26 May 2023

Published May 24, 2023 by rochellewisoff

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The next photo is the PROMPT. Remember, all photos are property of the photographer, donated for use in Friday Fictioneers only. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose without express permission. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor credit.

PHOTO PROMPT © Amanda Forestwood

Genre: Anectdote
Word Count: 100


After 15 hours of cumulative flight time and layovers, we made it to our hotel in Tel Aviv. I stowed my luggage in my room and boarded the elevator to join my companions in the lobby.

Just before level L the elevator stalled. In desperation I banged on the door.

“The technician’s on his way,” a serviceman told me. “But he’s stuck in traffic.”

I sank to the floor and played video games on my phone; grateful claustrophobia isn’t one of my problems.

An hour later, I was released from my 6-by-6-foot prison.

From now on I’ll use the stairs.

The management was quite apologetic about my ordeal. I told her I’m a writer and would have to write about this. I promised not to use any names. She just laughed and said, “Free publicity.” At any rate, she said they would treat me nice. She was true to her word. Later when I went to my room, this was waiting for me.

A few more pics from the trip. I’ve way too many to share. The lady with the two-towned hair and beautiful smile is my cousin Wendy who lives in Tel Aviv. Could’ve been the highest point of my trip. ❤ One of our missions as a humanitarian group was to take stuffed animals to hospitalized children. (will never forget the smiles).

58 comments on “26 May 2023

    • Dear Trent,

      I got my first clown nose from that certain FF participant. 😉 They were a hit with the kids. As I said, I’m fortunate not to be claustrophobic. If I’d been stuck at the top of a Ferris wheel it would’ve been Panic City. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Hi Rochelle, it seems alls well that ends well. Once, I was trapped in a lift with my daughter after returning from swimming. We were not lucky to receive any form of compensation when released, as you did. A good story that ends by fitting the photo-prompt.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jen,

      I’m not sure the laptop would’ve done me much good in the elevator. I couldn’t get a signal on the phone. Scrabble and another game were my option. It was a mere glitch in an otherwise wonderful tour. Thank you.




  • You handled it much better than I would have. I’m not claustrophobic, but I hate being “trapped’ anywhere. From the pics it’s easy to see you had a grand time of your vacay. Great story to share, and a memory to hold. Shalom, Bear

    Liked by 1 person

      • I take things like “elevator entrapment”, traffic jams. etc as a sign to slow down, admire G’d’s handi-work, or just simple to utter a few prayers for people in need. Shalom, Rochelle


    • Dear Linda,

      This is a journey that will live on in my mind and spirit forever. Divine appointments made it so meaningful.
      As for the stairs. I didn’t always take them as we were generally on the 5th or 6th floor depending on which hotel we stayed in…there were three. The first in Tel Aviv, the second in Tiberius and the third and longest stay in Jerusalem. Happily there were no more elevator incidents, but my friends and I did make a lot of jokes about it.
      The wine I shared for our first erev shabbat meal. I brought the bottle home…a cherished souvenir. (and i can read the Cabernet Sauvignon in Hebrew 😉 )
      Glad you enjoyed my story and photos. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    Lemons to lemonade, eh? Good thing you are not claustrophobic and were able to keep yourself occupied while you waited. And what a lovely thing for them to do! Love your images!

    Shalom and lotsa inspired love,


    Liked by 1 person

  • Oh, man! That sounds absolutely nerve-wracking. Getting stuck in an elevator is everyone’s worst nightmare come true. Thankfully, you kept calm by utilizing technology and staying focused on survival mode. Now, after being set free from captivity, let’s hope the rest of this trip goes more smoothly. Your story is an encouragement for us to always look on the bright side and keep moving forward. Enjoy your stay in Tel Aviv and have fun exploring all the amazing things Israel has to offer! 👍👏👌😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Pankaj,

      It would’ve been worse for me to be stuck at the top of a Ferris wheel. 😉 As far as my stay in Tel Aviv, that journey ended a couple of weeks ago. It was a great time. Thank you.




  • Thank Steve Jobs for that little box to keep you entertained during your ordeal in that bigger box. Being from California, I’m always concerned about an earthquake when I’m in an elevator. I am claustrophobic, but I’d probably be all right in an elevator for a while. I’m glad you made it out alive without too much trauma. You got at least one story out of it and it looks like a nice bottle of wine and fruit platter. Other than that hiccup, it looks like you had an amazing trip.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Amanda,

      I was just happy to be sprung from the cubicle. 😉 The compensation was nice. They even left a gift bag for my roommate who hadn’t even gotten into Tel Aviv yet. Thank you for the lovely photo.



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