3 December 2021

Published December 1, 2021 by rochellewisoff
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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.


Genre: Hysterical Fiction
Word Count: 100


“The things we take for granted,” said Shelley. “Who amongst us doesn’t ascend the porcelain throne upon arising? Wipe. Flush. Ready to face the day.”

“Run for cover.” Russell rolled his eyes. “The history faucet’s a-fixin’ to spout.”

“Do you know who invented toilet paper?”

“No, but I bet you’re gonna to tell me.”    

Shelley took a deep breath. “Joseph Gayetty in 1857. He introduced it as ‘Medicated Paper.’

“Great Scott!”

“Precisely! The Scott brothers marketed their ScotTissue in 1879. Although Seth Wheeler patented his version in 1891.

“Well, everybody poops.” Russell snorted. “One could say they saved our butts.”



75 comments on “3 December 2021

  • Well…you got me doing all kinds of research here this morning! Who knew…and now I know all kinds of things!…softest leaves n all..

    Really like the style this was written in, but it is YOUR genre, bringing forward snippets of history like this, no-one can touch it. I know, because I thought about it, much tougher than it looks here.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Only you could turn this image into a history lesson! And you do it so beautifully. I’m thinking the convo between you and Russell woulda had more poop jokes incorporated, though 😉

    Shalom and lotsa soft and clean love,


    Liked by 1 person

  • lol. A friend’s first job was working at a large city’s waste water treatment plant – he used that same reasoning about job security, everyone poops…. Anyway, some inventions are bigger than others, but few better than this, though a bidet might be fine in climates that don
    ‘t see -20 F 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  • Boy, no subject is is safe with you concerning a history lesson. But, nobody does it better than you. Now, for everyone’s enlightenment, the paper roll goes over the TOP. Not the bottom. See…it’s in the patent. Good job M’Luv.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jen,

      There’s nothing worse than a clogged toilet. Takes me back to the day when my two-year-old son flushed all of his brother’s Star Wars action figures.
      We had to settle for a “less-than” TP during the crisis. At least it wasn’t the newspaper. 😉 Thank you.




  • Dear Rochelle,

    I wonder if either of them dreamt that one day a Mr. Whipple would be “secretly” squeezing their invention for thrills or that during a viral “crisis” the first thing people would hoard would be their veritable butt-wipers? Would they weep in despair or laughter?! Or both!

    Shalom uv’rachah,

    Liked by 1 person

  • Butt seriously, folks, November 19 was WTD World Toilet Day. https://www.un.org/en/observances/toilet-day
    Since finding out about WTD I have been getting my paper from Who Gives A Crap because they donate some of their profits towards providing sanitation for those in need. Everybody poops but more people worldwide have a cell phone than have a place to go.
    I’ll bet this is something we all thought about when the tp hoarding was at it’s extreme in those early days of you know what.
    Cool photo of a unique double seater and yes, thank you Rochelle for a fun history lesson.

    Liked by 1 person

  • What a history lesson. I’ve actually wondered about what came before the TP, because all these fantasy stories set in medieval settings… they never mention these basic things.
    Apparently people used corn cobs, stones, clay shards, sticks with a sponge, leaves, moss. The latter seems to me the most appealing.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Oh you did it again, Rochelle.

    TP has become an essential even for wilderness backpackers, a survival item during pandemics, and there are shortage panics on remote islands. We have become such softies. 🙂



    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Mrs. Whipple W(T)F,

    Just think how many Sears & Roebuck catalogs were saved by the invention of toilet paper, not to mention the indignity suffered by millions of corncobs over the years.
    My mother’s maiden name was Scott, but unfortunately she was not related to the TP tycoons. Isn’t that a slap in the behind.
    I suppose next week you’ll tell us who invented the rectal thermometer and why. I guess I’m not the only one who delves into crude, juvenile humor. 🙂

    Enjoy the Go,
    Blue Charmin Bear Family

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Blue Charmin Bear and Family,

      Hm…who did invent the rectal thermometer. You might regret the suggestion. 😉 I mean gadget or gizmo had to start somewhere, right? Of course, right. No ifs ands or butts.
      I wonder if there was ever a kerfuffle about which way to use a corn cob. Do you use the end or in between? Why not? We argue over weighty matters like whether the TP should be rolled over the top or…
      Thank you for checking in. I look forward to the Charmin bear commercials. Nothing like a cartoon that discusses things we’d never have talked about 60 years ago. I mean the networks were up in arms because the Cleaver’s bathroom actually had a toilet!!!!


      Mrs. Whipple W(T)F


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