5 November 2021

Published November 3, 2021 by rochellewisoff
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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Jennifer Pendergast
Please Note: If you link your story to the inLinkz list I WILL SEE IT. There’s no need to put your link in my comment section. However, I do appreciate your comments on my story. 😉 Thank you for understanding. 

Genre: Historical Fiction
Word Count: 100


“Every detail matters,” impoverished carpenter and toymaker Ole Kristiansen told his son. “Only the best is good enough.”

            Godtfred, the third of five children, never forgot his father’s words.

            Together, they worked to build their toy business. Neither gave up on their dream despite three separate fires that threatened to raze their hopes to the ground.

            “Children need toys that strengthen their imaginations and creativity,” said Godtfred.

            Ole beamed with pride when his son redesigned his plastic interlocking bricks. Children loved them.

            Godtred blinked back tears at Ole’s untimely funeral. “Fader, I promise you, I will make Lego a success.”

  • Note: Lego is from the Danish “Leg Godt” which means “Play Well”. 😀

For those who want to know more. CLICK

78 comments on “5 November 2021

  • Another nice little history lesson. Of course everyone loves Legos!

    I usually ping back to the original post so people can find it. I hope you don’t count that as putting links into comments 🙂 If it is an issue, let me know.


    • Dear Trent,

      From such humble beginnings came the favorite toy of children for decades.

      As for the links in the comments…I’m trying to discourage people who don’t comment on my story but merely leave THEIR story link in my comment section. I’m just a bit cranky about that. That’s why I pay for inLinkz. Putting a link within the confines of your comment is something different. I often do that myself. I hope that clarifies it for you.
      Thank you.



      Liked by 2 people

  • I had a set of interlocking bricks that predated the name of LEGO. They had been my mother’s back in the early 50’s. At a few of the foster homes I was in, they had LEGO’s and I loved them… still do. They are a wonderful toy to have about. Also makes a great stress reducer, and inspiration when you’re trying to lay out a new world for writing. Heheh! Are you doing NANO this year? I’m deep into two working stories for it at the moment. Have a great week! ~ Shalom, Bear

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Bear,

      I remember have some white interlocking blocks back in the 1950’s. It had clear ones for windows. I’m not sure they were official Legos though. My children had them and I can honestly say my bare feet made contact with them more than once. 😉
      As for NANO I’ve never done it. Perhaps it would spur me on the current potential novel. I’ve had a couple of major disappointments lately re my last two manuscripts that I won’t go into here. Suffice it to say it’s shaken my confidence as a writer and the muse is only whispering here and there. Best wishes to you and your NANO endeavors.



      Liked by 1 person

      • One of the reasons why I finally decided to do Nano this year… the slump. I did submit some writing out there and received some pretty abusive responses. Left me wondering why I e even pick up the pen/keyboard. Sigh… I hear you there. It’s a mighty tough market these days…even tougher than it was a few years ago. It seems that if it’s not chuck full of evil beasts/demons, witches, and/or blood and guts they don’t want to see it. Even the so-called christian publishers are that way. Deeep water sighs. IT’s hard to see how the world is declining…and soo fast, too. May you find your inspiration again. Write for yourself, first. Enjoy the process. Enjoy the creation. Then, F* the world! Sorry, no better way to say it this morning. Hope you have a better week of writing and life. ~Shalom, Bear.

        Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Is there a household who never owned at least a few of these? Is there a parent alive who has not stepped on one of these at least once? They are a brilliant invention and I love what Lego means. So cool.

    Shalom and lotsa learnin’ love,


    Liked by 2 people

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Wondeful! So that’s the story behind Lego. What a fascinating look at the people behind one of the greatest toys ever invented! And yes, my children “played well” for many, many hours, thanks to Godtfred.

    Shalom u’vracha,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dora,

      I can remember my kids playing with Legos. I can also remember stepping on them in my bare feet. Picking up their toys was never their strong suit. Glad you enjoyed the story. It was a fun research and write. Thank you.

      Shalom u’vracha,


      Liked by 1 person

  • I was given Lego for years as birthday and Christmas presents. Sadly I had been interested in Meccano and everyone had misunderstood. I made a lot of money boxes in various designs though, so maybe Banking was already written into my future.


  • I confess, gasp, I have never played with legos! But then, I did have a strange childhood. My aunt, who lived in the states, supplied me with all sorts of trendy toys, but somehow, I missed legos. I suspect the kids I babysat had legos hidden away somewhere . .
    Thanks for the history lesson!


  • Ah Legos, loved them. Great story, Rochelle.
    What I love about the company is that they make serious efforts to get away from oil-based plastic. I hope they succeed in finding something suitable, then Lego will be even more fun.


  • Dear Keith,

    Of course Ole had no idea what Lego would become. His main goals were to feed his family and make children happy. I’d say he achieved them.
    As for your link, I’d like to know how you do that in the comments. And, yes, it’s acceptable. There are some who just drop their link without commenting on my story. Unlike Sammi and some other blog facilitators my page isn’t the place for linking. I pay a fee to use the inLinkz. Sorry if I seem cranky.




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