10 December 2021

Published December 8, 2021 by rochellewisoff
South KC Sky Banner

The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

The past couple of weeks have been something of a wild ride at the Fields’ homestead. So the prompt and my story are reruns from November 2014. A handful of you were part of the gang then. Feel free to repeat your story as well. 😉

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100


            After weeks of rolling waves and seasickness, Robert William Thomson arrived in America. Banished. A fugitive all because he refused to go to Seminary. Sentenced to apprentice as a merchant with his uncle in Charleston.

            The weary boy tried to find a comfortable position in the carriage as it lurched and bounced along the rock strewn road. His back ached with each bump and he longed for his beloved Scotland.      

            “I couldn’t learn Latin either,” said his uncle with a wink. “What would ye really like to do, laddie?”

            “I’d like to take the corners off these bloody wheels.”

68 comments on “10 December 2021

  • Hi Rochelle, I like how you manage to uncover from the archiveslots of interesting historical facts. The invention of the pneumatic tyre has certainly made our lives more comfortable. there was also the humour, which is typical of the period.
    I can understand the frustration with learning latin, I had two years learning the subject and decided on physics when we moved up a year. Looking back, I think it was the method of rote used to learn the subject rather than making it interesting–rather dull indeed.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear James,

      So much of what we learned (and soon forgot) in school was by rote, wasn’t it? I wasn’t a big fan of my history classes. All those dates and dry facts. Would that the teachers had given historical figures and events faces and emotions. 😉 Thank you for your encouraging words.



      Liked by 2 people

  • That was absolutely fascinating —and reading on, at the history page. Quite something, to have that nature/ability/passion to just keep on inventing. Once again the role of the partner is key in my opinion, not explicitly stated, but seen between lines. Much enjoyed the “scene” you presented the story in.

    Liked by 2 people

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Well, this was before my time so it’s brand new! And I love how you have managed to humourously tell the tale of how Thomson was inspired to invent something none of us would want to do without now!

    Shalom and lotsa smoothly rolling love,


    Liked by 1 person

  • And thus, shock absorbers were invented! Great piece of history here. I sure needed them this morning… or was that sleigh runners. We had our first skiff of snow after several days of rain and thus ICE is afoot. Missed the car spinning in front of me by taking a detour through the ditch. Thanks to the airport crews who keep the sides of the road so nicely trimmed. I almost made it out, but dang culvert. Thanks again to the guys who pushed me out. And prayers of praise that all 8 cars that ditched, not a single injury… just embarassed. HEhe!

    Liked by 2 people

  • This guy was quite a prolific inventor. I love your humor in this story. The link you provided was really interesting as to his life. As to his inventions, timing is everything sometimes. I love how you introduce history lessons of little know people/inventions to us. Thanks for the education you give us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jen,

      I’d never heard of Mr. Thompson either. It’s so much fun to have the internet at our fingertips, isn’t it? If only I’d had it when I was in school. I might’ve done better in history. 😉 Thank you.




  • So interesting to learn of the many mechanical improvements this one man effected in his short lifetime. When I read about such people I have to wonder about reincarnation, time travel, or both. He improved life for so many!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Bill,

      It’s amazing the things we take for granted, isn’t it? Even our computers. And how far they’ve come since the 1980’s when I yelled at my husband for spending money on a “Trash 80”. Whatever do we need that for? Now we’re a two CPU couple. 😉 Not to mention the iGadgets. And 50 years ago I had an IBM electric typewriter. Oh and I could age myself even farther but I’ll stop it right there.
      I’ll apologize now for my overblown reply and say thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

      • My Dear Rochelle,

        I shall never get enough of your insights. So, feel free to rave on.

        Of course, I can relate. I spent more $ on techy stuff in the 90s for what is now junk than I do today for more than what NASA had back then. My (old) cell phone and iPad sit at my left elbow. 🙂

        Peace and Love on a Saturday night.



  • This was lovely! I am NOT sorry that we have corner-less tires. Me poor bones would’a been black and blue othemwize … 😉
    I am tardy, VERY tardy, to this challenge, but … hey … a gal likes to make an entrance sometimes … 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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