14 April 2023

Published April 12, 2023 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.



Today I’m kind of cheating. The following story is an edited snippet of my soon to be published novel LAST DANCE WITH ANNIE. It’s about a 40 year old woman’s struggle with anorexia nervosa. This scene is early in book and based on a personal story. Oh those voices in our heads that distort any sense of reason! It’s a mindset that counts calories in a piece of chewing gum. No food is truly safe.

Genre: Fiction (sort of)
Word Count: 100


House of Hunan had something for everyone, including Tony. He filled his plate with egg rolls, crab Rangoon and bacon-wrapped Rumaki. Plenty of fried food to keep him happy.

Elise’s inner-voice crooned. “Buffets are great places to hide.”

            She studied the huge mound of lettuce and sautéed green beans on her plate. How many calories? 200? Maybe less. Iceberg only had 50 per head. Her empty stomach roiled with the laxatives she’d gulped down. At the same time, it growled with hunger.

“It’s too much.” The voice sang. “It will make you fat. Huge as a hippo. Fat, fat, fat!”

60 comments on “14 April 2023

  • Quite the contrast between buffet plates. Yuck to both – I would get very sick eating what Tony was eating (OK, I can eat egg rolls, but that is it), but at least it would be a natural reaction my body has to garbage and not like the main character. You painted her inner mind very well. It is scary. I’m sorry if you or a loved one had to go through that, as was implied.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Good pov on anorexia. As you can see, I’m back in the loop thanks to a little helper ( a teen) who got me back in. Anywho… great story. Now, I’m hungry and still on liquids…hmmm, does lettuce lose calories if it’s pureed…. hmmm

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Bear,

    I’m happy to see you found your way back. 😉 One should always have a teen in their corner. As for lettuce, it’s mostly water anyway…not many calories and, as for Iceberg, not much nutrition either.
    I’m all-too familiar with Elise’s pov since at once time it was mine. Thank you for your kind comments. Hope you get better soon.




  • Anorexia is such a debilitating and horrible thing to go through. Some make it and some don’t. It affects friends and family just as well because they don’t understand as a rule. I am so very glad that “Annie” comes out on top.

    Liked by 1 person

  • When can we get a copy??? I have a feeling reading this novel will remind me how angry I am to live in a world that encourages so many versions of Annie’s opinions about her plate and her body. But knowing you, it will be told with great compassion too.
    On another note, my character is grateful for this choice of prompt. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jen,

      I appreciate the supportive comments. It’s my hope that it might be out this year, but I can’t say at present. It’s out being read by beta readers after a first round of edits.
      When I was a young teen, everyone wanted to look like Twiggy. Very few over the age of 10 could pull off her style. It’s gone downhill since then. I had a friend who was a fashion model…she was in my eating disorder support group…who had horror stories of how she was encouraged to starve herself.
      Happy to oblige your character. 😉



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lish,

      I began my true recovery nearly 30 years ago. Elise seems like a dream to me now, although there are moments Annie tries to whisper in my ear. I consider myself blessed to be alive to tell this, albeit, fictionalized story. Although, there’s nothing fictitious about this particular scene. Thank you for your encouraging words.




  • I applaud you, Rochelle, for overcoming your struggle and being brave enough to share with the world. I hope your book finds the success it deserves.

    We are often our own worst enemies. I have social anxiety issues. The “voices” in my head often gang up on me and keep me from doing things.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Nobbin,

      Thank you for your encouraging and affirming comments. I look back on those struggles today with thanksgiving that I wasn’t successful in my attempts to disappear. Life is full and enjoyable now. Which is not to say I don’t battle occasional bouts of anxiety. I’m an ambivert for the most part…I don’t do well in large crowds. The internet is perfect for me. 😉 Again, thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear James,

      We do eat at too many buffets. The Asian ones are my favorites. However at that point, it was a great place to mask my eating disorder. A mound of veggies and lettuce. No real substance but it made others think (or so I thought) that I was eating a lot of food. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Sometimes I think it’s only when you can look back on something and reiterate the feelings and actions in words that you can be certain you are completely beyond the scope such a phase in your life. I look forward to reading your book when published.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sandra,

      Exactly. I couldn’t have written this book 20 years ago. I did write a short story about 12 years ago. Then I started the novel, got four chapters into it and put it aside. It really is all about timing and where I am in my life now. I barely relate to Elise these days.
      Thank you for such an affirming comment.




    • Dear Brenda,

      Not wanting to give too much away, I will say that Elise is a fighter, even when she doesn’t think she is. We all battle inner voices to varying degrees, don’t we? Thank you for your encouraging comments.




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