17 March 2023

Published March 15, 2023 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Rowena Curtin


Genre: Pure Fiction
Word Count: 100


After fifty-five years Alice still missed Johnny who’d been drafted and died in Vietnam. Their daughter Sunshine, a successful lawyer in Manhattan had little time for Alice.        

            One day, Alice texted Sunshine. “Leaving for Australia. Going to open a restaurant.”

            “Mom, are you smoking weed again?”


            Pushing a lock of long white hair from her forehead, Alice flipped veggie burgers on the grill in her thriving café. She gazed at the mountains kissing the cerulean sky outside the window. Her town—peaceful Alice Springs—three hours or less from anywhere in Australia and thousands of miles from the Divided States.

Alice Springs, Australia

And if you have 19 minutes to spare CLICK HERE to enjoy Alice’s Restaurant.

70 comments on “17 March 2023

  • I love the essence of this story, R. Sounds like she found herself.

    Unfortunately, Alice Springs has a lot of social problems that the mainstream media in Australia has been highlighting lately (for political reasons). Alcohol restrictions have been put in place to help curb out-of-control crime and anti-social behaviour. Probably not the best place to visit at the moment.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Tannille,

      I confess to cutting a story down that I wrote for What Pegman Saw four years ago. Every week a location was given as a prompt. The place was Alice Springs. Obviously it’s a place I know nothing about. 😉 Thank you re my story and for the disturbing info.



      Liked by 1 person

  • I have always wanted to go to Australia. I have a friend who has lived there 2 different times but we couldn’t get out schedules lined up to go see them while they were there. Maybe someday we will get there. Great story… ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  • That’s a huge move to make in her retirement years!
    PS> I tried to comment on Rowena’s blog but cannot do so without joining WordPress or allowing Jetpax access to my FB or Twitter details. Can you say thanks for the photo on my behalf, please? There are still a few blogs I can’t comment on for the same reason 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Nobbin,

      From our Australian FFrs I’m learning that Alice Springs isn’t the best destination at the moment. Ah well. I liked the name. 😉 As I keep repeating, it’s never too late to pursue a dream. thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Good for Alice. Waiting for others to make your life your own never succeeds. It takes courage and some crazy to up and leave and go to the other side of the world to create that life that you have been dreaming of! Nicely done, my friend.

    Shalom and lotsa independent love,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dale,

      It’s never too late, is it? Of course going to the other side of the world might be a little extreme. 😉 At any rate I applaude, albeit fictitious, Alice. Thank you.

      Shalom and lotsa self-motivated hugs,


      Liked by 1 person

      • No, it is not (as she keeps dreaming of something to light her own fire…)
        Fictitious, this might be but there are those out there who have done stuff like this later on in life 🙂


  • Dear Rochelle,

    A wonderful story. Of course, the time invested in the musical story by Arlo G is worth it. After reading Tannille’s comment, I’ll stick with these disunited states.



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