6 January 2023

Published January 4, 2023 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot


Due to circumstances beyound my control I”m posting a rerun from four years ago. A few of you might remember it .

Genre: HIstorical Fiction
Word Count: 100


Benjamin shoved a notebook under his son’s nose. “What is this mishegoss?”

Although the boy had expected his father’s wrath, he trembled. “They’re my stories, Papa. I’ve decided to become a writer.”  

“A sixteen-year-old child decides?” Benjamin shook his fist and thundered. “For this we send you to yeshiva?”

“I make straight A’s in Talmud class. Why can’t a rabbi write fiction, too?” 

Benjamin flung the binder to the floor. “Frivolous nonsense!” Pages scattered like dry leaves.


In 1967, thirty-eight-year-old Chaim Potok marveled when his debut novel, The Chosen, became a NY Times best seller. “What would Papa say now?”




If you have 4 extra minutes and want to know more, CLICK HERE

87 comments on “6 January 2023

    • Dear Iain,

      A happy new year to you as well. As for the writing, I’ll be delving into my novel this week. Just got the edits from the publisher. Going to be a big job and an exciting learning experience. 😀 Thank you.




  • Rochelle,

    I’m not sure where I was 4 years ago, but I don’t remember this one. Either way, it’s worthy another go for all us writers to read! I hope the circumstances beyond your control are pleasant ones… or that they change quickly.

    Happy New Year!


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jen,

      It seems you took a rather lengthy break from FF. It was probably during that time. At any rate, I’m glad you liked this one. It pays to have a lot of recyclable stories. 😉 I wish I could say the circumstances were pleasant. ;). But I’m happy to say I’m on the upswing from a tummy bug today. Thank you and Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family.




      • Aw, on the upswing is a good start. I hope complete recovery is on the cards very soon.

        I did take a break for a bit, and probably will again sometime. I love how long FF has continued and thrived though – you’ve added a highlight to so many weeks!


        Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    This story pretty much sums up the tension most of Potok’s books covey, one of my all time favorite novelists. I assigned my kids “The Chosen” as required reading and went on to read others including his non-fiction, “Gates of November.” So good.


    Liked by 1 person

  • There will always be detractors. Anyone who succeeds will have to overcome it, but it’s sad when it comes from within one’s family. The bigger the obstacle the bigger the success.

    I love Yiddish. It’s so expressive. It might be even more effective as Yidlish (Yiddish mixed with English). What’s the difference between “mishegoss” and “mashugana”?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Nobbin,

      Chaim definitely rose above his father’s objections, didn’t he?

      Yiddish is an expressive language. I love it, too. I wish I’d learned more than a few words here and there but that’s a whole nuther story. As for mishegoss and mashugena, they are of the same root and mean crazy in one for or another. Mishegoss is craziness referring to ideas. What? Do you think I’m mashugana? I’m perfectly sane. 😉

      Thank you for asking.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Rochelle, I think the parental disapproval and the child’s resistance to it are important steps in the separation process. Many cave and become miserable. I’m so glad he persevered. Good story.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Adele,

      I’m glad you enjoyed my rerun. There are only a handful of the writers who would remember it left in FF. We have kind of a revolving door. 😉 I’m also glad Mr. Potok didn’t give up on his dream. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • His story is worth repeating! Thank you. I hope you are well and that 2023 is a great time for you. with writing, painting, and swimming.
    I thought I was in with the fictioneers this week after a loooong absence but the photo prompt led to a poem (not a story) from another prompt so I gave credit but won’t be linking in. I hope that’s all okay.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dee,

      I’m glad you ended up linking in. Your poem certainly fit this week. We’re not locked into prose or even fiction. 😉

      Glad you enjoyed my rerun. And yes, I plan to continue all of the above. 😀 And I look forward to having a new novel published…hopefully this year. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Follow your passion but have a Plan B to keep your parents happy. Well done to him! Thanks for sharing his story. Looking at the photo of his house, on the link, it reminds me of traditional Polish architecture! Inspired by his background perhaps?

    Liked by 1 person

  • Love his work! I just recommended “The Chosen” to a friend of mine who apparently managed to live life till now without knowing it existed. Scientifically an enigma how that can be!
    Thanks for this, Rochelle!
    I did get mine in, under the wire, but so it is … Hugs!!! Na’ama

    Liked by 1 person

    • Na’ama Y’karah,

      You’re welcome any time. 😀 Happy to see your sheyna punim in my neck of the woods.
      I was kind of late when it came to reading his books, although I certainly knew who he was. 😉
      Now I’m heavily engaged in edits. Oy. This editor/publisher has many suggestions…good ones for the most part, but daunting nonetheless.
      Hugs back atcha,



      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, editing can be daunting, even as it is – eventually, at least – a bettering of the work. Still, it doesn’t make it easy! Sending good editing juju! I just finished a chapter that was overdue to a professional textbook (used my holiday break as a writing sabbatical of sorts), and I’m sure I’ll have my share of edits as the editor pulls the chapters from different writers together to a cohesive book and needs us each to ship-shape ours. It’ll come … 😉


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