1 July 2022

Published June 29, 2022 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Jan Wayne Fields

Genre: Historical Fiction
Word Count: 100


I trembled with nine-year-old excitement as I presented the flowers. Their sweet fragrance filled my nostrils as I curtsied.

The new chancellor smiled and said, “Danke schön meine Liebchen.”

When I made my way back through the crowd to my classmates, my friend Ilsa hugged me, her blue eyes sparkling. “How lucky you are to be chosen.”

Soon after that day, my family and I packed all the belongings we could carry and moved away from Germany. 

Lucky? Jah. Never will I forget his cold eyes. What would the Führer have said had he known this flower girl was Jewish?

70 comments on “1 July 2022

  • Ah! The sad reality for many. Some, who fled, were safe.
    How many were exterminated…

    Today’s newspaper has the news- “101-yr-old ex-Nazi guard jailed for aiding 3k murders”.
    I was just thinking of so many innocent Jews & Prisoners Of War were just killed in cold-blood & died because of torturous conditions including Anne Frank 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  • I was born just a couple of years after it was all over, but my childhood was full of stories from WWII and the plight of the Jews. Always fascinated by history, I’ve read zillions of words, fiction and non-fiction, about those events. Always I’m horrified by the evil; but gratified by those who actively resisted, hid Jews, risked their own lives to protect the innocent. This little story is a gem to add to my collection.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Linda,

      I too was born a few years after WWII…Baby Boomers we. 😉 The Holocaust loomed large in our house as we had relatives who perished. My mother never ceased to remind me what “they” did to “us.” In retrospect I’m glad she instilled that in me. The history is fascinating and horrifying at the same time.
      Thank you so much for kind words re my story.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Very well written and how chilling. I often wonder how those who left just in time felt as opposed to the ones who realized too late they should have listened to the ones who did leave.  We will never forget.  שמע ישראל

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Andrea,

      Sadly, there are fewer and fewer left to tell the stories. May their voices remain with us forever. Thank you for your comment that encourages me to keep telling these stories whenever the muse noodges.




    • Na’ama Y’karah,

      As one prompt ends and another begins, I’m finally getting around to replying. As long as there’s breath in my body I’ll share these stories whenever I can. So good to have you back. Hope your time away was productive and fulfilling, if not restful and enjoyable. ❤

      Shalom and baruch haba'ah,


      Liked by 1 person

  • Oh, yes, Rochelle.

    Fictional genre, perhaps. But an entirely plausible event.

    So many other stories too horrible to believe, but factual, making the best part of this one they “moved away from Germany.”

    Well done.



    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lisa,

      The woman in the true story passed it down to her children and grandchildren. She was very grateful to her father for moving them to Jerusalem. I had another friend whose father came here in 1927 and saved up to get his family out of Poland. Up in to her 90’s I think Sylvia while grateful to have escaped when she was 13 did suffer survivor’s guilt for her relatives who didn’t make it. Thank you for your kind comments and your patience at my tardiness in replying.



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    • Dear Fleur,

      History fascinates me as well. Particularly this part of it. I was born a few years after WWII and being Jewish, it was a prominent topic in our house. Thank you for your kind words.




  • A pin in his hand if he had known she was a young jewish girl and not of the herald Aryan race. It was a terrible time.
    The Ukraine war confounds me, as to why in Europe we are being drawn into a similar time of madness.

    Rochelle, I am not able to participate this week and may not for a wee while. However, I will read as many contribution when I can.

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