29 July 2022

Published July 27, 2022 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Bill Reynolds

Many thanks to those who sympathized with my angst over the pool closure last week. I’m happy to report the closure was short-lived and I’m back in the water.

Happy Mermaid.

A thank you to Russell Gayer, aka What’s His Name, for sending this historical tidbit. Truth is often much more interesting than fiction. 😀

Genre: Historical Fiction
Word Count: 100


I was just a little girl, but I’ll never forget those huge red eyes. They’d pierce right through ya as they left a devastating trail of destruction. My father and other farmers, veterans of WWI, fought with all their might to save their wheat crops.

Day after day, the demons attacked. At last, the government declared war on them. Soldiers came to our aid bearing machine guns.

The enemy was more cunning than all the Australian army’s artillery. Despite their best efforts they only killed a few hundred.  

There’s no denying those birds won The Great Emu War of 1932.


66 comments on “29 July 2022

  • Great story! I’ve read about that just recently, because of the ‘Emanuel, don’t do it’ videos that went viral. Emus are something, aren’t they? We’re having the attack of wild boars on corn crops here at the moment with hunters trying to stop them. The pigs always win, smart and cunning creatures that they are.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Gabi,

      I haven’t heard for the videos. Might just have to look them up. I had no idea about the Great Emu War until Russell sent an email to me last week.
      Wild boars? I wouldn’t want to face them.
      Thank you re my story. 😀



      Liked by 1 person

  • At first I wondered about the date, was it the first of April, No… Wheat and soldiers then took me to Ukraine. Then to the badger cull. All from one picture of a derelict building

    Liked by 1 person

  • Glad the pool is open!
    Never battle Mother Nature! In fact, I would say many of the woes faced by humans come from battling Mother Nature. Oh well, I guess if you want to call someone tough, call them an Emu. (Just not an E-mu, which is a synthesizer)

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Bird Woman of Belton (WTF)

    I’m thrilled you were able to educate the masses on this unusual piece of history. Unlike thier cousins, the ostrich, these birds didn’t bury their heads in the sand and hum the theme to Jeapordy while artillery shells exploded around them.

    Thankfully, we don’t have to worry about destruction from flightless birds that swim, such as penguins, and their pesky little kinfolk–mimes.

    Happy dog-paddling
    Outback wrangler

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Outback Wrangler,

      I hope your arms don’t get too tired with all that dog paddling. Of course you have two great coaches in Liza and Grace. Do they throw you a bone for your efforts?

      Thank you for the history lesson. I never knew about the Emu. They say when you learn something new your brain develops new wrinkles.

      Just remember a mime is a terrible thing to waste. Keep paddling.


      Bird Woman of Belton W(T)F


  • Dear Rochelle,

    That is just so crazy, I have to agree with Russell… real life is stranger than fiction and definitely can be more entertaining! When will humans learn? Probably never…

    A very different type of historical fiction for you! Bravo!

    Shalom and lotsa flightless love,


    Liked by 1 person

  • Oh, Rochelle,

    Indeed, the challenges of fighting with Mother Nature (and her creatures) are endless, embarrassing, and ubiquitous. Great story and back story.

    Why Hitchcock’s “The Birds” flashed by, but with Emus, I haven’t a clue. 🙂

    Swimmingly wishing you Peace,



    • Dear Bill,

      Can you imagine “The Birds” with Emus? There would’ve been no one left to tell the story. BTW that movie traumatized me for life. No wonder I need to swim so many laps. 😉 What a relief Hitchcock didn’t make Jaws or worse yet “Goldfish” and what would he have done with Flipper? Oy. I’m scaring myself.

      Thank you re my story.

      Shalom and waves of good tide-ings,


      Liked by 1 person

  • Querida Rochelle,
    I enjoy when I learn something new. Here’s a good one for those coctail party conversations.
    I heard or read or perhaps viewed a program about Emu’s and the poerful legs they have.
    An unusual subject for you. I had to read it twice to make sure I was reading it right.
    Glad your back in the pool again 😊
    Abrazos y carino,
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

  • Yes, we may consider ourselves as compassionate humans, but it looks like the law of survival has the upper hand in our instincts. I had never knew abut the Emu Wars, i learn something new every week from your range of contributions. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  • It’s funny, Rochelle, I just saw something this week that referenced the Great Emu War. One of those stranger than fiction points in history. You did a great job dramatizing it. I’m glad the pool is open again. That’s important for mermaids such as yourself.
    Have a good week,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear David,

      Weather permitting I’ll be doing some swimming in the Atlantic this week and next in North Carolina. 😉 I really need to live somewhere where I have both ocean and lap pool…the best of both worlds. At any rate it’s good to be back in the pool. Fortunately the shutdown was short-lived. Thank you.



      PS Truth is definitely stranger, and often more entertaining than fiction. 😉


  • As always very well written Rochelle. I had never heard of the great emu War. Thanks for educating me on a little bit of history.

    Liked by 1 person

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