2 December 2022

Published November 30, 2022 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot


How did we get to December already? I want to take a moment to thank all of you who’ve contintued with Friday Fictioneers. You’re all a gift to me.

My story below is pure non-fiction. Rarely has a patron of an art fair followed through with “I’ll definitely get back with you about a commission.” Rarely? Now that I think about…never. I really thought this one was a sure thing.

Genre: Just the Facts
Word Count: 100


She held up her iPhone with a photo of a windmill at sunset. “Have you ever painted a scene like this?”

The brilliant oranges and golds spoke to me. “Could you text it to me?”

Her face lit up. “Done. Let me know if you paint it.”

Within days, the painting was done—one of my best according to my husband. I sent a jpeg to my potential client.

“I want it.” She replied. “How much?”

She agreed to the price. I packaged it with receipt and certificate of authenticity.

A sure sale? Ha! I never heard from her again.

Not to despair. Although the original still languishes in my studio, wrapped and ready to roll, I’ve sold many prints and note cards with this picture. Nothing’s wasted. 😉

For listings of my original paintings or signed prints CLICK HERE

Many of these renderings are available as a note card. CLICK HERE for my ETSY shop.

62 comments on “2 December 2022

    • Dear Larry,

      Yes, we’ve certainly learned about the 2% rule first hand. I’ve yet to hear back from someone who took my card at a show and said, “I’ll be getting back with you.” But there are the commissions and sales that make up for those.
      And I have to say that making money with my art is a childhood dream come true. Thank you for your comments and encouragement.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Oh well, I am sure she had a good excuse, even if she never told you what it was… Sometimes people are not very nice. Glad you got some use out of the painting. Do you have a “statute of limitations” after which it is her loss and you just sell it?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Trent,

      The last communication I had with her was from a vendor event. I texted and said I had the painting with me. She’d said she still wanted it. A bit later she texted back saying her husband didn’t want her spending “that much money” so she was going to come and buy a print. That’s the last I heard from her. I’d say the statute of limitations is up and it’s still for sale. It’s listed on my art page. 😉 Thanks for coming by.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Neel,

      She gave me her reasons for backing out on the original. More to the story. However, you are correct. I’m not an accountant. Painting the picture was a great experience and it has paid off in many other ways. Thank you.




  • A beautifully written but sad story in many ways. But at least you got your money through the print sale. It did raise red flags when I read it and when I read the comments, I felt them confirmed. Husband doesn’t want her to spend so much on something she clearly liked and wanted… not a good sign.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Art is such a tricky thing. I want to fill my home with beautiful artworks and I absolutely think artists should be paid a fair whack for the skill, time and passion that goes into their work. On the other hand, I can’t justify paying it. So both the artist and I are left short-changed. Down with Capitalism, that’s what I say! 😉
    I enjoyed your story, and your outlook on the outcome.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jen,

      I’ve made quite a bit off of prints and note cards. Selling an original or getting a commission is a bonus. There are few things I’d pay my asking price for so I get it. 😉 Thank you.




    • Dear Nobbin,

      It’s most definitely a win. Thanks to her photo I tried painting something I never had, thus stretching and challenging myself. The painting was a success and sales from the cards and prints have been good. Who knows? The original could still sell. 😉 Thank you.




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