28 January 2022

Published January 26, 2022 by rochellewisoff
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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Genre: Anecdote
Word Count: 100


Our junior high art teacher, Mrs. Spears introduced Taffy and me saying, “You two need to know each other.”

            We became fast friends. Comparing our latest projects, the highest praise we gave each other was, “I hate you.”

            After graduation we went our separate ways.

            Forty years later I gave her a call. Since that night ten years ago, we’ve spoken or texted nearly every day as if no time has passed.

            A gifted stained-glass designer, she amazes me. My favorites are her handmade butterflies.

            When asked the key to her craft she says, “Band-aids. Lots and lots of Band-aids.”

You’re welcome, Taffy. He he. 😉

90 comments on “28 January 2022

    • Dear Anne,

      I’ve had a little nick on my thumb this week that has caused lots of pain. That’s why I do watercolor as opposed to glass. 😉 She does a terrific job, doesn’t she? One of the best I’ve seen. Thank you re my story.




    • Dear Dale,

      Life and friendship are definitely gifts. I’ve been fortunate in finding Taffy. It’s like time never passed. The memories we share are so much fun. She’s lived an amazing life as well. I tell her she should write a book but she doesn’t want people to think she’s full of herself. Thank you.

      Shalom and lotsa memorable hugs,


      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Linda,

      It’s always fun to reminisce with Taffy about our school days…our favorite teachers, etc. Often one of us will say something to the effect of, “Oh I’m glad I’m not the only one who remembers that.” Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I love that the highest praise was ‘I hate you’! And were the Band-Aids to protect injuries or to help hold pieces of glass together in the assembly process? What a lovely piece you’ve written to celebrate a life-long friendship.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Bill.

      A mutual friend suggested I give Taffy a call. At the time I was going through some major challenges on the job and she turned out to be just the one to talk to. After that night, I started calling her on my way home from work, a 45 minute drive. (not to worry, I have bluetooth through the dashboard). This went on every day until my retirement in 2015. When I picked up my watercolor again in the form of illustrating a book, I’d send her the process and sometimes she would see things that were off…like a critique group in writing, only visual. I still share my processes with her and we text nearly every day and chat often. I even got to finally see her in person in 2018 when we passed through New Mexico.

      This is probably more than you wanted to know. 😉 At any rate, sorry it’s taken me this long to get around to replying. Busy busy week.



      Liked by 1 person

      • Hey Rochelle,

        I’m always here when you are ready. I know how ‘busy’ can be. 🙂

        It is not more than I wanted to know. I very much enjoy stories like this and learning about the things that matter to you. I often write about my friends. Thank you for sharing. I feel special. 🙂



        Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Reginald T. Wallace,

      Taffy was more into set painting than the drama itself. I suppose, between a mutual friend and me, she had enough drama in her life. Go Walla Walla Bing with a BANG! 😀


      Daffy W(T)F

      PS It’s come to our attention at Friday Fictioneers Central that we’re missing your submissions. If this isn’t in error get off your fluffy buns and send one in….(we miss you)


  • What a beautiful celebration of friendship your story is, and her art is stunningly beautiful.
    I so understand ‘I hate you’ – had a childhood friend like that, we had our own private drawing competitions. She later became a fibre artist but we lost track of each other long ago…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Gabi,

      Taffy and I really did go in separate directions. Even by high school. She enjoyed painting and designing sets for the plays and I preferred being in the plays. She went on to New York with her passion. I’m so glad our mutual friend suggested I give her a call.
      We talked the other day about the “I hate you” thing. Taffy really didn’t remember it. It was always friendly and the ultimate compliment. Didn’t last very long.
      At any rate our friendship has lasted and for that I’m so grateful. 😀
      Thank you.




    • Dear Margaret,

      This particular story means a lot to me and it does to Taffy as well. I’m amazed at the long conversations we have like no time has passed. And those butterflies are gorgeous. My collection makes me smile. 😀 Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jilly,

      Taffy says she really doesn’t remember the I hate you compliment. Granted, it was short-lived but still a fun memory…never ever said with malice. Thank you for your lovely comments.




  • I would love to try working with glass! Right now in addition to building my miniatures I am taking pottery classes. I am not sure if I like it a lot or not. I loved glazing my pieces yesterday and of course picking them up when they are done in the kiln. Throwing pottery though is a big tricky for me.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Rochelle,
        Tonight I start my intermediate pottery class. I am not sure I will like it or not. Like you I love drawing and the painting part of the pottery, although not 2D really, is the best part. I am thinking about maybe trying to do some tiles or something that I can decorate and then paint. I have been drawing my Mandalas and might put them on my Etsy store.
        Have a great day!


  • Querida Rochelle,
    Que bonita amistad 😍 It’s wonderful to reconnect with friends from the past.
    I reconnected with a couple we square danced with many, many years ago when we moved to Florida. Now, it’s been 29 years not counting our SD days. Such a sweet tale to read.
    Yes, my glass artist friend claims she should have stock in a band-aid company. LOL
    Abrazos y Carino,
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    • Querida Isadora,

      I had no idea where that casual phone call would lead. Taffy and I are both glad I made the call. So many memories and things we share that are unique to us. Glad you enjoyed. Gracias para sus palabras amables.

      Shalom y cariño,


      Liked by 1 person

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