked by 1 person

  • There was a tv commercial in the 1970s, for margarine, with the “tag-line” it’s not nice to fool mother nature — I think we’ve been fooling ourselves for so long that the earth has limitless resources to be exploited and abused — that mother nature is taking her revenge.
    Humor is at the heart of classic satire; at the heart of such satire is making a point. You, too, employ humor in this piece to make a very important point. Thanks for the smile — and take heed: it’s not nice to play dirty with mother nature . . .

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Ain,

      I don’t know why both of your attempts to comment went to my trash folder. I apologize. It’s also why I regularly check the trash. Yes, I want to see Kent explain the snow in July…in Florida. Thank you.




  • Ah, the strangeness of people’s refusal to see science and accept the facts that govern the world. I suppose it is the same ones who insist that the earth is flat, against all evidence to the contrary. Oy!
    Here’s to no snow in July (well, in our hemisphere …) and to more sanity among the sapiens.
    Oh, and … you’re welcome! 😉
    I kind’a had a feeling this might be a prompt photo one day.

    Liked by 1 person

  • What a great portrayal of scepticism about global warming laid bare.
    I was not expecting the twist. It highlights beautifully the extreme effects of global warming turning what seemed to be a delightful snow scene into a frightening warning.
    What a clever and compact story, Rochelle.
    Saya it all.

    Liked by 1 person

  • I believe the earth, like our lives, has a cycle. It may be we’re in a 1000 yr cycle, but that’s what I believe. It’s either that, or believe revelations that tells us that this world will end in fire… that’s just too hopeless for me to think about. 84^F here today, with a low humidity so it’s actually comfy… next week in the 90’s with humidity high. 🙂 By the way, the snowballs are in bloom, I could clip one and throw it at ya! LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Bear,

      After doing an outdoor fair yesterday where the temps were in the 90’s and heat index in triple digits, I’d welcome a snowball. 😉 I do believe in climate change and I believe it relates to Revelations. Thank you.



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  • Dear Barney the Carney W(T)F,

    I saw a photo of you working a booth at the carnival. Was that the ring toss you were running? How many people did you con out of their hard earned dollars in hopes of winning an effigy of Shelley the mime wearing her purple sneakers?

    As far as the climate change goes, I’m a believer. But I’m pretty gullible since I believe that Covid is real, everyone should be vaccinated, and that peeves make excellent pets.

    Enjoy the circus,
    Harvey Wingnut

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Harvey WingNUT,

      Fools and their money are soon parted. And what house doesn’t need an effigy of Shelley in her über cool high-top purple Chucks? A great addition to any family room, living room or bathroom.

      Surely you don’t believe COVID’s real. You just want to needle everyone. Peeves do make excellent pets, as long as you get them declawed.

      Walking the tightrope here.


      Barney the Carney W(T)F


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